Chapter 804
Ermao people seven thousand miles away, eighteen beachheads and one leaf body.

Shan Yi likes Lao Yuanmeng, and the name of the place is a lonely official who weeps in fear.

The long wind sees off the guests to add sails, and the accumulated rain reduces the stone scales of the floating boat.

It's more than a little knowledge in this life to cooperate with the official as a sailor.

——"Entering Jiangxi on the [-]th of August and Passing the Panic Beach" Su Shi


Bai Fu patted Ma Daifeng on the shoulder, and comforted him: "Since transforming into a yokozuna sumo wrestler is a sorcery, we don't have to blame ourselves too much.

Although we can't make peerless armor, we have trebuchets and bed crossbows, and we can easily attack cities and villages. "

Ma Daifeng had a strange expression on his face, and he said to Bai Fu, "I thought so too at first. When General Zi Checi told us all this, we also decided to give up. Unexpectedly, Tang Huan brought your soldier armor, It gave me another ray of hope."

"Oh?" Bai Fu's curiosity was also completely aroused.

Ma Daifeng said: "The alchemy created by 'Hermes Trismegistes' cannot be practiced in the world, not only because the alchemy handed down is incomplete, but more importantly, no one can find some The "philosopher's stone" that turns stone into gold - the real extraterrestrial iron.

And the soldier's armor, that is, the previous Ju Zhang Yue Hook, is the real meteorite. "

"How do you say that?" Bai Fu asked.

Ma Daifeng paused, his eyes staring straight at the sky, as if he was thinking about how to describe the real meteorite.

After a while, he said: "This piece of meteoric iron is different from the gold, silver, copper, and iron of Middle Earth. In essence, it is a kind of liquid iron, like mercury, which can flow along the channel and disperse in an instant. It flowed and turned into a gorgeous pattern. But mercury is difficult to solidify, and it splashes on the ground in the form of water droplets. This is not the case with the outer meteorite. When it solidifies, it is extremely hard, like a diamond.

However, what is more mysterious is that it seems to have life and can perceive our thoughts.

In order to gain insight into its mysteries, I once hung it on an armor rack and pondered it over and over again for days and nights without sleep.

One night, I was awakened by a nightmare and opened my eyes suddenly.Inadvertently, I discovered that while I was staring at it, it was also staring at me coldly and mercilessly..."

Speaking of this, everyone felt shuddering, and only felt a chill down their backs.

Bai Fu also experienced this, he was silent for a moment, and said: "I also experience the feeling you mentioned. When I was playing polo back then, once I felt resentment, Ju Zhang seemed to be able to feel my anger, and to express my anger. Anger instantly turned into strength, amplifying the power of my hitting the ball several times, like a living thing.

I tried to communicate with it with python beads, but there was no response.Later, when there were too many things, I couldn't take care of the stick.

Later, head Tang Gu personally forged it into a soldier's armor.But head Tang never told me anything unusual happened when he forged the stick into armor, let alone the topic that it seems to have life.

One more question, what happened later, can you find a way to communicate with it? "

Ma Daifeng shook his head, with a lonely expression, and said: "This kind of life is different from the flowers, birds, insects, fish, birds and animals in our eyes. It is difficult for us to understand it with common sense.

After that time, I never felt its presence again.

If there is really some kind of magic weapon that can communicate with it like a python bead, then the power and shock it can bring us is far better than a set of super armor that is not afraid of swords.

In short, the development of this set of super armor has been full of twists and turns, which always makes my hopes dashed and my wishes come to nothing when I am about to arrive at my destination. "

Bai Fu said with emotion: "Compared to the weird things discussed tonight, the battle of Jianghuai is really nothing.

The more you know, the more you realize your ignorance.In this vast world, there are still many mysteries waiting for the world to discover. "


Everyone chatted very happily, and before they knew it, the rooster crowed, and the sky was already bright.

The messenger suddenly came to report: "Marshal, I have received a letter from the scout pigeon, and the imperial envoy is about to arrive."

Bai Fu hurriedly mobilized his soldiers and horses, and went out of the city ten miles to meet him.

Outside the city of Yangzhou, there is a long pavilion ten miles away. Bai Fu led all the generals to line up to meet him.On the official road, flags were flying, and five hundred soldiers put on their helmets and armor, neatly lined up on both sides, with their heads held high and their chests held high, without looking sideways.

The imperial envoy's car arrived soon, and a cavalry of nearly a thousand people in fresh clothes and angry horses, majestic and majestic, surrounded by several luxurious carriages, came roaring.

Bai Fu dismounted and led Huyan Tieyi, Yuchi Hushi, Tang Kui and other major generals to meet him.

Bai Fu bowed and saluted, and said loudly: "My humble minister, Bai Fu, welcome the angel!"

Unexpectedly, the imperial envoy turned a blind eye to the generals and drove away without any intention of stopping at all, even without opening the curtain.

The iron cavalry roared past, rolling up dust all over the sky, covering the heads and faces of Bai Fu and other generals with dust on their faces.

Yuchi Hussar was furious, and was about to chase after him and curse, when Huyan Tieyi grabbed him and held him tightly.

Bai Fu raised his head and looked at the billowing yellow dust behind the carriage, with an imperceptible sneer on his face.


After the imperial eunuchs entered Yangzhou City, they drove directly to Xingyuan to rest, and refused Bai Fu's welcome banquet.

The next day, imperial eunuchs entered the palace and announced Suzong's imperial edict to the civil and military officials in the Jianghuai area.

It was only then that Bai Fu saw the imperial eunuch Ai Dong, who was 47 or [-] years old, with a round head and a lot of gray hair mixed in his bun.

The most impressive thing is this person's eyes, the pupils are gray and yellow, wandering around, showing a cruel and fierce wolf-like light from time to time, it is not easy to be with at first glance.

The eunuch Ai Dong speaks in a well-tuned way, superficially high-sounding, but in fact he has a double meaning, deliberately making things difficult for the generals.

After the eunuch Ai Dong announced the imperial decree, he handed the edict to Bai Fu. He smiled and said to Bai Fu: "This journey is exhausting, and the water and soil are not acclimatized, and the body is quite uncomfortable. I will not delay General Bai's time. We will arrive today." Here."

After the eunuch Ai Dong said his farewell, surrounded by cavalry, he walked away and returned to Xingyuan to rest.

All the civil and military officials in the Jianghuai River are pampered and well-off. They are not good at fighting, but they can read their words and deeds and understand their intentions. They are all scheming and scheming.

Seeing the posture of the imperial eunuch Ai Dong, everyone understood.The imperial envoy came here in the name of Xuanwei Jianghuai Tang Army, but in fact it was to thoroughly investigate the generals of the Tang Army headed by Bai Fu.

For the next few days, the eunuch Ai Dong kept a distance from Bai Fu's generals, and only the eunuch Xing Yanen, the supervising army, accompanied him.

Eunuch Ai Dong ordered his attendants to divide into five groups, and kept interviewing the generals in the army.The questions asked were nothing more than whether Bai Fu had withheld military pay, lied about military achievements, falsely reported the results of battles, and so on.

General Tang Jun replied truthfully, so that eunuch Ai Dong could not find any loopholes.

Huyan Tieyi and other generals led eunuch Ai Dong's subordinates to check the captured Liu Zhanshui's trophies one by one, and put them into the warehouse.

Except that most of the grain and grass in Luoyan Valley had been burned, the rest of the army had everything they needed, and hundreds of tents were piled up.Weapons such as arrows and shields, supplies such as tents and clothes, and supplies such as flags, gongs and drums are piled up like mountains.

Money and goods such as silk and satin, gold ingots, copper coins, and rare treasures are packaged in thousands of nanmu boxes, locked with copper locks, sealed, and guarded by special personnel.


Everything is in order, so that the eunuch Ai Dong and his attendants can't find any faults.

The eunuch Ai Dong was not reconciled, he came here with a mission, so how could he make an appointment with the prince and the master behind him.

The eunuch Ai Dong rolled his eyes, thinking of a plan.

In the next few days, accompanied by the eunuch Xing Yanen, the eunuch who supervised the army, the eunuch Ai Dong visited Li Yao, the former Jiedu envoy of Jiangxi and West Zhejiang, Deng Jingshan, the original envoy of Huainan East, and Huaixi Jiedu, the initiator of the rebellion by Liu Zhan. The envoy Wang Zhongsheng and other officials in the Jianghuai area.

Soon, the eunuch Ai Dong made the accusation of framing Bai Fu, formed ten conclusive charges, and reported it to the court.

First, after Liu Zhan's rebellion was put down, the Jianghuai area should deal with the aftermath as soon as possible. It is said that the soldiers outside the establishment should be disbanded, the fields and houses occupied by the rebels should be returned, the displaced refugees should be compensated, and the merchants who escaped from the chaos should be recruited... However, when Bai Fu and other generals dealt with the aftermath, under the banner of hunting down the rebels, they extorted rich merchants and disturbed the people without discipline, which made the aftermath in the Jianghuai area more and more chaotic.

Second, the generals of the Tang army who were born in the Jianghuai area, and their relatives relied on their brothers to blackmail the county guards, set up private courts, and take revenge on suspicion.

Third, he angrily denounced the various illegal activities of the Tang army, and listed generals such as Bai Fu, Huyan Tieyi, Yuchi Huqi, Tang Kui, Yue Huzhu, Pei Pokong and other generals for conniving at the soldiers under their command. The loser is big.The pacification of Liu Zhan this time was purely because the rebels were unpopular and exhausted, so it was not a battle.

Fourth, in the Tang Army Navy, Ding Jiuqu, Sheng Hailiu, Ruan Brothers and other generals, the bandits and hooligans who gathered in the mountains and forests, rose up at the right time and stole high military and political positions. .Even if these green forest tyrants recruited for security, even if they submit to the imperial court, they should only be given humble positions and cannot be entrusted with heavy responsibilities...


At the end of the memorial, the eunuch Ai Dongzuo asked Bai Fu and other generals to be dismissed from their posts, and selected capable officials from the court to come to Jianghuai to deal with the aftermath;
I request the imperial court to severely punish the evil gentry in the Jianghuai River, so as to put an end to the discipline of the village, even if their relatives served as senior generals in the Tang army;
Please demote Ding Jiuqu, Sheng Hailiu, Ruan Brothers and other generals from Lvlin to see the effect.


When the eunuch Ai Dong's memorial was presented to the capital, the ruling and opposition parties were shocked.

The generals of the Tang army who were far away in Jianghuai soon learned of the content of the report, and the three armies were in an uproar...:
"So, we are not the hero but the culprit?!"

"Is Liu Zhan a rebel, or are we rebels?!"

"Ge Laozi, get Qingjun's side!"


All of a sudden, the military barracks along the Jianghuai area were full of hostility, the wind was rumbling, and the grass and trees were full of soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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