The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 770 Innate Coup

Chapter 770 Innate Coup
When the moon is short, there is nothing left to mourn, and the flower whiskers will eventually grow and the moon will be round.

What can be done to sell the love, and there is also a strong flower that dies.

A erotic song stays tactful, Jiuyuan Chuncao is jealous of Chanjuan.

Wang Sun Mo learns to be a lover of love, since ancient times, love has hurt young people.

——Wen Tingyun (Tang Dynasty)


Without Deng Bi in charge, the original leak-tight intelligence system of Princess Taiping's party was full of loopholes, and was finally infiltrated by Zhang Lujian's insider.

Zhang Luyu received a tip that Princess Taiping had bought the two generals of the Forbidden Army - General Zuo Yulin Chang Yuankai and General You Yulin Li Ci.

In late June of the second year of Xiantian, according to information provided by a reliable informant, two generals, Chang and Li, frequently visited Princess Taiping's mansion recently.

Zhang Lujian immediately realized that the Taiping Party had everything ready and only owed Dongfeng, and it could strike at any time.

Zhang Lujian decided to persuade Xuanzong to take the lead.

"It's urgent, we must act quickly!"

When Zhang Lujian saw Xuanzong, he repeatedly emphasized this sentence.

At the same time, Zhang Lu sent a secret letter to Zhang Shuo, Zuo Cheng, who was staying in Luoyang, and Shi Cui Riyong, governor of Jingzhou, urging Zhang and Cui to persuade Xuanzong to act quickly.

Zhang said that after receiving Zhang Lujian's secret letter, he took off his saber, ordered people to rush to the capital, and presented the saber to Xuanzong.The meaning of sending a knife is obvious: raise the knife with your hand and drop it, to strike first.Mobilize the forbidden army and arrest the rebels with lightning speed.

When Cui Riyong saw the letter, he rushed back to Chang'an in the starry night without stopping, and entered the palace to meet the saint.Cui Riyong persuaded Xuanzong to issue an edict as soon as possible, and led his troops to wipe out all Princess Taiping and her followers, so as to solve the hidden danger of the coup once and for all.

However, it was not an easy decision for Xuanzong to kill his aunt, Princess Taiping.How would the Supreme Emperor Li Dan react once he took the initiative to attack Taiping Gong?Although Li Dan has abdicated, the military power is still in his hands. If he intervenes, what will happen to Xuanzong?If this is the case, wouldn't father and son turn against each other and fight each other with swords?Reproduce the Xuanwu Gate incident, Li Shimin put Li Yuan under house arrest.

This is Xuanzong's biggest concern at the moment.

Just when Xuanzong was wary and worried about gains and losses, Zhang Lujian received an informant again that Princess Taiping had formulated two plans for a coup d'état:

"First, send someone to poison and assassinate.

Next to Xuanzong, there is a court lady Yuanshi who is in charge of serving soup and medicine, and she is the undercover agent of Princess Taiping.

Princess Taiping decided to let the court lady Yuanshi poison the "red arrow powder" tonic boiled in the imperial dining room to kill Xuanzong.

Cui Shi, the lover of Princess Taiping, is in charge of the poisoning plan. If the assassination fails, the second plan will be launched immediately-mobilize the forbidden army and seize power by force.

The Taiping Party planned to divide its troops into two groups: one was led by the imperial guard generals Chang Yuankai and Li Ci to lead the Yulin Army to break into the Wude Palace where Xuanzong reviewed the memorials, and kill Li Longji; the other was led by the four prime ministers Dou, Cen, Xiao and Cui. The soldiers occupied the six official offices of the three provinces and controlled all the officials in the court.

The coup was scheduled for the fourth day of July in the second year of Xiantian. "

On the first day of July, Zhang Lujian suddenly entered the palace and informed Xuanzong that the Taiping Party was preparing to launch a coup on the fourth day of this month.

Don't hesitate any longer!Either you die or I die!
The time for the decisive battle on the top of the Forbidden City has finally arrived.

On the third day of July, Xuanzong made a decisive decision and issued an urgent edict.He ordered Longwu General Wang Maozhong to lead more than [-] guards with thousands of horses to lie in ambush at Qianhuamen.

At the same time, Xuanzong suddenly summoned Chang Yuankai, General of Zuo Yulin, and Li Ci, General of You Yulin.The two generals of the forbidden army did not expect that Xuanzong had already known about the coup plan and entered the palace unprepared. As soon as they arrived at the Qianhua gate, they were hacked to death by the soldiers of Wanqi who were ambushing here.

Once Chang Yuankai and Li Ci died, the imperial army was leaderless and in chaos, and the military power was immediately regained by Xuanzong.

Xuanzong personally went into battle, and led troops from Wude Hall all the way into the court with Zhang Lujian, Wang Ju, Wang Maozhong and other cronies, hunting and killing Xiao Zhizhong, Cen Xi, Jia Yingfu, Li You and others.

While eradicating the Taiping Party, Xuanzong ordered Guo Yuanzhen, his confidant prime minister and minister of the Ministry of War, to lead another group of people to the Taiji Hall, the Taishang Emperor's bedroom, under house arrest in the name of protection, and put Li Dan under control.

Guo Yuanzhen forced the Supreme Emperor Li Dan to issue an edict, announcing that Dou Huaizhen and others had conspired to cause rebellion and had been killed by Xuanzong. At the same time, he announced the official abdication: "Military, state, political and criminal punishments will all be punished by the emperor. I will do nothing to cultivate my will, so I can follow my heart."

The coup carefully planned by Princess Taiping was easily wiped out by Xuanzong.

The mighty Princess Taiping of Zhenguo instantly became a dog in the water who was shouted and beaten by everyone.

Princess Taiping fled in a hurry and hid in Zhongnan Mountain for three days and three nights.

On the evening of the third day, when the sun was setting, Princess Taiping stood on the cliff at the top of the mountain, facing Chang'an, silent for a long time.

In the hunting wind, Princess Taiping's dress and skirt are flying, and she may be blown off the cliff by the mountain wind at any time.

Standing on the cliff, Princess Taiping felt her insignificance for the first time.She regretted deeply, why she was so obsessed with ghosts at that time, she was seduced by Zhang Lujian, fell into the scheme of divorce, wronged Deng Bi, the most capable minister under her command, and destroyed the Great Wall herself.

The next day, Princess Taiping returned to Chang'an.After receiving Xuanzong's death edict, Princess Taiping put her head into the white silk without saying a word, and left peacefully.

On the day Princess Taiping hanged herself, except for the eldest son Xue Chongjian, the rest of Princess Taiping's sons, together with all the party members, were all killed.

In Princess Taiping's party, the only ones who were pardoned were Princess Taiping's two male favorites, Cui Shi and Lu Zangyong, who were exiled to Douzhou (now Xinyi City, Guangdong Province) and Longzhou (now Luoding City, Guangdong Province) respectively. ).

However, the good times didn't last long. As soon as Cui Shi arrived in Jingzhou, he was sentenced to death on the spot because of the poisoning case of the court lady Yuanshi.

After this thrilling and bloody coup, Li Longji purged the courtiers in an all-round way. Those who had been promoted by Princess Taiping were demoted, and those who were excluded by Princess Taiping were all promoted.

As the saying goes, the emperor and the courtiers in one dynasty, Li Tang's court was like a dangerous building in the wind, turbulent, and it didn't calm down until the end of the year.


"Then what happened afterwards? Did the Supreme Emperor (Li Longji) grant Xue Zhao to death?" Queen Zhang asked eagerly.

Mrs. Pei took a sip of tea, moistened her throat, and said, "The Supreme Emperor didn't kill her, but instead gave her a lot of land and house jewels.

The Supreme Emperor knew that as long as Xue Zhao survived, he and Deng Bi would not form inextricable ties. "

Empress Zhang sneered, and said, "With so many things happening, does Xue Zhao still have the face to live in this world?"

The corner of Mrs. Pei's lips twitched, and she echoed, "Your Majesty's words are very true. It is said that Xue Zhao regrets too much, but people cannot be resurrected after death. Xue Zhao tried to forget everything, and only hoped that he and Zhang Lu could go back to the countryside and live in peace."

But what is Zhang Lujian doing all this for?Don't you just want to be rich, high-ranking officials and generous salary?

Zhang Lujian not only did not return to hermitage, but instead became a marquis and worshiped minister, took over Deng Bi's position, and became Datang's right servant.

Zhang Lujian, who became the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, was full of people every day, singing and singing every night, drinking wine and beauties, and long ago left Xue Zhao behind.

Only then did Xue Zhao, who was guarding the vacant room alone day and night, come to his senses, and fell into the trap of Li Longji and Zhang Luyi.

Xue Zhao, who was abandoned by Zhang Lujian, finally regained her senses, but she had no face to face Deng Bi, so she could only choose to die.

It is said that that night, Xue Zhao entrusted someone to bring a blood letter to Deng Bi, and then on the Xiling Bridge where he and Deng Bi had made a private decision for life, he pulled out the token of love that Deng Bi had given her, and killed himself. "

(End of this chapter)

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