Chapter 779
In the past 40 years, my family and country have covered three thousand miles of mountains and rivers.

Once classified as a prisoner, he sinks his waist and spends his time away.It was the day when the emperor left the temple in a hurry, and the Jiaofang still played a farewell song, crying to Gong E.

——Excerpt from Li Yu (Southern Tang Dynasty)


Guo Ziyi led a [-] Hu-Han mixed corps to attack Fan Yang and wipe out Hebei's strategy, but the eunuch Yu Chaoen sabotaged and obstructed it, so he couldn't make it.

A few days later, Huang Zhen, the Chang'an branch of the Chuan Gang, sent information in detail, recording in detail how Yu Chaoen took advantage of the situation step by step, and finally made Suzong change his mind.

Bai Fu finished reading the military newspaper, and sighed wistfully: "When I was young, my master and Taifu Xu loved to tell me historical allusions. When I read history books, I always read the people and things in the books as stories, and I always regret the emperor's general. The ministers did not adopt the harsh advice, and made a big mistake.

However, "Live for a long time", after experiencing a lot, I discovered that history books such as "Spring and Autumn", "Historical Records", and "Hanshu" are not only history books, but also prophecy books.Many unbelievable past events reappeared over and over again. "

The scholar also sighed: "When your Majesty Lingwu succeeded to the throne, although his status was not right, he was conscientious and diligent, and he was happy when he heard it. He had the air of a Zhongxing Mingzhu. Why is it that the situation is so good today, but the loyal words are particularly harsh? "

Bai Fudao: "Si thought that human nature is to love to listen to praise and reject criticism, and the so-called restraint of nature and happiness after hearing it is either because of great ambition and can bear it, such as Cao Cao and Sima Yi; Liu Bang, Liu Bei.

His Majesty Lingwu ascended the throne, and the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty were all grass-roots teams.The military situation is in danger, and every day is like walking on the edge of a cliff. A wrong step may make Datang fall into a situation of eternal doom.At this time, His Majesty will of course listen to all criticisms with an open mind, and if there are any, he will correct them, and if there are none, he will encourage them.

After regaining the two capitals, especially after Xuanzong officially issued an edict to abdicate, His Majesty sat firmly on the dragon chair, and his mentality naturally changed.

Although Shi Siming rebelled again, the mastermind An Lushan is dead, and the general situation of countering the rebellion is settled. As long as the Tang army does not make major mistakes, it is only a matter of time before the rebels are wiped out. Advice.

On the other hand, in the position of His Majesty, what he faced were countless memorials submitted by countless Lords Yan Zhenqing and Master Zhang Gao.All kinds of opinions poured in, too numerous to listen to.

If His Majesty is as open-minded as possible and does it himself, then even if he has three heads and six arms, he will not be able to handle it.

A common decision-making strategy is: only listen to the opinions of one or two confidantes, and then act arbitrarily.

Even if many decisions are wrong, it doesn't matter, because firstly, there are more and more important decisions that are right; secondly, the Tang Dynasty has a vast land and resources, and a strong family background. Even if many mistakes in decision-making cause losses, it can rely on people and time Rest and rest, and slowly recover.

The rule of the king is the same as the banker's gambling. They all bet on the side of high probability. As long as the time is long enough, the chances of winning are always greater.

This truth is not entirely my opinion, but Mr. Li Mi's understanding.It was precisely when Mr. Li Mi noticed the change in His Majesty's mentality in time that he bid farewell to His Majesty and returned to Hengshan after regaining Chang'an.

Mr. Li Mi came and walked leisurely, because he was not bound by fame and fortune.In his eyes, freedom is the most precious thing in life.

People in the world are used to judging a person's success by the size of his power, status, and wealth, but Mr. Li Mi regards fame and wealth as dung.

Mr. Li Mi once told me that the world is treacherous and changeable.Chasing fame and fortune will lead to exhaustion, worries about gains and losses, and sleepless nights.In order to advance to a higher level in the official career, not only will he abandon kindness, but he will even be swayed by desire, destroying humanity, losing his life, and harming his descendants!
Mr. Li Mi is a Taoist figure, and he is free and easy.It's a pity that in today's world, there are not many real celebrities like Mr. Li Mi. "

After reading the military newspaper, Tang Kui said: "If it is said that Yu Chaoen really has a good plan to impress His Majesty, that's fine. I read this report of him persuading His Majesty. It's nothing. It's full of disgusting flattery. .I really don’t understand why His Majesty can’t see through it?”

Bai Fu turned the coin in his hand, and the coin flew up and down under his fingertips, with endless agility.

Bai Fu said indifferently: "Third Brother, because you are still just an ordinary official of the Tang Dynasty, so others won't bother you too much to compliment you, and if you have a high position one day, you can help people get rich and secure with a single word If you live and die, then there will be countless wise and capable ministers racking their brains to please you.

Eunuchs like eunuchs are best at observing words and expressions, and Li Fuguo and Yu Chaoen are both masters here.

Once you have accepted, adapted to, dealt with calmly, and become accustomed to this kind of top-notch master's flattery, then don't say harsh words.If someone compliments you with a lack of enthusiasm and perfection, you will find that person's words harsh, repulsive, and not loyal enough.

From the perspective of bystanders, we always feel that the compliments of jesters and eunuchs are too much and too nasty, so Your Majesty should be aware of the details and see things clearly, and should not be deceived by flattery.

But this is just our wishful thinking, because we are not in the Golden Luan Hall where hundreds of officials kneel, we are not sitting in that arrogant position, and we are not holding the scepter of life and death. "

After Tang Kui listened, he didn't say a word for a long time.The scholar asked curiously why.

Tang Kui sighed and said, "Do princes and generals care about each other?! In today's troubled times, everything is possible.

Brother Fu, if one day you wear a yellow robe, will you also become such a loner?The few of us don't even have to be brothers. "

Bai Fu laughed loudly, patted Tang Kui on the shoulder and said, "Third brother, don't worry, I know myself, I can't be Cao Cao and Sima Yi.

When I was in Yuzhou, by chance, I ran into an old man who knew my master.Her old man commented on my master, saying that my master is both wise and brave, and unparalleled in the world. The only weakness is that he was born in a poor family and a scholar, and his heart is not cruel enough.

I didn't think so at the time, and asked a few more rhetorical questions.

The old man said that a hero in troubled times is destined by heaven.

The old man took Zhang Liang and Liu Bang as examples. Liu Bang was born in the grassroots, and the fifth generation of Zhang Liang's family was the prime minister of Han.But Zhang Liang personally called Liu Bang "Pei Gong is almost a gift from heaven", and he was willing to assist Liu Bang to achieve hegemony.

The old people said that scholars and scholars are at most the seeds of the prime minister, while rogues are the germ of the emperor.

Therefore, although scholars like us are full of knowledge, we are not made to be heroes.Only by assisting the Ming Dynasty in governing the country and the world can we make a difference. "

The scholar said: "After reading the military newspaper, I don't understand one thing. Mr. Guo Ling was bullied by Yu Chaoen so much. Whether it is public or private, he should argue with reason. Why did he keep silent and let Yu Chaoen take power."

Bai Fu pondered for a moment, and said: "I'm afraid this is the outstanding point of Guo Linggong. In the battle of Yecheng, Yu Chaoen, as an observer of the army, pointed fingers at the nine major festivals, which led to the defeat of Yecheng.

After the defeat of Yecheng, Guo Linggong did not mention Yu Chaoen's fault at all, and took the blame for the defeat on his own shoulders.This is not only a mind, but also the wisdom of court survival.

The Art of War says: "There are five dangers in general: death, you can be killed; life, you can be captured; anger is quick, you can be insulted; integrity, you can be humiliated; love the people, you can be annoying."All of these five things will be overtaken, and it will be a disaster for the use of troops.Overthrowing the army and killing the general will cause five dangers, so it must be investigated. '

Cao Cao interpreted the phrase "angry speed can be insulted" as "a person who is in a hurry can be angry and insulted." '

To be a general, the character must be prudent, thick, and stable.If you are impatient, irritable and narrow-minded, the enemy will take advantage of your weakness to irritate you, insult you, and lure you into the bait.

Throughout history, the reason why traitors can bring down loyal ministers is often because they can always use some low-level methods to arouse the anger and extreme behavior of loyal ministers.And these extreme behaviors are often exploited by treacherous officials, who are labeled as self-respecting soldiers, big tails, and plotting against the law, which eventually arouses the emperor's suspicion and vigilance against loyal officials.

If my prediction is correct, Yu Chaoen's obstruction of Guo Linggong's command of the army is only the first step.He just waited for Guo Linggong to be furious, roar at the court, and make a big mistake.In this way, he can not only destroy the 'Peng Yuan's countermeasure', but also get rid of Guo Linggong's serious trouble.This is his chain meter.

Unfortunately, his opponent is Guo Linggong.Guo Linggong is well versed in the art of war and scheming, so how could he fail to see through his clumsy tricks.

The imperial court dismissed him again, but Guo Linggong just laughed, saying nothing, what to do, no regrets.

This kind of indifference to the world is like using softness to overcome strength in martial arts, so Yu Chaoen punched the empty space.As long as Guo Linggong "falls and does not die", he will definitely find an opportunity to counterattack, regain military power, eradicate Xiaoxiao, and reorganize the country.

Compared with the loyal ministers who bump into the pillars in front of the palace and die and remonstrate, knowing that they can't do it, Ju Yi loses his life, waits for the right time, and takes advantage of the trend. This is the world's first-class person!

 In the past 40 years, my family and country have covered three thousand miles of mountains and rivers.Fengge, Longlou, Lianxiaohan, Yushu and Qiongzhi make tobacco, how many times have you ever known how to fight?

  Once classified as a prisoner, he sinks his waist and spends his time away.It was the day when the emperor left the temple in a hurry, and the Jiaofang still played a farewell song, crying to Gong E.

  ——"Broken Time·Forty Years of Family and Country" Li Yu (Southern Tang Dynasty)

(End of this chapter)

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