The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 714 Fulfilling the Mission

Chapter 714 Fulfilling the Mission
There are many sages in Xiaoyaogong's descendants, and Erwei Zhou was sent to cherish this feast.

I can read the number to the number, and the poem does not need to be passed on to thousands of people!
The time is dangerous and the soldiers are in the yellow dust, and the days are short and the rivers and lakes are in front of the white hair.

Throughout the ages, weep and cry, heartbroken and parting ways.

——"Public Security Sends Wei Er Shao's Mansion Kuang Zan" Du Fu


At the end of the court meeting, Yan Zhenqing and Bai Fu went to court together.

Just now he played tricks on the issue of Guo and Li Ershuai, Bai Fu faced Yan Zhenqing with an apologetic look on his face.

Yan Zhenqing's face was serious, and he said: "General Bai, I understand your concerns. However, the higher the position, the greater the responsibility. Some things, if we don't say it, no one will say it.

In the rebellion of An Lushan, the Supreme Emperor listened to the slander, first killed two famous generals, Feng Changqing and Gao Xianzhi, and later forced Ge Shuhan to give up Tongguan and take the initiative to fight, which finally led to the fall of Tongguan and the fall of Chang'an...

Zichan, the great master of the state of Zheng, once said: "If you want to benefit the country, you can live and die with it."

The key node that determines the current situation, if there is a minister like Wei Zheng who risked his life to speak out, the tragedy of the Tang Dynasty might not have happened.

Our generation is an official, either for the glory and wealth, or for the benefit of the world, and there is no conflict between the two.There are high and low virtues and different abilities, and we cannot blame them for everything.Not everyone can be famous in history, but at least they can avoid HGYM and YCWN...

Among the prime ministers of the Tang Dynasty I know, Li Linfu is the most capable of being an official.He has been a prime minister for 20 years, and he can be described as an evergreen tree in the political arena.In terms of ability, he is definitely a top-notch capable official.But in terms of character, Li Linfu is cunning and cunning.

The root cause of the Anshi Rebellion lies in him.

He flattered the harem and bewitched the emperor, causing the entire court to be full of flattering and mediocre people such as Chen Xilie and Yang Guozhong.

He was worried that Wang Zhongsi and others would become prime ministers and replace him, so he gave the power of Jiedu envoy to a group of servile generals among Hu generals, which eventually led to the rebellion of An Lushan and Shi Siming. "

Yan Zhenqing's outspokenness and firmness made Bai Fu feel ashamed.

Bai Fu sighed, and argued: "Lord Yan, I originally wanted to speak up and speak up. But, as you have seen, Lu and Miao are singing together, they are digging a hole for me and trapping me in injustice."

Yan Zhenqing patted Bai Fu on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "General Bai, this is the moment to test you. As the saying goes, a prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach, it's not for nothing.

As the prime minister of the cabinet, if you want to lead the officials, you must not only rely on benevolence, loyalty and ability to take responsibility, but also rely on structure, knowledge and wisdom.

When you have experienced a lot, you will thoroughly understand: the highest wisdom and the highest morality are the same. "


Bai Fu pondered over Yan Zhenqing's words.He kept asking himself, if famous ministers such as Mr. Xu and Mr. Changsun put themselves in their shoes, what would they do?
For some reason, Li Linfu, Prime Minister of Power, kept appearing in front of Bai Fu's eyes.

After the polo decisive battle on the New Year's Eve that year, Li Linfu and Bai Fu drank alone at an unnamed wine shop by the Qujiang Pool and talked all night long.

This was the only meeting between Bai Fu and Li Linfu. Li Linfu smiled with a knife in his face, making Bai Fu unforgettable for a long time:

"Old man's skill and ability, you will not appreciate it until you reach the position of prime minister!"

Compared with Master Yan Zhenqing's gentleness, courtesy, and thrift, Li Linfu's swaying aura seems to be more like Bai Fu's temper:
"Respect the old man, the old man may not respect you; but if you offend the old man, the old man will definitely repay you double! A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, you will be repaid!"


The military situation was urgent and there was no need to delay. On the afternoon of the retreat, Bai Fu came to the two divisions of the Ministry of War, the Driving Department and the Treasury Department, to inspect.

The Ministry of War is one of the six departments of Shangshu Province. It consists of four divisions: Bingcao, Zhifang, Jiabu, and Kubu.One chief officer of the Ministry of War is the Minister of the Ministry of War of the third rank; two second officials are the servants of the Ministry of War of the fourth rank.Each division has officials such as Langzhong and Yuanwailang.

Bingcao, Zhifang, Driving Department, and Treasury Department are in charge of military officer selection and assessment (above the fifth rank will be sent to Zhongshu, and those below the sixth rank will be determined by the amount of qualifications), as well as military registration, maps, borders, frontier defense, car public, stables, post biography , equipment, ordnance, ceremonial guards and other military restraints, and the specific affairs related to them are handled by Taipu Temple, Weiwei Temple, Zhuwei and local governments respectively.

This time, Bai Fu mainly inspected military warehouses such as chariots, stables, post houses, equipment, ordnance.

After two hours of inspection, Bai Fu realized that the Tang treasury was empty and overwhelmed.The hundreds of warehouses that were originally full of military equipment were empty and covered with cobwebs.

Bai Fu's face darkened, and he questioned the Langzhong, Yuanwailang and other officials from the driving department and the treasury department.The officials also complained and explained the reasons one after another: there was a shortage of money allocated by the household department; there were not enough materials for making ordnance; there were not enough craftsmen...

After a day of inspection, Bai Fu realized that compared with the evaluation of the merits of Guo and Li in the court, the task of ensuring the supply of military supplies to the Tang army was a more fatal pitfall.

Bai Fu sneered, and put aside the grievances between Lu and Miao for now.Whether in public or private, I have to do my best to ensure the supply of the Shuofang Army.

Bai Fu carefully studied the list of military supplies submitted by General Guangbi, and decided to deal with military uniforms, bedding, tents and other supplies first.Seeing that autumn and winter are coming, the most urgent task is to solve the food and clothing expenses of the soldiers.

Kubu Langzhong asked eagerly: "My lord, if you don't provide weapons, but only provide military supplies, I'm afraid it will be disadvantageous to the war?"

Bai Fu recalled the past when the grass man borrowed arrows when Zhang Xun was guarding the city, and said to the officials: "There are not enough standing weapons such as spears, spears and arrows. The soldiers can still find their own solutions, cutting bamboo into spears, and melting iron to make up for knives." , No matter how bad it is, the weapons of the rebels can be seized.

If there are not enough warm clothes, is it possible to take off the clothes of the dead soldiers? "

Wai Lang, a member of the treasury department, settled the accounts and sighed: "My lord, if all the money allocated by the household department is used to make military uniforms, quilts and other military supplies, the money is enough, but the time is too late. In a short time, the military uniform workshop will not be able to recruit so many female sewing workers." .”

Bai Fu said: "Military uniform bedding is different from weapons, and design drawings need to be kept secret.

There are a large number of embroidery workshops in Chang'an City, and the best embroidery workshops are selected, and the production of military uniform bedding is outsourced to them.

We only need to provide a sample of the style and strictly control the verification.Payment will be made after acceptance.Military uniform bedding does not need to be neat and beautiful, the key is to keep warm.To sew the breastplate, shoulder and arm armor, the stitches must be meticulous..."

Before Bai Fu finished speaking, all the officials looked at each other with complicated expressions on their faces.

Bai Fu asked curiously: "But this official's idea is not right? I am also trying to drive ducks to the shelves. This is the first time I am handling this matter. Please speak freely."

Uai Lang, a member of the treasury department, said: "My lord's idea is not wrong. In the past, when the war was fierce, we couldn't rush to work, and we used to do this. It's just that the outsourcing of the production of general uniforms and quilts has one of the biggest difficulties."

Bai Fu said, "Tell me quickly."

Wai Lang, a member of the treasury department, said: "The production of general uniforms and quilts is outsourced. This business is quite lucrative. In the past, the officials who handled it were often unable to resist the temptation, and their hands and feet were not clean.

Even honest and honest officials will be closely watched by the censors for the reason of "everyone is innocent and full of crimes", and they are suspected of accepting bribes.

The official works alone, is stared at by five or six pairs of eyes, and is pulled by seven or eight ropes...

Therefore, after coming and going, everyone couldn't let go of their hands and feet, and they didn't want to take this muddy water.I'd rather not do anything than attract criticism and get into trouble..."

The blunt words of Wai Lang, a member of the Ministry of Treasury, made all the officials open the chatterbox, complaining one after another...

The trip to the Ministry of War made Bai Fu more knowledgeable.Inaction is not necessarily laziness, unwillingness to act, or cheating, but not daring to act under the constraints of strict rules.

Since you want to do something, you must dare to take responsibility.

Bai Fu was magnanimous and won the favor and trust of Emperor Suzong. He quickly dispelled everyone's worries and let everyone do it freely.

Bai Fu brainstormed, made a decisive decision, and decided on a plan based on everyone's opinions.

Seeing that Bai Fu dared to support everyone, all the officials immediately took action and divided up the implementation.

A few days later, the first batch of military uniform bedding was sewn and sent to the Ministry of War for acceptance.

Bai Fu randomly checked in the warehouse, and saw that the cotton-padded clothes kept warm and the quilts were thick, which were much better than the previous military supplies.

Bai Fu held a set of military uniforms in his hands, looked in the direction of Heyang City, and thought to himself: "The commander-in-chief, the last general, Bai Fu, will fulfill his mission!"

(End of this chapter)

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