The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 734 Ups and Downs

The Big Dipper is tall, and Ge Shuye has a knife.

So far, I have seen the herding horses, but I dare not pass Lintao.

——"Geshu Song" Xixiaren (Tang Dynasty)


Just when everyone thought that the East Palace was sure to win, Prince Li Chu stood up and saluted Suzong: "Thank you for your father's kindness, but I will not be rewarded for my lack of merit. There is no one under my command, so there is no need to compete in this competition." , my son admits defeat."

Before the crown prince could finish his sentence, all civil and military officials in the court were shocked, and the hall exploded again.

This time, even Su Zong was stunned. He stared deeply at Prince Li Chu with deep eyes, and said slowly, "I'm getting old, so I can't hear clearly. Chu Er, can you repeat it again?"

Prince Li Chu said in a loud voice: "Father is above me, my minister is not willing to fight with the same room, this contest, my minister admits defeat."

Su Zong nodded, and responded in a deep voice: "Okay...okay...okay. Since you have made a choice, I will fulfill you."

After finishing speaking, Su Zong looked at the officials in the hall and said, "My son is benevolent, filial, gentle and respectful. I am very pleased. I announce that this competition will be cancelled."

"Long live Long live Long live!"

All the ministers stood up in unison, bowed to the end, and saluted the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

This much-anticipated imperial competition ended without a problem like this, which made everyone unexpected.


Su Zong was no longer interested, got up and left his seat, and led all his concubines back to Daming Palace.

The rest of Li Tang's royal family, princes and nobles also got up and left the banquet one by one, leaving the hall one after another.

The whole banquet was full of twists and turns, which was dizzying.

The courtiers left the hall with unfinished thoughts, and gathered in groups of three or four in the square, whispering to each other.

The content of the conversation has its own emphasis, but all the courtiers have a consensus: Although there is no imperial competition between the East Palace and the Yue Palace tonight, the battle for the heirloom has not stopped because of this.On the contrary, the drama of the brothers fighting against the wall has just begun.

Bai Fu's appearance could have killed the "Xuanwu Gate Change" in the bud, but what Prince Li Chu did ruined it all.

In the eyes of the courtiers, it was unbelievable that Prince Li Chu refused Bai Fu's public allegiance.Under the situation of Yue Wang Li's aggressive competition for the heir, the actions of the prince Li Chu are completely unreasonable, and it can even be said bluntly - extremely stupid.

The prince's Taifu Li Xian was very disappointed with the prince.There is absolutely no need for Li Chu to humiliate Bai Fu and miss the best chance of reconciliation with Datang God of War.

Li Xian couldn't hold back the anger in his heart. After the banquet, he ignored the etiquette and walked away without even looking at Prince Li Chu.

Fusang saint Fujiwara Rika observed this farce in the Tang court with great interest.As a woman, she has a different perspective.

In the scene just now, apart from Princess Qingluan looking at Bai Fu with tears streaming down her face, there was another person who cared unusually for Bai Fu.

This person is none other than the concubine of the other party - Dugu Xiaozhong.

There was a smile on the corner of Fujiwara Rika's mouth, cruel and gentle.

Taking advantage of people's unpreparedness, Fujiwara Rika used a pair of small tweezers to gently grab a few hairs left by Bai Fu on the mat, and quietly put them into a silver tube in the cuff.

Fujiwara Rika's movements are light and elegant, as if picking the most beautiful bouquet into a vase.

Fujiwara Li smiled sweetly, and said in a gnat voice: "After leaving the banquet, you don't touch the food and drink anymore, are you worried that I will poison you? You underestimate the methods of our Ise Shrine."


Outside the Linde Hall, Princess Qingluan was so regretful that she cried into tears.

His own childishness not only caused Bai Fu to be publicly humiliated by the prince, but also made Bai Fu openly intervene in the battle for the prince's succession, offending King Yue and other princes.

His self-willedness put Bai Fu in a dangerous situation and got him into trouble.It is very difficult for Princess Qingluan to forgive herself.

Bai Fu knew that this was Princess Qingluan's unintentional fault, the matter had come to an end, there was no point in complaining.With a sunny face, he was relaxed and calm, playing tricks, coaxing Princess Qingluan to smile through her tears.

Seeing that Princess Qingluan's mood improved, Bai Fu handed Princess Qingluan to Princess Ningguo and gave some instructions.

Princess Ningguo nodded, and said earnestly: "Lord Bai, don't worry, I will live in Qingluan's bedroom tonight, and I will take good care of her.

Today's matter, on the contrary, I am worried about you.

You love Luan'er and treat her sincerely. We sisters all see it and are happy for Luan'er.But you can't get too used to her.

At the court banquet tonight, you neither reconciled with the crown prince, but also offended the king of Yue for no reason. I am afraid that there will be endless troubles in the future...

Listen to what I said, don't worry about Luan'er's filial piety for Concubine Wei, and marry Luan'er back to the mansion as soon as possible.

Luan'er is the most beloved princess of the father and the prince's younger sister, so her identity is too sensitive.She grew up in the palace since she was a child, with golden branches and jade leaves, kind and simple, and did not know the dangers of the world.

There are too many people thinking about Luan'er, even if the two of you are stronger than each other, it's best not to let others take advantage of it.

Get married as soon as possible, beware of long nights and dreams..."


After sending Princess Qingluan and Princess Ningguo to the carriage, Bai Fucai led his entourage and headed towards Duke Wei's mansion.

On the way back home, Bai Fu carefully replayed the scene just now.

The reason why I went to fight on behalf of the crown prince was because of Princess Qingluan on the one hand, and on the other hand, I understood Suzong's deep eyes.

The essence of power games lies in games, compromises and checks and balances.

The dynamic balance of all forces is what the emperor wants to see most.

Although Suzong was dissatisfied with the recent performance of the prince's party, he had no intention of abolishing the reserve for the time being.

After all, Li Chu was trained as the prince from Xuanzong's grandson.In addition to being not very broad-minded, Li Chu has a deep and deep personality, is decisive, and his speech and behavior are in line with royal etiquette.In particular, his emotions and anger are not visible, and his government affairs are remarkable, which fully meets the requirements of a prince.

On the contrary, Yue King Li Xi misjudged the holy will, and his intention to fight for the heir was too high-profile and obvious. He wanted to turn his Yue King's Mansion into the second Qin King's Tiance Mansion, which violated Suzong's taboo.

Suzong hinted that Bai Fu would play, and asked Bai Fu to publicly express his support for the East Palace, to deter the Yue King Li Xi and other princes, and to prevent the situation from evolving into the scene of the Xuanwu Gate.

It's a pity that Li Chu's prejudice against Bai Fu is too deep, and he is not generous enough.Resentment blinded Li Chu's eyes, he openly rejected Bai Fu, and made a stupid mistake.

From then on, the princes will definitely have the heart to win the heir, and the tragic situation of brothers fighting against the wall will be repeated.I'm afraid this is the fate of Li Tang's clan.

Thinking of this, Bai Fu secretly sighed: "Everything is different from political affairs."

In the vortex of power, it seems that the scenery is infinite, but in fact, the swords and swords are frightening every step of the way.Even if I was not careful, I would put my wealth and life in it.

As soon as he embarks on an official career, his eyebrows are broken, his mind is exhausted, and it is difficult to be peaceful and happy in his heart.

Bai Fu secretly speculated that if the head of Qingxuan had assisted Princess Taiping to win the power struggle, according to his master's heart, he would have chosen to retreat bravely and hide in Qingcheng.


Bai Fu sat on the horse, concentrating on his thoughts.

Suddenly an indescribable feeling came to my heart, as if there was an invisible pressure, which made me very uncomfortable.

Bai Fu's spirit was lifted, and he quickly raised to the limit.The true energy of the cauldron roared out, filling the meridians.

Bai Fu's eyes immediately brightened up, not because someone lit a lamp, but because of the circulation of Xun Kan's true energy, Bai Fu's eyesight suddenly multiplied.

This is a spiritual level that Bai Fu has never reached.Although there have been occasions of increased induction in the past, they are far less clear than this time.

The sense of danger is fleeting.

Bai Fuhu roared: "Be careful, there are assassins!"

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