The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 7 Tibetan Village in Distress

Chapter 7 Tibetan Village in Distress
That day, Bai Fu, Zhang Zixuan, Ran Kai, and Li Xi followed Hou Qing and Ding Shujian to Chuanzhu Temple in Songzhou to buy medicinal materials.This area is the junction of the Tang Dynasty and Tubo, and is the territory of the Baima Tubo people. There are large tracts of virgin forests, which are rarely visited by people. They have bred many rare and exotic herbs in Tubo medicinal materials.

At sunset, the six brothers and sisters walked into a small stockade near Chuanzhu Temple according to the itinerary, and planned to stay overnight at the home of a familiar Tubo villager in the stockade.

As soon as he entered the entrance of the village, Hou Qing smelled a strong smell of blood. Looking around, the stream next to the big water tanker was actually stained red by the blood floating from upstream.

"No, there are bandits! Everyone be careful!" Hou Qing roared to remind everyone.

Bai Fu and the others quickly drew their swords, followed closely behind Hou Qing, and went into the stockade.

What I saw along the way was horrible. More than 20 Tibetans fell in a pool of blood.Men, women, young and old, women and children were all slaughtered.The Baima Tubo people have always been simple and hospitable.Every time they come here to buy medicinal materials, the old ladies of the Tubo ethnic group entertain the guests with the wild game that they are usually reluctant to eat.Seeing this tragic situation, Hou Qing and others' blood rushed upwards.

Ding Shujian was always calm, looked at the corpse briefly, and said in a low voice, "Everyone, be careful, the bandits have tough ideas. Tibetans practice hunting and are always tough, but these wounds are fatal in one blow! The corpse is still warm, and the culprit may still be in the village .Bai Fu and Zixuan, you two follow me closely. Ran Kai, Li Xi, you two follow Hou Qing closely, everyone must not be alone!"

A group of three formed two sword formations, carefully searching the village.Suddenly, a few women's cries came from the northwest corner of the village, and the six of them hurriedly performed lightness kung fu and ran after the sound.

Looking closer, one can vaguely see a strong man in the room, naked, raping two Tibetan girls.Hou Qing was furious, and took his two juniors, Ran Kai and Li Xi, to kill him inside the house.As soon as he got close to the door, he heard the sound of bowstrings, and a crossbow shot out from the roof obliquely behind, nailing Li Xi who was at the front to the door.Li Xi screamed and died on the spot.

Junior brother was killed in front of his eyes.Hou Qing's eyes were red, and he was about to jump on the roof to search for the ambush.In the room, a naked strong man, wearing a pair of calf trousers, with red face, dancing with a one-legged bronze figure, kicked open the door, jumped out of the room, and hit Hou Qing with a stick.

The one-legged bronze figure was powerful and heavy, Hou Qing didn't dare to catch it forcefully, and rolled on the ground, avoiding the sweep of the one-legged bronze figure.The naked burly man didn't wait for his moves to be exhausted, he flicked his wrist, and pointed his head at the Tanzhong acupoint on Hou Qing's chest.Such a heavy weapon can actually touch acupuncture points, which shows that this strong man is not only extremely strong, but also has such superb kung fu.

As soon as Hou Qing fought, he knew that he was in big trouble today, and he was definitely no match for this person.In desperation, he resorted to the Qingcheng Cloak Sword Technique, risking his life.The strong man was not afraid at all, and rushed towards Hou Qing with his long body.Hou Qing was overjoyed, the sword was like pear blossoms all over the sky, and the gust of wind pierced out.But when the point of the sword pierced the strong man, it was like a sword stabbing wood and stone, and he couldn't get any more points.It turned out that the strong man was trained horizontally by the Thirteen Taibao, and he was not afraid of swords.Just when Hou Qing had no time to withdraw his sword, the one-legged bronze figure of the strong man had arrived, and Hou Qing's brains were cracked by the blow.

Ran Kai was terrified, turned around and ran back.The strong man snorted coldly, picked up Hou Qing's sword, swung it hard, and nailed the sword into Ran Kai's back heart.Ran Kai twisted twice, but there was no more movement.

The three of Ding Shujian who rushed over immediately saw all this, their eyes were shattered!

"I'll fight with you!" Bai Fu roared, and was about to rush forward.Ding Shujian pulled it back and roared, "Three Talents Sword Formation!"

Ding Shujian knew that the three of him were no match for the strong man at all, so he could only save his life by organizing a sword formation to defend.

The strong man wiped the blood from the one-legged bronze figure's head on Hou Qing's body, and walked towards Ding Shujian and the others step by step, showing a cruel smile like an old cat teasing a mouse.

Ding Shujian chanted the mantra and commanded the sword array: "The whole world avoids the truth, and the void is like the wind."

Bai Fu and Zi Xuan immediately tightened their sword formations, guarding the two directions of Qian Kun.

The strong man didn't care, and directly attacked the sword array.Ding Shujian yelled: "The four phenomena appear out of the sky upside down, and the nine palaces can't stop looking for them."

Bai Fu and Zixuan quickly switched positions first, and then the three of them spun counterclockwise at the same time. Three swords were fired at once, piercing the strong man's eyes, chest, and three vital points in the lower genitals.The strong man did not dare to be careless when he saw the mystery of the sword array.Quickly dance the one-legged bronze figure to protect the vitals. "Dang Dang Dang", the three swords were all intercepted by the one-legged bronze man.

After the two moves, the strong man knew that Zixuan was the weakest of the three, and with a loud roar, he rushed straight at Zixuan.Seeing the strong man pressing down like a hill, Zixuan couldn't help but panic.The footsteps were a little slow, not keeping up with the moving speed of the sword array.There was a gap in the sword formation, and Bai Fu and Ding Shujian's attack was half an inch away from the strong man's vital point.This half-inch gap is enough to kill Zixuan.

In the nick of time, there was a sharp whistle from the roof, followed by a multitude of footsteps.Hearing that, the strong man immediately replaced the stick that hit Zixuan Tianling Gai with the momentum, jumped out of the sword array, and ran back to the house.Zixuan saved his life, his calf cramped, almost fell to the ground.

I saw a dozen soldiers rushing in from all around, tightly surrounding the house.Under the leadership of a general, he approached the house step by step.

"Wang Zhanshan, you can't run anymore, surrender your arms and surrender, the general will recognize your merits, maybe you can still spare your life!" The leading general shouted loudly into the room.

The room was silent for a while, when suddenly the door exploded, and the strong man jumped out in armor, yelling hoarsely: "Zhang dog thief, you have been chasing me for five days and five nights, aren't you fucking tired? If you want to do it, do it!" , don’t lie to me, wait a little longer, the reinforcements will arrive, right? Hahaha!”

Seeing that the strategy had been seen through, the general surnamed Zhang waved his right hand, calling for the soldiers to encircle him.Suddenly heard a few howls, several crossbow arrows fell from the sky, and before the soldiers could cover up, they shot and killed most of the surrounding soldiers in a short time.Immediately, a person wearing a camouflage costume appeared on the roof.This man looked exactly like a strong man, pointed at the general surnamed Zhang with a crossbow in his hand, and said with a sneer, "Zhang Gouzi, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

The general surnamed Zhang was shocked: "Wang Zhanhe, are you alive?"

The man holding the crossbow showed contempt on his face, and spat: "If you want my life, you deserve it too!"

The information is wrong, Wang Zhanhe is still alive, this is tricky!The general surnamed Zhang stopped talking, his face was solemn, he took a deep breath, slowly raised his knife, and prepared to fight.

Wang Zhanshan, a burly man in armor, let out a loud roar, rushed forward with a wave of the one-legged bronze man, and fought with the general surnamed Zhang.Taking advantage of the roof, Wang Zhanhe took the opportunity to shoot and kill other soldiers with crossbow arrows.General Zhang surnamed Zhang was fighting, where the corner of his eyes glanced, there were fewer and fewer soldiers, and he secretly panicked.When he was distracted for a moment, Wang Zhanshan's one-legged bronze figure struck him in the leg, breaking his leg bone and rolling him two meters away.

Wang Zhanshan and Wang Zhanhe looked at each other and smiled, Wang Zhanhe said: "Brother, kill them quickly, the battle is quick!"

"Okay!" Wang Zhanshan grinned grimly, and strode towards Ding Shujian and the others.

 Young people have little knowledge and don't know how difficult it is to make friends.One word is fragrant like osmanthus, and the whole world smells like orchids.

  The sword thinks of Chu, and the golden hammer promises to report to Han.An open mind is in vain, and there is no reason to follow the trail.

  Taixi closes the mountain and is dangerous, calling for the end of time.Forget the machine and meet the customs, keep the clumsy and Huai'an.

  Ruan Jikong shouted loudly, Liu Kun was not happy alone.The ten-step courtyard is full of fragrance, and the three autumn moons are full of moons.

  The pagoda trees are not exhaustive, and the pine is cold at night.Sad tuning is anxious, and poverty is wide when drunk.

  Don't lead the flowing water, and play it empty to the common people.

  ——"Ode to Huai" Luo Binwang
(End of this chapter)

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