A young knight-errant from Chang'an went to the garrison building at night to watch Taibai.

The bright moon in Longtou is approaching the pass, and pedestrians in Longshang play flute at night.

The veteran general in Kansai was very sad, and he was in tears when he listened in the horse.

He has experienced more than a hundred battles, big and small, and has benefited thousands of households under his command.

Su Wucai belonged to the country of Dian, and Jiemin fell to the west of Haixi.

——"Longtou Yin" Wang Wei



The wind and snow for several days finally stopped, and early in the morning, a round of red sun rose slowly from the horizon.

The big river is solitary and the smoke is straight, and the sun in Chang'an is round.

The morning sun in the morning mist is warm and warm. At first, the red light is like a freshly peeled egg. When it completely jumps out of the ground, the sun is shining brightly, and it is like a dazzling gold medal.

The guard of the Chunming Gate in the east of Chang’an City stood on the gate tower, holding the handle of his waist knife, bathed in the rays of light, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery at sunrise.The bright sunlight sprinkled his bright light armor with a layer of gold dust.Looking from a distance, it looks like a general in golden helmet and armor standing on the tower, mysterious, solemn and majestic.

Just as the red sun jumped out of the ground, smoke and dust billowed on the horizon, and hundreds of cavalry seemed to jump out of the red sun and galloped towards Chunming Gate.

The guard was shocked, and hurriedly ordered the guards to be on full alert.

Among hundreds of iron cavalry, one stood out, holding a golden batch token, and rushed to Chunming Gate first.

The general yelled: "The military situation is urgent, open the city gate quickly!"

After checking the tokens, it was confirmed that they were cavalrymen from the Tang Army. Two scouts raised the flag to the tower, and the guard of Chunming Gate breathed a sigh of relief, put down the suspension bridge, and opened the city gate.

Hundreds of cavalry did not stop for a moment, and the mighty war horses roared across the suspension bridge, passed through the city gate, walked along Zhuque Street, and headed straight for Guanglufang.

The guard on duty thought to himself: "Which team is so bold and unscrupulous in galloping in Fang Street, and is not afraid of the censor to take a copy of him?"

I saw a young general with a lion helmet and silver armor, a jade face with frost, and a murderous expression on his face. Surrounded by all the generals, he rode his horse and swung his whip like a gust of wind.

The city lord general was shocked: "No wonder this iron cavalry is so murderous. It turns out that this master is back! Something is going to happen, something is going to happen!"


The rising sun swept away the haze over Chang'an.

Wang Jin, the old patriarch of the Wang family in Taiyuan, got up early in the morning and practiced Wu Qin Xi in the courtyard for half an hour.After working hard all the way, Wang Jin was radiant and sweating profusely.Wang Jin took the silk handkerchief from the maid and wiped the sweat off his head.

Looking up inadvertently, a ray of sunlight pierces through the clouds and breaks through the sky, shining on the pavilion-like pines and cypresses in the courtyard, making this thousand-year-old pines and cypresses full of vitality and green.

Wang Jin thought about it, thoughtfully, and said to Wang Jing, his son-in-law next to him: "Today in Chang'an, something big will happen."

Less than a cup of tea time, only the sound of thunder rolling in the distance, dull rumbling, like the raging tide of Qiantang, rushing along the breakwater, mountains and tsunami.

Wang Jing used to live in the army for a long time, and immediately realized that it was the sound of galloping iron horses. His expression changed, he threw down the sweat towel in his hand, and shouted loudly: "All the gates of the mansion will be closed immediately, and no one will be allowed without the order of the patriarch." Get out of the house!"

As soon as the words were finished, a group of cavalry roared past the walls of the square outside the mansion, with a huge momentum, like a thousand troops.

Wang Jing looked solemn, and said to Wang Jin, "Father, from the rhythm of the sound of horseshoes, it should not be the cavalry of the Beiya Imperial Army or the Nanya Sixteen Guards, but the field frontier army of my Tang Dynasty!"

The father and son looked at each other anxiously.


The scorching sun is in the sky, and the warm winter sun makes Chang'an as warm as spring, comfortable and comfortable.

In Guanglufang, the most luxurious residence with the largest area should be the residence of Dou Luxin, the uncle of Empress Zhang.

Under the wall on the sunny side of the Dou Mansion, a group of beggars curled up in the sun and were exposed to the sun, scratching the lice that were jumping around in the ragged coats of rotten cotton wool.


Between the beggar's fingers, a bloody louse was pinched into a ball of blood on the spot.

The beggar smiled contentedly, and was about to yawn and fall asleep when he was frightened by the armed cavalry who suddenly appeared in front of him.

The beggars crawled and rolled, and fled in all directions from the alleys of Dou Mansion, leaving only a few elderly beggars who were incontinent.

"Come on, surround Dou Mansion!"

With a general order, five hundred cavalry drove straight in and surrounded Dou's residence.

The leader of this tiger and wolf army is Bai Fu.


"If you are familiar with history books, you should understand that in this game of chess, no matter how much credit you have or how much you have been wronged, the most correct Tesuji is that you can only confess your guilt and not show your merit.

Confession is also particular and methodical.You must never admit the crime of treason, as long as it is not treason, not disloyal to the emperor, other crimes can be casually hailed on yourself. "

Changsun Yanxing's words still ring in his ears.

On the way back to Chang'an, Bai Fu thought about it thoroughly, and he has thought through this matter thoroughly.

Conspiracy should be dealt with with conspiracy.

Since you want to stigmatize yourself, let's make things bigger.As long as it is not conspiracy, you can let it go.If you want to pick something, pick something that goes straight to heaven.If you want to make a fuss, make a fuss and make a fuss.The bigger the trouble, the safer it is, and the less likely it is to be punished.

What has nothing to do with treason, and I still hold the reason?It can make Chang'an full of wind and rain, but also make the king annoyed and loved, and have nothing to do?
Since ancient times, the thing that most satisfies the above conditions is gossip and gossip!
Where to start?
Treat others with their own way!
Don't you, Dou Qian, dare to enter the palace to pick the princess?I, Bai Fu, dared to call the door, and Ma stepped into Dou's mansion!

No matter how serious this kind of incident is, it is nothing more than jealousy, not to mention that Princess Qingluan is the well-known fiancée of Bai Fu, and her name is justified.

When it came to the Golden Luan Hall, Suzong was also an upright official who could hardly decide on family affairs, so it was not good to favor any party.

Bai Fu has always acted like this, making decisions before acting.If you don't do anything, it's all right, and if you do it, you must do it!


"Who are you? How dare you offend me?!"

The chief steward of the Dou Mansion lifted the hem of his robe, came out of the mansion angrily, and angrily scolded the soldiers of the Tang army who were shouting at the door.

Seeing the door of the mansion opened, a cavalry came roaring.The galloping war horse raised its hooves, scaring all the servants to run away with their heads in their hands.The butler backed away in fright, and fell to the ground in a panic.

"Fuck you!"

The cavalry whip lashed the head steward's face, his face was ferocious and fierce.

The butler spat out a mouthful of blood, two teeth protruded with blood, and rolled down on the bluestone slab.

"Ay Ya I gi!"

The butler almost lost his breath.He is used to being domineering and showing off his might, but he has never seen this kind of frontier cavalry with blood on his hands and killing people like grass.

"Master, it's not good, kill, kill!"

The big housekeeper is also a master who bullies the weak and fears the hard, and a good man does not suffer immediate losses. These people are definitely not here for me.With a mournful face and covering his mouth, he rolled and scrambled, stumbled, and rolled back to the mansion, crying and howling.

After a stick of incense, Dou Luxin, the uncle of the country, swaggered out of the mansion surrounded by servants holding swords.

When Dou Luxin saw the chief cavalry general, he was furious and scolded: "Bai Fu, this is Chang'an! Leading troops to surround the mansion, do you still have the king's law in your eyes?!"

Bai Fu sat on the horse, smiled proudly, pointed at Dou Luxin with the head of the whip, and said, "Old man, is Dou Qian his son?"

When Dou Luxin heard it, he immediately understood what was going on.However, relying on being Empress Zhang's uncle, he didn't take Bai Fu seriously.

Dou Luxin snorted coldly, and said: "That's right. Dou Qian is the son of the old man? So what? A gentle lady, a gentleman is so good. What's more, you are not a son-in-law?

My son has a prominent family background, is full of talents, and is in the same family as Her Royal Highness, and is a man of talent and beauty, which is incomparable to mere grassroots.

You are a child from a humble family, and you have stolen a high position because of your ancestors' virtues, but you are overwhelmed and want to marry the princess.I advise you to be a little self-aware and quit as soon as possible, so as not to delay the happiness of the princess' life! "

Dou Luxin was dazzled by the anger, and he didn't think about the harsh words.

As soon as Dou Luxin said this, the five hundred cavalry were in an uproar!

Insulting the general is tantamount to insulting the soldiers of the armed forces.All the generals brandished their weapons, yelling and cursing, wishing they could rush up immediately and cut the old man's body into pieces.

Bai Fu's complexion darkened, and a cold light bloomed in his eyes. When he raised his hand, all the generals immediately fell silent, not even the horses dared to neigh.

Bai Fu turned his polite and polite Confucian demeanor in the past, pointed at Dou Luxin's nose, and yelled: "I am fighting bloody battles outside, and Paul and others are rich and peaceful, enjoying peace. You son of a bitch, took advantage of the vacancy, and openly teased me who has never been married. Daughter-in-law, ride on my head and shit and pee!
If all the princes and grandsons are like you, wouldn't it chill the hearts of the soldiers of the world!

I'm going all out today, if you don't kill a few people, you don't know what I mean by someone!

Today's battle is not only for me, Bai Fu, but also for all the soldiers of Datang who are fighting outside!

If you don't kill you all today, you will be ashamed of the three armies of the Tang Dynasty!
My sons and daughters, let me kill you and kill Dou Qian. If you live, you want to see people, and if you die, you want to see corpses!
Anyone who dares to stop, regardless of gender, will be shot to death!

If I don't step down on the Dou Mansion, it will be difficult to dispel the hatred in my heart!
kill me! "

Bai Fu gave an order, waved his hand, and smashed the arrow on the ground hard, bending it into a curved ruler.

All the soldiers couldn't hold back their anger for a long time, just waiting for this sentence.

Five hundred iron cavalry roared in like a flood of beasts, chopping down every armed servant and smashing any valuables. In less than a moment, they turned the huge Dou Mansion upside down and smashed it to pieces.

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