The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 792 Surprise Charge

Chapter 792 Surprise Charge
The rooster crows in the morning, and the crows quarrel in the dark.The one who doesn't go to the world of mortals?

The road is far away, the water is far away, and the fame and fame are all in Chang'an Road.

Today's boy is tomorrow's old man.The mountains are still good; the people are haggard.

—— "Hillside Sheep · Morning Rooster Crowing" Chen Cao'an (Yuan)


The five hundred ships of grain and grass transported by the rebel general Fu Ziang from Jiangzhou were intercepted by the Tang army navy in Dangtu.

After hearing the bad news, Liu Zhan couldn't sit still anymore.Without food and grass, the rebel navy could not last long in Jiangning.

Liu Zhan sent several pigeon letters to contact the Japanese navy, hoping that the Japanese navy could enter the Yangtze River estuary to meet them, and the two sides will join forces in Jiangyin.

At the same time, he ordered his general Qu Tu Xiaobiao to withdraw from Haozhou and join forces with him to strengthen his own strength.

After the An Lushan Rebellion, great Tang warriors emerged in large numbers.There are a large number of brave generals under the princes from all walks of life.Generals such as Fu Ziang and Qu Tu Xiaobiao are among the best.

The three giant ships rushed out a bloody path, split the Tang Army Navy in half, and headed straight for the flagship of the Tang Army Navy.

At the critical moment, a thousand-stone ship suddenly sailed from the slant and crossed in front of Qu Tu Xiaobiao's giant ship. Amidst the exclamation, the two giant ships collided with each other, sawdust flying, and waves splashing. The warship shook violently.

In order to boost morale, Qu Tu Xiaobiao personally stood on the bow of the boat holding a long spear to show that he would never retreat.The soldiers were touched by their courage and fought with all their strength, and the three giant ships broke out from the encirclement.

"Kill me!" Qu Tu Xiaobiao roared.


Sheng Hailiu waved the command flag in his hand, pointed at Qu Tuxiao's warship, and shouted: "Surround these three enemy ships!"

Lynx held her breath, stretched her bow and set an arrow, pushed Mount Tai with her front hand, held the tiger's tail with her back hand, pulled the string and swept her chest, and made a fist.

The three giant ships lined up in line, broke through the first blockade, and rushed to the flagship of the Tang Army Navy several miles away!After rushing all the way to the central army, Tang Jun's navy realized that his goal was the flagship of the whole army!

Sheng Hailiu stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the three rebel warships rushing towards him.

On the warship of the Tang army, he poured the water of Changlongwu into it, and swung countless arrows away.Turning around, the long spear stabbed into the body of the Tang army soldier behind him, slashed and stabbed, and entered and exited like no one.

He pointed at the Tang army warship and shouted loudly: "Turn around and approach that warship!"

When Qu Tu Xiaobiao's life was hanging by a thread, Bai Fu's soft voice suddenly came from Lynx'er's ear, it sounded like someone was beside him.It was the clear instruction sent by Bai Mu using the superior inner strength "Transmission of sound into secret".

Seeing that these three giant ships were surrounded by more than [-] warships of the Tang army, with nowhere to go, and pursued by soldiers, the giant rebel ships not only showed no sign of retreating, but accelerated their speed.

At this time, on the flagship of the Tang army, Tang Kui was leading a group of marching Sima to observe the water battle.

"Sail up, oars down, full speed ahead!"

The main mast on the giant rebel ship was burning and creaking. It could no longer withstand the collision, and it crashed down, smashing more than a dozen soldiers into coke...

Qu Tu Xiaobiao was so brave that he rushed into the front of the Tang army's naval division with a lone army. At this time, both sides of the battle were stunned by his desperate move.

Qu Tu Xiaobiao, holding a long spear, bowed his waist, and led the soldiers to lie on the side of the female wall on the side of the ship.The dense arrows of the Tang Army Navy passed over their heads, and they were shot and killed on the spot as soon as they raised their heads.

Qu Tu Xiaobiao can be said to be full of courage, surrounded by heavy siege, fighting alone, but the more he fights, the more courageous he becomes, unstoppable!

The navy of the Tang Army didn't care at first, but Qu Tu Xiaobiao didn't play his cards according to the rules. When he arrived in the middle of the river, he suddenly led his warship to rush directly to the flagship of the Tang Army without stopping!
Take the head of the enemy general among millions of troops!
Qu Tu Xiaobiao's tactic is obvious. To capture the thief, first capture the king, and enter the hinterland of the Tang Army's navy, trying to destroy the main ship of the Tang Army's navy, which is thousands of stones.As long as the flagship is destroyed, the Tang army's navy will also be defeated.

Dense rockets shot out from all directions, igniting the fire oil on the huge rebel ship, and the three warships were quickly engulfed by the fire.

The flagship of the Tang Army Navy got rid of the stranded sandbar and returned to the navy's Chinese formation.

Hundreds of rebel soldiers followed Qu Tu Xiaobiao and rushed onto the Tang army warship, and the two sides launched a bloody battle of life and death on the deck.

Hundreds of Meteor Crossbows on the Bed Crossbow Sea Loach fired at the same time, weaving several arrow nets to suppress the firepower of the rebels.

Qu Tuxiao's eyes were sharp, like a wild wolf preparing to kill a deer.His main ship and the two auxiliary ships beside him are all thousands of stone warships.

Seeing Qu Tu Xiaobiao's huge ship rushing all the way, he also panicked. Tang Kui hurriedly ordered the flagship to dodge. Unexpectedly, the house leaked and it was raining overnight. Surrounded by three giant ships of the rebels.

The two ships collided and closed, Qu Tu Xiaobiao picked up the long lance, jumped up, jumped onto the Tang army warship, and the long lance swept across, knocking several Tang army soldiers to the ground.

Holding a large iron bow in his hand, he came to the watchman and said calmly, "Don't panic, tell me, which one is Qu Tu Xiaobiao?"

It was Sheng Hailiu who drove the warship and arrived in time.


Qu Tuxiao's main ship and the two auxiliary ships beside him are all thousands of stone warships.The two auxiliary ships kept a certain distance from Tang Jun's flagship, lest they also run aground.Qu Tu Xiaobiao's main ship continued to rush forward, trying to crush the Tang army's flagship with its huge hull.

"Lynx, this is a tiger general, he wants to live."

When the rebel navy arrived at Baisha (Yizheng City, JS Province), it was intercepted by the Tang Army navy.

The rebel warship burned by the fire slowly turned around, rowed along the water to the front left, and slowly approached the Tang army warship.

The flag soldiers on the mast waved their flags, and more than [-] warships approached from three directions to encircle the three huge ships that Qu Tuxiao marked.

Ding Jiuqu's warship was extremely fast. When it approached the flagship of the Tang army, Ding Jiuqu personally steered the boat, using the trajectory of the boat to set off huge waves.

After Qu Tu Xiaobiao and Liu Zhan joined forces, Liu Zhan mobilized his naval forces, withdrew from Jiangning, went down the river, and went straight to Jiangyin.

Liu Zhan was suspicious all his life, but he trusted this person extremely.


As the name suggests, Qu Tu Xiaobiao is known as the Desperate Saburo, good at assault, brave and good at fighting.

When the huge rebel ships were fighting and Qu Tu Xiaobiao had no time to take care of the Tang army's flagship, Ding Jiuqu personally drove a warship to rescue Tang Kui.

Qu Tu Xiaobiao held his breath and clenched his teeth. He wanted to rush out from the gap between the two ships before the Tang Army navy completed the outflank.

Qu Tu Xiaobiao led his fleet slowly out of the camp of the rebel navy, even the rebels themselves thought he was out for a cruise, and did not beat drums to help.

When the distance between the two ships was less than two feet, the rebel soldiers threw out a cable with an iron hook, hooked the warship of the Tang Army navy firmly, and then pulled it desperately.

More than [-] warships of the Tang army are like city gates slowly closing, while Qu Tu Xiaobiao's giant ships rush out before the gate closes, life and death are on the line.

Lynx took a "red horse" with a painted red hull and came to the place where the navies of the two armies fought fiercely.

The Tang army's navy immediately surrounded them, and nearly twenty Tang army warships surrounded the three huge rebel ships.

Crock pots filled with kerosene were thrown out by the catapults on the "Perak Sea Falcon" of the Tang Army, and hit three huge rebel ships. The pots shattered and kerosene burst out.

Zhao Zu pointed forward with his fingers, and saw a man on the deck of the warship dancing a long spear. His figure was vigorous and strong, and the strong wind was strong. Dozens of people could not get close.

Qu Tu Xiaobiao is in a tight siege, and he is not afraid of danger.He glanced around, and through the billowing smoke, he saw a Tang army warship within fifty steps to the left.

Qu Tuxiao's giant ship also suffered heavy damage and was forced to stop.

"General, abandon the ship and escape!" a soldier shouted anxiously.

Sheng Hailiu's warships are fast but light.Immediately after the collision, it was smashed apart, a large amount of river water poured into the cabin, the ship began to sink rapidly, and dozens of soldiers jumped into the water in a panic to escape.

Qu Tu Xiaobiao could see very clearly that on the mast of the huge ship with thousands of stones, there were flag soldiers raising flags and issuing orders. This must be the flagship of the Tang army. If they mainly occupied this main ship, they would win a big victory.

Of course Liu Zhanjun didn't know why Qu Tu Xiaobiao launched an attack suddenly, but Tang Jun's navy was not on guard.

"Kaka", the bowstring was tense, the iron-armed bow was pulled away by Lynx's arms, and the iron clusters of the spiked arrows locked tightly on the center of Qu Tu Xiaobiao's head.

The stunned generals of the Tang army came to their senses one after another, and immediately commanded their warships to stop them.

Qu Tu Xiaobiao led [-] warships into the hinterland of the Tang army's navy. He continued to dispatch the warships to resist the Tang army's warships coming from both sides, while he led three giant ships to attack the largest ship. The main ship of the Tang army.

Like a shooting star, the Spike's arrow flew across a strange arc, brushed against the side of the ship, and hit Qu Tu Xiaobiao's calf.


Qu Tu Xiaobiao suffered from pain in his calf, he held on to the pole with his hand, and with a bang, he knelt down on one knee in the bow of the boat.

It was too late, and then soon, a long rope flew out of the river in front of the bow, like a living thing, wrapped around Qu Tu Xiaobiao's legs, and dragged him from the side of the boat into the water...

(End of this chapter)

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