The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 777 Thunderbolt Means

Chapter 777 Thunderbolt Means
The seaside wind blows the frozen mud and cracks, and the withered tung leaves fall and the branches break.

The flute hears the sound but no one is seen, and the red flag goes straight up to the snow in Tianshan Mountain.

——"March in the Army" Chen Yu (Tang Dynasty)


A few days ago, Tian Shengong received the news that General Bai Fu, the deputy marshal of the Jianghuai Army and the military governor of the Eight Ways, was about to arrive in Guangling.

He asked his confidant general Chen Wei to discuss the matter.

Tian Shengong said: "General Bai is the anti-insurgency commander appointed by the imperial court to lead the eight rivers and Huaihe Rivers and control the armies.

As soon as he comes, he will definitely be held accountable for the Pinglu army's arbitrarily dispatched troops without an imperial decree.The gold, silver and treasures we looted in Chuzhou and Yangzhou will also fall into his hands.

In this way, let's not say that our hard work was in vain, and we will probably be charged with 'arbitrarily mobilizing troops and horses'.

Thinking of this, Ben Shuai can't sleep at night. "

Chen Wei blinked a pair of mung bean ugly eyes, and flattered him: "General, why is this so difficult?

This time the troop was dispatched because Xing Yanen, the military supervising envoy, asked you for help, so you pushed him on him.Xing Yanen is His Majesty's most trusted eunuch.The troops sent out to supervise and inspect, and their every move represents the holy will. "

Tian Shengong pondered for a moment, and said: "It's a matter of urgency, and it's reasonable to send troops south to resist Liu Zhan. But what about the gold and silk we looted? Once Bai Fu enters Guangling City, he will definitely know what we are doing."

King Chen Wei kept turning his eyes and said, "General, why don't you go to Shouzhou with [-] elites, saying that you are welcoming Deng Jingshan, the governor of Huainan East, and Xing Yanen, the supervisor of the army, back to Guangling.

At the same time, take all the gold and silk we looted, and give half of it to Xing Yanen when we meet him.Since ancient times, there has been no eunuch who is not greedy for money.After taking this money, he is in the same boat as us, and naturally he protects us everywhere.

Xing Yanen is a celebrity in front of the emperor, could it be that Bai Fu still dares to question the military supervisor appointed by His Majesty?
After you leave, the end general will lead the [-] Pinglu Army and the men who included Liu Zhan to defend Guangling City.

After Bai Fu arrived at Guangling City, the last general said, "General Tian is not in the city, and I have ordered you not to open the city," and refused Bai Fu outside Guangling City.

The walls of Guangling City were high and thick, even if Bai Fu got angry and wanted to attack the city, Anxibei Court camp would not be able to take it down for a while.They don't have enough food and water supplies, so they will definitely go south to Runzhou, Shengzhou and other places.

When the rebellion was suppressed and Bai Fu returned to Guangling City.Guangling City is already in the hands of Deng Jingshan, the governor of Huainan, and Xing Yanen, the supervisor of the army.

It is not clear which army was responsible for the looting of Chuzhou and Yangzhou. "

Tian Shengong was overjoyed when he heard that, he patted Chen Wei on the shoulder, and said, "Little Wei, you are my general's crouching dragon and phoenix chick!"

Chen Wei had a sinister smile on her face, not feeling complacent.

The two act according to plan.Tian Shen led his troops to Shouzhou, and Chen Wei stationed in Guangling City.


Bai Fu sent a call to Chen Wei to meet him in the barracks.Chen Wei felt a guilty conscience and dared not go to this Hongmen banquet.

Thinking about this, Chen Wei decided to disobey.He is hot-tempered and will do what he says.Immediately summon all the generals and organize the soldiers of the three armies to strengthen the defense of the city.

The three armies were assembled quickly, everyone put on their helmets and armor, and their swords were unsheathed.On Guangling City, banners and flags are flying, and swords and halberds are dense.

After hearing the news, Bai Fu smiled instead of anger.He had long wanted to use this person as a knife to make an example to others.Chen Wei's move was exactly what he wanted.

Bai Fu led the army to the outside of Guangling City and set up a camp.A large flag with the word "white" fluttering in the wind among the tens of thousands of troops is particularly conspicuous.

An Xiting jumped out of the camp and went straight to the front of the tower. It was the brave general Tang Huan.

Tang Huan yelled: "Jianghuai Army Deputy Marshal and General Bai Dao's battalion envoy are here, open the city quickly to welcome them!"

Chen Wei poked half of his body from the top of the city, and said slowly: "General Tian is not in the city. Now the Jianghuai battle is tense, and it is difficult to distinguish friends and foes. The last general obeys General Tian's order not to dare to open the city, and I hope the general will forgive me."

Tang Huan shouted: "That's right, the battle in Jianghuai is tense now, it's hard to distinguish friend from foe, and the Anxi army is ordered to hunt down thieves.

My marshal has said beforehand that if the city is not opened after the three-way drum is sounded, it will be regarded as a rebellious traitor and will be shot to death! "

After Tang Huan finished speaking, without talking nonsense, he turned his horse's head and galloped back to the camp.

Chen Wei snorted coldly, and said to the generals on the left and right: "Shoot to kill?! What a big tone, this general wants to see how Anxi Army can shoot to kill?"

All the generals on the left and right laughed, but none of them took it seriously.The Anxi iron cavalry may be invincible in the field, but the walls of Guangling are high and the city is strong. What can their cavalry do against the Pinglu army?

"Dong dong dong", after the sound of the drum, the soldiers of Anbei Court assembled the siege equipment in an instant, including powerful siege equipment such as trebuchets, ladders, and rams.

These siege weapons are all weapons improved by Ma Daifeng and others in the secret base. They are so powerful that even the Ordnance Supervisor of the Ministry of War of the Tang Dynasty has no samples.

Standing on the tower, Chen Wei looked at the orderly appearance of the Anbei Court Army. Hundreds of trebuchets were like black and yellow man-eating monsters, eyeing them, ready to go.

Chen Wei's calf was a little weak, he didn't expect that Bai Fu was already ready to attack the city, and he didn't expect him to open the city to welcome him.

Chen Wei suddenly regretted, why did she jump out and be taken advantage of by this person, and let her boss Tian Shengong retreat completely.

It is said that Bai Fu will avenge his grievances.

If he wins, he will keep Anxi's army out of the city, return the property of Guangling to the fields, and he will take the blame for offending the Eight Ways Jiedu envoy;

"Dong dong dong", the three-way drum sounded and ended.

The vast world suddenly fell into silence, only the sound of hunting wind when the mountain wind blows the banner.Occasionally, there were one or two neighings of war horses, making the empty battlefield even more silent.

The herald waved the command flag, and under the pull of hundreds of mules and horses, nearly a hundred bed crossbow chariots slowly drove out of the queue, and each chariot was loaded with super crossbow bolts - "Three Bows and Eight Bulls Giant Crossbows" .

"The trebuchet is ready, once the bed crossbow chariot comes into range, fire immediately!" Chen Wei ordered.

To Chen Wei's surprise, the nearly one hundred bed crossbow chariots stopped after taking a few steps, put down the pedals, and entered the firing state.

The mules and horses pulling the cart turned into the labor force for stringing the crossbow, turning clockwise, twisting the winch together, quickly stretching the crossbow string, and buckling it on the machine teeth.The loader installed the crossbow arrows, and the crossbowman aimed at specific targets on the city.

Chen Wei was very confused, and said to the left and right generals: "This crossbow machine must be two hundred to three hundred steps away from us. With such a long distance, can this crossbow arrow hit the top of the city?"

The general said: "I heard that the 'Three Bows and Eight Bulls Crossbow' newly developed by the Ordnance Supervisor of the Ministry of War can shoot so far. But it has not been assembled for the Pinglu Army, so I don't know how powerful it is yet."

Before the two could speak, the situation on the battlefield had changed.

At Bai Fu's order, the crossbowman raised his sledgehammer and hit the trigger with all his strength.Hundreds of giant crossbows roared in unison, and fired furiously at the sky.

"whoosh whoosh"

The "one shot, three swords and arrows" shot out like a white line across the sky, the sound of piercing through the sky was deafening, and it drew a perfect arc. Against the backdrop of the blue sky and white clouds, it swooped down towards the tower.


The defensive equipment such as trebuchets, carts loaded with rolling logs and stones, hand axes, yakshas, ​​and maces waiting on the towers were destroyed one by one by the "one shot, three swords and arrows" as thick as a javelin.

The eight-ox giant crossbow was aimed not only at defense equipment, but also at people.

Twenty or thirty "one shot, three swords and arrows" roared towards Chen Wei and other main generals.

Due to lack of preparation, the generals had no time to evacuate from the tower, and panicked, you pushed me, I squeezed you, and suddenly became a mess.

"Shield defense!" Chen Wei's personal captain reacted, picked up the shield and blocked in front of Chen Wei.

"One shot, three swords and arrows" The huge three-edged blood-letting blade iron arrowhead smashed the shield into powder, and shot the three soldiers behind the shield into meat skewers.

The giant arrow remained undiminished, piercing through the body of the bodyguard captain, and Chen Wei, who was protecting him behind him, was firmly nailed to the main gate of the tower.

"Oh! It hurts me too!"

Chen Wei screamed and passed out.

When Chen Wei closed his eyelids for the last time, he saw that the surrounding generals were either pierced through the bright light armor by the iron arrowhead of the three-edged blood-letting blade, or brushed off their arms by the arrow feathers like sword-shaped tail feathers, and they all fell into a pool of blood. hurt.


The Anxi army only launched an attack, and shot and killed more than a dozen main generals of the Pinglu army.

What a shocking combat power this is!
The rest of the soldiers were stunned on the spot, their morale shaken.

"Are you still going to arrest?!" Bai Fu pointed at the tower and shouted sharply.

Bai Fu thunderbolt lion roar, deafening.The Pinglu army on the tower only felt a loud thunder in their ears, and was frightened out of their wits.

I don't know who dropped the weapon first, and the rest of the soldiers followed suit and surrendered one after another.Thousands of soldiers took off their helmets, discarded their knives and guns, opened the city gate, lay down on the side of the road, and begged for mercy.


The main generals of the Pinglu army who were injured and survived were tied up and brought to the white horse one by one.

"General, how do we deal with them?" Hu Lvchong, the leader of the vanguard battalion, asked.

"Show the heads of the owls!" Bai Fu said in a cold tone, "Give their heads to Tian Shengong. Tell him, if he dares to play tricks on me again, I will make the heads of his Pinglu army into Jingguan!"

(End of this chapter)

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