The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 728 1 Stone 2 Birds

Chapter 728 Two birds with one stone

Life does not meet, moving like participating in business.

There will be a total of this light and candlelight in this evening.

How long can the young and strong, the temples and hairs are gray.

Interviewing the old half is a ghost, exclaiming the hot midgut.

Yan Zhi for twenty years, re-enter the Gentleman Hall.

——Excerpt from Du Fu's "Gift to the Eight Priests of the Guard"


Lu Chen was quite surprised, and looked at Yan Wu anxiously.

Yan Wu bowed to Emperor Suzong, and said: "Your Majesty, yesterday I received a report from Wei Boyu, the envoy of the Shence Army's camp.

General Wei Boyu said that the Shence Army camp recently received an order from the Ministry of War to transfer a general named Ma Zhong to the Shence Army as the captain of Zhechong.

General Wei Boyu's personal soldier is Ma Zhong's township party. He told General Wei that Ma Zhong is his pseudonym, and his real name is Pang Zhong. "

"Pang Zhong?" Su Zong searched in his mind, and said, "Why does this name sound so familiar?"

Taiyuan Yin, Hedong Jiedu envoy and imperial historian Wang Sili returned to Beijing to report on his duties, and happened to attend the court meeting on this day.

Hearing Pang Zhong's name, Wang Sili was furious, and came out and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, Pang Zhong is Ge Shuhan's confidant general.

In the Battle of Lingbao that year, Ge Shuhan's troops were divided into two groups. He and his subordinate Tian Liangqiu led 3 people across the Yellow River and marched on the north bank.The minister led 5 people as the vanguard to march from the south bank.Ge Shuhan ordered Pang Zhong to lead the Tang army's [-] main force as the Chinese army, following behind his ministers. ".

The minister was incompetent, and was ambushed by the rebel general Cui Qianyou, and the entire [-] forward army was wiped out.

Although the forward army suffered a disastrous defeat, the central army of the Tang army still has a full [-] main force, and there are [-] elite Tang troops on the north bank. Compared with the rebel army, they still have an absolute advantage in strength.

Ge Shuhan divided his force into three before the battle, also to prevent accidents and preserve strength.

As long as the Tang army stabilizes its position and adjusts its tactics, even if it loses temporarily, it can organize forces to fight back.

However, when the [-] main force led by Pang Zhong heard that the [-] forward battalion soldiers in front had been defeated, their morale was immediately lost, and they collapsed without a fight.

The 15 elite led by Ge Shuhan saw that the [-] troops on the south bank were dying and running, and they had no intention of fighting, so they scattered.

Just as the Ministry of War’s post-event investigation memorial stated: “When the rear army saw the defeat of the front army, they all collapsed, and the Hebei army also collapsed in anticipation of it. In an instant, both sides of the strait were empty.”

The 18 Eastern Expeditionary Army disappeared in one day.

Everyone knows what happened next: Tongguan failed, the rebels marched all the way westward, and captured Chang'an like a broken bamboo..."

Speaking of grief and anger, veteran Wang Sili burst into tears.

General Wang Sili lifted his shirt, knelt on one knee in front of the hall, cupped his fists and said, "Pang Zhong escaped in front of the battle and caused a catastrophe.

Instead of committing suicide and apologizing, he dared to change his name and return to the army as a general? !

Terrible!Extremely shameless!
I ask you to tear this person into tens of thousands of pieces and pay homage to the tens of thousands of soldiers who died in the battle of Lingbao! "

After Suzong heard this, he was furious, slapped the armrest of the dragon chair, and angrily said: "Who issued Ma Zhong's transfer order?!"

Lu Chen trembled in fright, and hurriedly replied: "His transfer order was issued by the minister, but I really don't know that he is Pang Zhong?
This person was immediately recommended to the minister by General Mastiff Wei.Immediately tell the subordinates that Ma Zhong is his brother from afar, who was originally in the army in Qinzhou.

Because of the quarrel with Wei Lun, the defense officer of Qinzhou, he hopes to be transferred to the Shuofang Army to make contributions. "

That's why I changed his name for him, forged his military registration, and transferred him to the Shence Army camp.

Because of the immediate guarantee, the minister did not doubt his identity.

Now that the war is in full swing, it is the time when the army employs people, and I also hope to recruit some generals who are good at fighting for the Tang Dynasty..."

Before Lu Chen finished speaking, Suzong picked up the golden teacup next to his hand and slammed it at Lu Chen.Lu Chen didn't dare to dodge, his head was bleeding from the hit.

Suzong pointed at Lu Chen, and said angrily: "Can recruit generals who are good at fighting? Bah! Do you still want my soldiers to die another [-] in his hands?!"

Come on, drag this idiot down, put him in a sky prison, torture him, and investigate this matter thoroughly.

Everyone involved in the world will be punished severely! "

Lu Chen's face was ashen, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop, his head like a garlic pound.

The two Qianniu guards on duty cleanly removed Lu Chen's imperial crown and dragged him out of the hall.

"My minister is wronged, my minister is wronged..."

Bai Fu looked at Lu Chen's distressed appearance, crying and howling, and sneered secretly: "I am sure that someone will take revenge, don't you know?"

After the Battle of Lingbao, Pang Zhong knew that he had caused a catastrophe, so he concealed his name and hid in the Qiang tribe in Longzhou.

At the beginning of the year, Cui Guangyuan, the governor of the Fengxiang war zone, defeated more than [-] Qiang and Hun tribes in Jingzhou and Longzhou.

Pang Zhong was taken as a prisoner of war and escorted to Fengxiang.During the escort process, Pang Zhong waited for an opportunity to escape, hid in the shanty town of Pingkangfang in Chang'an City, and joined the underground gang.

It was not easy for Xiong Badou, a bad handsome man in Chang'an County, to find out this person. After some investigation, he found out the real identity of this person.

When Bai Fu was determined to attack Lu Chen, Xiong Badou devised a poisonous plan to kill two birds with one stone.

First find a master of disguise to pretend to be Pang Zhong, and bribe the eunuch with a lot of money to speak immediately.Then use the mastiff guard's monstrous power to force Lu Chen to submit.

When the Ministry of War dispatched the order, Bai Fu then ordered Pang Zhong to be sent to the Shence Army to be guarded by Wei Boyu.At the same time, Pang Zhong's true identity was reported to the court.

It was an unexpected surprise for Wang Sili, the Jiedu envoy of Hedong and the doctor of imperial history, to return to the capital to report on his duties and participate in the court meeting.The old general's accusation was like adding fuel to the fire, so that Li Fuguo, the backer of the mastiff guard, did not dare to intervene in this matter.

Prince Li Chu and Li Fuguo watched Lu Chen and Ma Mayan being captured on the spot, not daring to protect them.

This plan kills two birds with one stone, weakening the power of the mastiff guard and the prince at the same time.The ins and outs of this matter are clear, the process is seamless, and no one knows that Bai Fu is planning behind it.Li Fuguo and Li Chu can only blame themselves for being careless in employing people, and they think they are unlucky.


This is a big matter, Emperor Suzong ordered the three divisions to interrogate, and the truth was quickly found out:

The eunuch, General Mastiff Guard, immediately accepted Pang Zhong's bribe, and found Lu Chen, the secretary of Tong Zhongshu and the Minister of the Ministry of War, and asked Lu Chen to help Pang Zhong find a position in the army.

Lu Chen was forced by the mastiff guard's despotic power to help Pang Zhong change his name and surname, forged his military registration, and was transferred to the Shence Army Camp.

When the incident was revealed, Suzong Longyan was furious, and issued an order to beat the eunuch, General Mastiff Guard, to death with sticks in the downtown area.General Wei Boyu was ordered to show Pang Zhongxiao's head to the public and hang it in front of the barracks as a warning to others!
At the court meeting, Suzong publicly reprimanded Li Fuguo, fined him and demoted him from office.Li Fuguo kowtowed to apologize, but dared not argue.

Although Lu Chen was coerced by mastiff guards, he didn't know about it, but he abused his power, which was an unforgivable crime.

Under the vigorous mediation of the prince's party, although Lu Chen was not imprisoned and changed to be a guest of the prince (also a third grade), he had no real power and was reduced to a false position.

Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice.Bai Fu didn't frame him, instead he got a prime minister involved.In the prince's party, only Miao Jinqing, Pei Mian, Wang Yu and others were ministers in the cabinet. After Lu Chen was dismissed as prime minister, the power of the prince's party was reduced by a few points.

Prince Li Chu saw that his position in the heart of his father was greatly reduced, and he was restless and bored all day long...

 Life does not meet, moving like participating in business.

  There will be a total of this light and candlelight in this evening.

  How long can the young and strong, the temples and hairs are gray.

  Interviewing the old half is a ghost, exclaiming the hot midgut.

  Yan Zhi for twenty years, re-enter the Gentleman Hall.

  The sons and daughters were suddenly married.

  Yiran respected his father and asked me where I came.

  The question and answer is not over yet, Qu'er Luo wine syrup.

  Yeyu cuts spring chives, and yellow beams in the new cooking room.

  The Lord said that meeting was difficult, and it was exhausting.

  Ten people are not drunk, the feeling is deliberately long.

  Tomorrow is separated by the mountains, and the world is boundless.

  ——"Gift to the Eight Guards" Du Fu


(End of this chapter)

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