The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 738 Himiko Witchcraft

Chapter 738 Himiko Witchcraft

Heaven and earth are infinite, and yin and yang are transformed into phases.

People live in the world, suddenly like the wind blowing dust.

I wish to show my achievements and lose my strength to Mingjun.

With this Wang Zuocai, generosity is unique.

——Excerpt from "Xie Lu Xing" Cao Zhi [Two Han]


Heaven and earth are infinite, and yin and yang are transformed into phases.

People live in the world, suddenly like the wind blowing dust.

I wish to show my achievements and lose my strength to Mingjun.

With this Wang Zuocai, generosity is unique.

Lin Jie respects the dragon, and the beast sect Qilin.

Insects and beasts still know virtue, let alone scholars.

Kong's poems and books were deleted, and Wang Yecan had already divided them.

Gallop my diameter Cunhan, flow algae down Huafen.

——"Xie Lu Xing" Cao Zhi [Two Han]


Bai Fu spent all his time waiting for this moment.

Seeing the middle-aged barbarian's opening, Bai Fu did not give in. He swung his saber out like a scythe, and slashed at the middle-aged barbarian's chest in a circular arc.

Seeing that the middle-aged barbarian was about to die downstairs, the middle-aged barbarian let out a yell, accumulating the remaining strength, using his right leg as the axis, pointing his left toe, took an arc step, and turned around in an instant.

The middle-aged barbarian, who used to wear a white beard robe, changed his clothes on the back, and turned out to be a set of dark black armor.

The back of the barbarian's head was wearing a Shura mask with blue face and fangs, which was eerie.

I don't know how this inconsistent costume was made. If you didn't see it turn around with your own eyes, you would think it was another assassin.

After the middle-aged barbarian turned around, the back of his head wearing the Shura mask seemed to have eyes, and he received Bai Fu's blow with the dark black armor on his back.

The stellar qi on the tip of Bai Fu's knife slashed on the black armor, and miraculously disappeared, like a mud cow entering the sea, being sucked into the black armor by a brain.

The middle-aged barbarian spat out a mouthful of blood, opened his arms, and the sleeves and ribs of the clothes formed a piece of clothes, like the folded wings of a bat, opened one by one.

The middle-aged barbarian waved his wings, like a huge black bat, bent down, spread its wings towards the gate of the city, and retreated quickly.

It was the first time in Bai Fuping's life that he encountered such a weird kung fu.

Bai Fu was about to give chase when he suddenly heard the sound of galloping horses behind him.Turning his head, he saw hundreds of cavalry soldiers of the Beiya imperial army galloping forward with swords and guns and bright armor.

"It's important to save people."

Bai Fu couldn't care less about chasing the middle-aged barbarian, he jumped high on his toes, held the black iron saber high in both hands, and slashed out with the blade glowing like a sickle.The two iron cables as thick as arms snapped apart like a hemp rope being cut.

"Bang" sound,
The huge suspension bridge crashed down, laying across the tens of feet wide waterway, connecting Jiacheng and Chang'an Neighborhood.

The iron cavalry of the Beiya imperial army rushed towards the suspension bridge quickly.

A strange thing happened. Dense water plants grew in the waterway, as thick and tight as a Persian carpet.The water plants gradually turned blood red, dyeing the entire waterway in the color of blood.

On the waterway, a cloud of blood-colored mist the size of a bucket floated out, about six or seven feet high, coming in a whirlwind, rushing towards the Beiya cavalry.

The smell of blood mist is filthy, far better than the smell of fish. There are actresses singing in it, like moaning.

The bloody mist swirled to the horse's head, and the war horse stared at the big copper bell eyes, the horse's mane stood on end, and the man stood up, neighing non-stop.Even if the cavalry whipped the horse with a whip, the horse would not take a step forward.

All the cavalry were surprised and reined in their horses to see if there was anything unusual about them.I just felt that the mane of the war horse seemed to grow a few feet longer than before.After turning over the horse's mane, the cavalry found that there was a thin thread hidden in the mane, which seemed to be a thin red thread.

General Zhonglang of the Forbidden Army was furious and ordered to brush off the red line.The cavalry did so, and as soon as they brushed off the red line, the red line scattered in the wind.At this moment, the war horse fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and died without a sound.

The cavalry were terrified.

After the bloody mist withdrew and left, it turned around and rushed towards the cavalry again.

After a flick of a finger, the bloody mist left suddenly, attacking Bai Fu.

After the fog cleared, dozens of soldiers covered their throats with their hands, and the corpses lay here.The rest of the imperial cavalry showed fear on their faces, as if seeing a ghost.Without waiting for the order from the chief, they fled in all directions and were defeated.


When the fog hit, Bai Fu had already started to run.He moved a few times and jumped onto the tower, hoping to lead the mist to the man in black who was holding the crossbow on the tower.

There was no one on the tower, and the men in black had all withdrawn at some point, leaving only dozens of Meteor Crossbows burnt to ashes.

The bloody mist was like a living thing, rushing up the tower, chasing after it, enveloping Bai Fu in an instant.

Bai Fu suddenly lost his sight.

Bai Fu was worried that the mist contained a strong poison, so he simply closed his eyes, held his breath, and slashed with his knife based on his whole body's perception.

The mist was formless and lingering, growing bigger and bigger with Bai Fu's strength.

Bai Fu felt that his whole body was covered densely with blood-red water plants, which made it hard to breathe.Bai Fu's hands and feet were also covered with blood-red aquatic plants, and he began to move around non-stop, and it became more and more difficult to swing the knife.

A whisper came from the blood-colored mist, and after entering Baifu's ear drum, it gradually turned into a wonderful rhyme.Apparently, there was a top magician, who cast black magic beside him, and launched a full-scale attack on Baifu like mercury pouring down the ground.

After the singing sounded, the blood-red aquatic plants suddenly turned into endless blood-red earthworms, and they drilled into Bai Fu's mouth, eyes, and ear holes without any gap.

If someone is watching, the hairs will stand on end and the hairs stand on end.

Bai Fu knew that when the earthworm entered the orifice, it was the moment when he died.

Facing the fierce attack of the demonic voice and demonic figure, Bai Fu secretly worked out the sword formula to keep the altar clear.The subduing magic pestle on Bai Fu's chest encountered a demon, and it spun rapidly, bursting out mantras, dispelling the audio-visual illusions in front of Bai Fu one by one.

Bai Fu's mind is as firm as a rock, and he doesn't move at all.The screams of the Beiya imperial guards before they were massacred could not affect Bai Fu's clear state of mind.

Life is like a journey, we are just passers-by.

Life and death are just a short illusion for Bai Fu at this moment, and there is nothing outside his mind.


At the critical moment when Bai Fu controlled the mind ape and fought against the sorcery, a thing flew out of Chang'an City, shaped like a yarn-woven lantern, and radiated colorful glazed lights.

The lantern flew extremely fast, like a shooting star, and with the sound of thunder, it crossed the Chunming Gate of the Chang'an City Tower, and came over the Suspension Bridge of the Imperial City in an instant.

The lantern gradually grows from the size of a mung bean to as big as several dendrobiums, chasing the bloody mist.

The lantern emits colorful glazed light, and where the light shines, the bloody mist instantly turns into a wisp of light smoke, which curls up and disappears with the wind...

The fleeing soldiers trapped in the bloody mist were rescued one by one.

"Rescue has arrived."

Bai Fu was exhausted, and finally couldn't hold on any longer. He spurted out a mouthful of blood, and fainted on the spot...


Bai Fu fell into a coma for three days and three nights, and when he woke up again, he was already lying in his own sleeping tent in Duke Wei's mansion.

After Bai Fu woke up, his mind was sometimes confused, and his whole body was limp and weak, as if infected with the plague.

Seeing that Bai Su had woken up, the maid hurriedly summoned someone, it was Zi Che Crack.

Bai Fu struggled to get up, and asked in the first sentence: "Brother Zi Che, how are the soldiers doing?"

Zi Che Li sighed, and said: "Bei Ya Imperial Guards are alright, half of them have been rescued. However, your personal entourage...

Alas, only Yue Suigong was left alive, and he was seriously injured, the rest of the soldiers died heroically. "

Most of these followers are disciples of Tang Sect and Chuan Gang, and they are siblings with Bai Fu.Their death made Bai Fu feel unbearable grief.

A layer of water mist appeared in Bai Fu's eyes, which were immediately burned dry by the flames of hatred.

Bai Fu clenched his fists tightly and said: "Blood debt is paid with blood. I will not let any of these assassins go. After I find out, I will kill them with my own hands and pay homage to all brothers."


After a while, Bai Fu's mood gradually calmed down.Bai Fu suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Brother Zi Che, aren't you protecting Ma Daifeng in Heyang?"

Zi Che cracked and said with a smile: "I was watching my breath two days ago, and when I saw dense clouds above Chang'an City, there was no rain, and the demon clouds were densely covered, so I knew that someone was using a sorcery. After divination, I found that this sorcery was aimed at you.

So, I asked Tian Bianlang to carry me on his back, spread his wings and fly high, and finally arrived in time. "

A warm current welled up in Bai Fu's heart, and he shook Zi Che's cracked hand.

Zi Che said: "The opponent's sorcery is treacherous and profound. Fortunately, you have the Bodhidharma Subduing Demon Pestle by your side to help you protect the altar and heart."

Bai Fu was puzzled and asked: "Brother Zi Che, it is said that there is a magic pestle, so shouldn't be deceived by the illusion? Why am I still tricked?"

Zi Che cracked: "This is exactly what I want to ask carefully. What is your hallucination after being enchanted by the demon?"

Bai Fu talked about what he saw and felt when he was trapped in the bloody mist.Talking about the blood-red aquatic plants and earthworms, Bai Fu once again shuddered, his skin covered in goosebumps.

Zi Che cracked his face solemnly, and after listening, he closed his eyes and pinched his fingers to calculate.Seeing his serious expression, Bai Fu didn't dare to disturb him.

After burning a stick of incense, Zi Che cracked his eyes and said, "Brother, you were hit by the blood witchcraft of Queen Himiko of the Yamatai Wa Kingdom in the Cao Wei era. Originally, you had the magic pestle for protection, so it was difficult to fall for it.

However, the spell caster has collected your hair and blood, and used your hair and blood to perform the blood witch technique, so that he can take advantage of it and break the vajra protection of the subduing magic pestle. "

Bai Fu was taken aback, he didn't know when his opponent got his hair and blood.


 Heaven and earth are infinite, and yin and yang are transformed into phases.

  People live in the world, suddenly like the wind blowing dust.

  I wish to show my achievements and lose my strength to Mingjun.

  With this Wang Zuocai, generosity is unique.

  Lin Jie respects the dragon, and the beast sect Qilin.

  Insects and beasts still know virtue, let alone scholars.

  Kong's poems and books were deleted, and Wang Yecan had already divided them.

  Gallop my diameter Cunhan, flow algae down Huafen.

  ——"Xie Lu Xing" Cao Zhi [Two Han]

(End of this chapter)

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