Chapter 751
The Han River goes back thousands of miles, and it is sent as a nine-dragon pan.

Cui Wei flew swiftly as he collapsed across China.

After the fall of the Six Emperors, the Three Wus were insignificant.

My king is mixed with Yu, and everyone is safe.

Today, as a son, the Canglang stopped fishing.

——"Jinling Looking at the Han River" Li Bai


Datang implemented the system of "three judges". In case of a case reported to the imperial court, it would be tried by the junior ministers such as Menxia Province, Zhongshu Sheren, and Yushitai Yushi; major cases would be heard by Dali Temple Minister, The minister of the Ministry of punishment and the censor Zhongcheng jointly tried.

In view of the seriousness of the case, Emperor Suzong decreed that the case of selling military crossbows and Bai Fu's assassination should be jointly tried by Dali Siqing, Minister of Criminal Affairs, and Yushi Zhongcheng.

After the children of the Lu and Cui families entered the sky prison, facing the cold instruments of torture and the tyrannical guards, these pampered sons and daughters were terrified to pee.

It didn't take much effort for Dali Temple to judge the affairs, and it opened the mouths of these young masters.What should be said and what should not be said, these young masters have all told the truth.

Lu Zi has been in the arms business all along, and has been getting acquainted with generals in the army who have resources through the contacts of the aristocratic family.

As soon as these meteor crossbows came out, they were extremely powerful, and Lu Zi immediately sniffed out business opportunities.

However, the Meteor Crossbow is a sharp weapon in the army, and it is strictly controlled, so Lu Zi can't buy it from the Tang army in Duji Province, Henan Province and other places.

With an idea, Lu Zi found a way to obtain the dispatch record of Liannu from the Ministry of War, followed the map, and tried to find out possible supply channels.

The Tang army in the Fengxiang theater mainly defended the Qiang and Hun tribes in Jingzhou and Longzhou, and the control was relatively loose.So, through Cui Xunhe, Lu Zi contacted Cui Jingwan, the third house of the Cui family in Boling.

Cui Jingwan had a record of selling general fire to Tubo, Huihe and other armies before. Seeing that Lu Zi was asking for a lot of money, he sold this batch of Liannu to Lu Zi without saying a word.

After Lu Zi got the Liannu, he wanted to send these Liannu to Fan Yang and sell them to the rebels stationed in Fan Yang.Unexpectedly, a Goguryeo buyer came out halfway and bought these batches of crossbows at a price several times that of the rebels.There is only one condition, that these batches of Liannu should be secretly transported into Chang'an.

At the same time, the buyer of Goguryeo promised that once these batches of crossbows are used, they will destroy all of them, so as to ensure that no one can find out the clues of these batches of crossbows.

Transporting the Meteor Crossbow into Chang'an, the wolfish ambitions of the Goguryeo people are clearly revealed, and it is definitely not a trivial matter to do.

Lu Zi was anxious and hesitated again and again.Seeing this, Koguryo buyers kept raising prices.After thinking about it, Lu Zisi still couldn't resist the temptation, and finally transported the batch of Liannu to Chang'an through Lu's caravan.

In order to draw a clear line with the Goguryeo people and prevent the disaster from moving eastward, Lu Zi deliberately relaxed his guard, let the Goguryeo people sneak into the warehouse, stole these army crossbows, and faked the illusion that the warehouse was stolen.

If one day, the Dongchuang incident happens, it can only be said that the ordnance in his private possession was stolen, and it has nothing to do with what the Goguryeo people committed.

Lu Zi thought to himself that all the major families in Chang'an secretly hid ordnance, but the number varied.Everyone is well aware of this matter.If the source of the Liannu is really found out, relying on the family connections and the power of the prince, they will definitely be able to save the day and avoid major incidents.

In the eyes of the children of rich families like Lu Zi, the so-called slogans such as "the prince breaks the law and the common people are the same crime" are deceiving the common people. In the past dynasties, only the dignitaries who offended the emperor were punished. Kill example.

When the news of Bai Fu's assassination came out, Lu Zi knew the purpose of the Meteor Crossbow, so he had no scruples.

Bai Fu is a son of a poor family, not to mention he hasn't married the princess, even if he becomes a son-in-law, he is only from the family of relatives, not the orthodox blood of the five surnames and Qiwang family.What's more, Bai Fu offended the prince first, and when the prince ascended the throne, he was no longer prominent.

After thinking through these points, Lu Zi became more and more unscrupulous.When the Goguryeo buyer came to Lu Zi again and told them that all the crossbows had been destroyed, and hoped that the assassins could leave Chang'an through Lu's caravan, Lu Zi readily agreed.

Of course, this favor will not be in vain, and Lu Zi will make a fortune again.

In order to ensure safety, Lu Zi encouraged Cui Jingwan to disguise the assassins as Fengxiang Tang Jun, who was escorting food, grass and military supplies, and swaggered out of Chang'an City.

On the day when the Fengxiang Tang army's grain transportation team left the city, Lu's caravan sent several teams out of the city at the same time through all the city gates, taking the opportunity to attract the attention of the defenders and cover the assassins from leaving the city.


After asking Emperor Suzong for instructions, Bai Fu, as the Minister of the Ministry of War, ordered that all the armies send generals to participate in the case.

On the day of the joint trial of the three divisions, the two sides of the hall were crowded with generals from all armies in Beijing.

During the three-day trial, the clues of the case unfolded one by one: Lu Zi, the eldest grandson of the Lu family of Fanyang, and the Cui clan members of the third family of the Cui family of Boling colluded with the rebels and sold arms and supplies.

Compared to Lu Zi who was only involved in the case in the Lu family, many members of the Cui family in the third house of the Cui family in Boling participated in the arms trafficking case.

When the truth of the case came to light, the generals were in an uproar.No wonder the firepower of the rebel army is strong, it turns out that there have always been aristocratic families behind them.

There are also some generals with ugly faces and anxiety. These people have more or less participated in similar incidents before, acting as brokers for aristocratic families.

At the end of the joint trial of the three divisions, in order to warn others and enforce military discipline, Emperor Suzong decreed that all criminals involved in the case should be executed.

After verifying that he was right behind him, the supervisor pushed Lu Zi and Cui Jingwan into the market to behead them.

Judging from the clues on the surface, Lu Zi has been engaged in arms trading for a long time, and his crime is unforgivable.But there are also many important officials in the court who know well: how can it be possible that Lu Zi is the only one involved in such a big event?
But there must be a story behind the court's trial.

Even the honest and honest Yan Zhenqing and Lord Yan didn't dig deep into the clues, so he clicked as far as he could.Who among these old foxes in the officialdom is as clear as a mirror, and everyone cooperates tacitly and keeps silent.

Although the perpetrators involved in the case were killed, the matter did not end there and continued to ferment.

The news that the Cui family of Boling colluded with the rebels quickly spread to all the armies of the Tang Dynasty, and the soldiers of the three armies were furious.Reports of the impeachment of the Boling Cui clan flew into the court like snowflakes, demanding the killing of the Boling Cui clan who colluded with the rebels.

The envoys from all walks of life conformed to the morale of the army and ordered to expel all the clansmen of the Boling Cui family from the army.

The prefectures and counties where the children of the Cui family in Boling served as the county guards, the garrisons in the jurisdiction were furious, and there was a possibility of mutiny at any time.In order to ensure the safety of their lives, the children of the Cui family in Boling resigned from their positions as county sheriffs one after another.Before the imperial court sent officials to hand over, they hung the official seal on the beam and left without saying goodbye.

In the massive condemnation of the Boling Cui family, not only the third house of the Boling Cui family collapsed, but the rest of the Boling Cui family also suffered.

The Boling Cui family suffered a complete defeat and had to hand over power, stay away from the court, return to the village, and completely withdraw from the power center of the Tang Dynasty.

The Cui family of Boling held a family meeting in their homeland, and the clan members who were usually in the same spirit turned against each other. They all reprimanded the stupidity of the third house of the Cui family of Boling, and abolished Cui Ping's status as the head of the third house of the Cui family of Boling.

After Cui Ping, who challenged Bai Fu, returned home, he soon became ill and died of depression.


(End of this chapter)

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