Since ancient times, since the day of rest, why not sing and sing slightly.The sky hangs down again as spring cloud.The people sitting in the middle are half drunk, and the snow will be deep outside the curtain.

Hearing that the branch is the mad censor, Ziyun has nowhere to go.Bleak wind and cold rain is the end of the world.Ask the chief prisoner if he is angry, and suddenly startled when he sees the crane.

——"Linjiang Immortal Winter Immediately" Su Shi


The main force of Liu Zhan's navy is stationed in Runzhou (now Zhenjiang, JS Province). Along the Yangtze River, there are two routes to choose from: upstream and downstream:

First, Liu Zhan's general Fu Ziang was sweeping Jiangnan West Road (now JX Province) at this time, and had just captured Jiangzhou (JJ City, JX Province), and his troops were in full swing.

Liu Zhan's navy went upstream along the Yangtze River, passing through Jiangning, Dangtu, Wuhu, Xunyang, and joining forces with Fu Ziang in Jiangzhou (JJ City, JX Province).

Then, go south from the mouth of Jiangzhou Lake, and enter the vast Poyang Lake.Once entering the vast waters of Poyang Lake, it will be time-consuming, laborious and difficult to find a decisive battle with Liu Zhanshui.

Second, Liu Zhan's navy can also go down the Yangtze River and enter the sea from Jiangyin.

Once they entered the East China Sea, they could either go south along the coastline to plunder the supplies of coastal states and counties, or cross the East China Sea to hide in Liuqiu Islands and become pirates, waiting for opportunities to harass and plunder ships from Southeast Asian countries arriving in Datang.This is the situation Tang Jun least wants to see.

Now that Bai Fu is leading the army, the army is mighty and mighty, Liu Zhan will definitely avoid his edge.

How to prevent Liu Zhanshui's entire army from retreating became a problem for Tang Jun's marching Sima scratching his head.

Bai Fu looked at the huge map of the Jianghuai roads on the wall, thinking hard, his teeth involuntarily bit his fingers, his body remained motionless, like a clay sculpture.All of Bai Fu's soldiers knew that this was the general's state of deep thought.

After a long time, Bai Fu turned his head and revealed a smile.

The scholar was overjoyed, and said, "Bailong, did you guess the route of Liu Zhan's retreat?"

Bai Fu answered slowly and irresponsibly: "A thousand troops are easy to obtain, but a general is hard to find. This is an irrefutable truth.

When Master Wang taught me the art of war, he often said to me that when two armies fight, it seems that thousands of troops are fighting each other, but in fact, it is often the result of a battle of wits and courage between the two armies.

The more life-and-death decisive battle is, the more it is a one-on-one battle between two coaches.

This is the saying of "planning a strategy and winning a thousand miles".

If you want to know whether Liu Zhan's navy will eventually go upstream or downstream, you only need to find out Liu Zhan's habit of leading troops in battle.Even though his counselors are like clouds and his generals are like tigers, in the end it is Liu Zhan's personal will. "

Xiucai and Tang Kui looked at each other, feeling deeply that this statement was true.

Bai Fu went on to say: "General Li Jing said to Emperor Taizong that the most ingenious art of war in the world is nothing more than 'to the people but not to the people'.

Guessing Liu Zhan's tactics, it can only be said that he will not lose the wind and not lose the battle.Leading Liu Zhan by the nose is a better strategy.

I want Liu Zhan's navy to fight the battle I want at the time I set, on the battlefield I choose.

Just like the swordsmanship passed down to me by Dugu Sword Demon, only attacking but not defending, life and death can be seized! "

The scholar only felt a sense of pride in his chest, and asked eagerly, "Where is the place for the decisive battle?"

Bai Fu pointed to Chishan Lake Road in Jiangning (where the state capital of Shengzhou is located, present-day Nanjing) on ​​the map: "The decisive battle is here!"

Xiucai and Tang Kui looked at the map. Chishan started from Jurong in the north, reached Lishui in the south, connected to the Huai River in the upper part, and connected to the Yangtze River in the lower part. Because it is wide in the south and narrow in the north, it is shaped like a huge gourd.There is no doubt that this is an ideal battlefield in terms of terrain.

Tang Kui said: "General, how to induce Liu Zhan to attack Jiangning (where the state capital of Shengzhou is located, today's Nanjing)?"

Bai Fudao: "On November [-]th last year, Liu Zhan captured Runzhou. Hou Lingyi, the governor of the Western Zhejiang War Zone, was frightened, and after handing over the aftermath to Jiang Changqun, the soldier and horse envoy, he abandoned the city and fled. Jiang Lvqun then sent his general Zong Xi to meet him. Liu Zhan surrendered.

On November [-], Liu Zhan occupied Shengzhou, appointed Zongxi as Sima of Runzhou and commander of Danyang Army, and appointed Jiang Changqun as governor of Shengzhou.In order to monitor Jiang Changqun, Liu Zhan ordered his nephew Liu Boying to be Jiang Changqun's deputy.

As long as we persuade Jiang Changqun to surrender to the imperial court and kill Liu Boying, Liu Zhan will definitely attack Shengzhou and kill Jiang Changqun. "

Tang Kui was puzzled and asked, "General, do you mean that Liu Zhan attacked Shengzhou because of his nephew?"

Bai Fu smiled calmly: "Once Jiang Changqun surrenders to our army, Liu Zhan will definitely attack Shengzhou. But it's not to avenge his nephew, but because he doesn't want Jiang Changqun to betray him."

Tang Kui was even more confused, and said: "Jiang Changqun betrayed the court and defected to Liu Zhan because he saw the thieves were strong. Now that the Tang army is marching south, Jiang Changqun sees the wind and turns the helm, sacrifices the city again, and surrenders to the court. For Liu Zhan Shouldn't it be something unexpected?

How could you lose your mind and take risks because of this? "

Seeing the confusion on the faces of Xiucai and Tang Kui, Bai Fu explained: "This seems to be a difficult question to explain, but if we carefully analyze Liu Zhan's character, it is not difficult to understand.

Liu Zhan's weakness of character destined him to attack Shengzhou in order to punish the traitor Jiang Changqun.

I have carefully studied Liu Zhan's growth history. He was originally the second head of Heiyunzhai. He was appointed as a military officer because he killed the head of Heiyunzhai and led all the followers of Heiyunzhai to surrender to the Chenliutang army.

Since then, no matter whether he served as governor of Ruzhou, governor of Huazhou, governor of Songzhou, or deputy envoy of Huaixi Jiedu, he was promoted by evading his immediate superiors and stepping on the blood of his benefactors.

All the previous Huaixi military governors hated him and Li Xian, two rebellious, arrogant and arrogant guys.That's why the new Huaixi Jiedu Envoy Wang Zhongsheng was completely murderous.

Liu Zhan is a rebellious and ruthless person who has been living in betrayal and deceit.By rights, he was no stranger to betrayal and deceit.

But in terms of human nature, the things a person hates the most are often what he is best at, and the people he hates the most are often those who are most similar to himself.

Therefore, the most taboo thing for a rebel like Liu Zhan is to be betrayed.

In Liu Zhan's view, capturing Shengzhou and cutting off Jiang Changqun's head can teach those subordinates who harbor evil intentions a lesson and let them know that they must be absolutely loyal to me, Liu Zhan!
It is a common problem of this kind of hero that I am only allowed to bear the people of the world, but not allowed the people of the world to bear me. "

Bai Fu took a sip of tea and continued: "Just now I analyzed Liu Zhan's character, and from the current situation in Jianghuai, we can draw a similar conclusion.

Liu Zhan's hasty regime has a fatal weakness: the military power of the states and counties is in the hands of the generals, especially the city guards.Their relationship with Liu Zhan is based on personal loyalty, and they will obey him when Liu Zhan is going well, but if Liu Zhan is unlucky, they will not hesitate to find another way out.

So far, Liu Zhan has only lost Chuzhou and Yangzhou, and many states and counties in Jianghuai are still in the hands of his generals.If everyone followed Jiang Changqun's example and followed suit, it would be Liu Zhan's biggest disaster.

Therefore, it is in Liu Zhan's best interest to take bloody revenge against the rebel generals and avoid the two ends of the generals under his command.

Of course, there are many benefits to capturing Jiangning. This place can be used as a gateway to defend the Jianghuai River. It can be used to attack and defend. If it is not good to fight with the Tang army, it can also rely on the natural danger of the Yangtze River to control the downstream, and Xu Tu will fight again. "

Bai Fuyan's stamp.Xiucai and Bai Fu have fought side by side for many years, and they have no doubts in Bai Fu's judgment, but Tang Kui is still skeptical.

A few days later, the trend of the Jianghuai battle is following the route predicted by Bai Fu, and one after another is coming, and the scenes are wonderfully presented.


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