Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 106 The Strange Life-Saving Grace

Chapter 106 The Strange Life-Saving Grace

Could the little mirage's poor spirits be related to the physical condition of its owner, Hao Ruisheng?
Yan Yan was distracted.

Hao Ruisheng has already begun to explain the reason why he cannot change his fiancé.

"Zhuo Jinzhang and my father have saved lives, and they have not made any mistakes since they entered my house. Now that they are about to get engaged, my father has put up such a big fight, and everyone in the city knows that the engagement banquet is going to be noisy. I regret the marriage. Dad has been worrying about my life for many years, and I don't want him to worry about me anymore."

Although he had nothing to say about Yanyan, Hao Ruisheng felt that it was better not to tell Yanyan about Zhuo Jinzhang's dirty dealings with his maid.

Mainly because it was too embarrassing for her to speak out.

Yanyan didn't say anything after hearing that, she just smiled.

No fault?
Hao Ruisheng is a good and filial girl, otherwise, with her intelligence and sensitivity, how could she not be able to find Zhuo Jinzhang's fault!

But these are other people's family affairs after all, Yanyan didn't want to talk too much, so she asked instead: "How can Mr. Zhuo and Mr. Hao save lives?"

Hao Ruisheng frowned: "It's a bit strange to talk about it."

"Last winter, my father went to Meng Huazong in Shanhu Mountain to celebrate the 350th birthday of Sect Master Chengyu. I was trapped by a snowstorm in the suburbs, and my father and the servants in the family couldn't make it on the way, so they hid in a ruined temple in the mountain for a while. Avoid the wind and snow. I don’t want to encounter a mountain monster eating people in the middle of the night.”

"The mountain demon was very vicious, and immediately swallowed two servants alive. At that time, everyone was terrified. The servants protected my father and planned to break out of the ruined temple to escape. Zhuo Jinzhang slept with my father that night In the monk's room in the backyard of the ruined temple."

"He came out when he heard the movement, and when he saw this situation, he immediately drew a few talismans with a cinnabar pen. He is a scholar, and he had learned the simple technique of drawing talismans from a Taoist priest. These low-level mountain monsters are still barely useful."

"At that time, he drew a few talismans and pasted them on the four walls. Sure enough, he frightened away the mountain demon and saved the lives of my father and a dozen family servants. My father paid him a lot of money. Zhuo Jinzhang said that the scholars accepted the teachings of the sages, I should do good deeds to accumulate virtue, so I politely declined my father's generous gift."

"My father is very grateful, so I had to write a letter to him. He said that if he encounters difficulties in the future, he can come here with a letter, and my rich family will definitely help him to repay the great kindness."

"After this incident, my father returned safely for several months, but he never saw Zhuo Jinzhang come to the house. He didn't tell me about it, but my father praised Zhuo Jinzhang's character and never forgot his life-saving grace."

"On a certain day about half a year ago, Mr. Zhuo suddenly came to the door with a letter."

Yan Yan smiled: "He will be your son-in-law when he comes to your house?"

No matter how Yanyan heard the script, it was like Zhu Bajie's story in Gaolaozhuang.

The capable scholar helped fight off the monster, and later settled in Miss Fugui's mansion. In fact, the capable scholar himself is a monster.

Hao Ruisheng shook his head: "At first, he only said that he had nothing to pay for the exam, and he didn't want to rely on his old favor to ask for it, so he came to my house with a letter to ask for a living. When he saved enough money, he said goodbye and continued on the road to catch the exam."

"My father was impressed by his character of hard work without losing his character, so he gave him a job in charge, so that he could earn money and have time to study. He had nowhere to live, so my father arranged for him to live temporarily. A guest room in a courtyard in the middle of the house."

At this point, Hao Ruisheng sighed helplessly: "What happened later is also because I was too naive."

"At that time, I thought he was a scholar, he knew etiquette and righteousness, and he saved my father's life, so I often went to ask him about his daily needs, but I never thought that he would actually fall in love with me and tell my father about it."

"My father liked him already, so he sent someone to investigate his life experience, and found that his parents had died early, and there was no one left, so my father wanted to get married."

After hearing Hao Ruisheng's explanation of the cause and effect of her marriage with Zhuo Jinzhang, Yanyan's heart was full of doubts.

If it was a complete accident that the scholar destroyed the temple in the mountains to save Master Hao, then the reason for his second visit was too hypocritical and far-fetched.

If Zhuo Jinzhang had really had a backbone, he would never have come to him based on a letter, let alone agree to live in a wealthy mansion. This is obviously for food and drink.

In particular, there is a young lady who has not left the court in the mansion. You are a phoenix man of the right age who is not married. You are the heart of Sima Zhao!
What's more, I have to scrape together money to rush for the exam, and I don't think it's enough to study and study in my spare time, and I still have the mind to think about the young lady?
Yan Yan even suspected that Zhuo Jinzhang came after Miss Hao's family after he found out the details of the Hao family.

But these are all thoughts in Yan Yan's heart, she knows that with Hao Ruisheng being such a transparent and sensitive person, and having been with Zhuo Jinzhang for so long, she should already have her own concerns, otherwise she wouldn't treat her father's The attitude of the savior is so cold.

Yanyan was distracted when Hao Ruisheng suddenly held her hand. She raised her head and saw the other person's eyes looking at her eagerly: "Tang Tang, you are a monk, aren't you?"

Yanyan was startled, she watched Hao Ruisheng silently.

Seeing her reaction, Hao Ruisheng comforted her with a gentle smile: "Don't be nervous, I don't mean anything else. I just heard what Mr. Shen said. I was very surprised at the time, but afterwards I was surprised and happy. I will introduce you as my confidant , although I can't practice, I finally have a monk confidant, it's great!"

Yan Yan frowned and remained silent.

Shen Yuyun is such a talkative man!

Hao Ruisheng said with a smile: "I now believe that the relationship between you and Mr. Shen is indeed green. Because he specially reminded me not to get close to you. He said that your origin is unknown and your identity is suspicious, so let me stay away from you. But I I feel like you're not a bad person."

"I like being with you. It's relaxed and comfortable. You don't have to stick to etiquette. You speak freely and comfortably. You are completely different from the girls I know. So, I didn't listen to Mr. Shen. I want to be your confidant. "

It's best to be a family!

Yan Yan looked at Hao Ruisheng with a smile: "Master is loyal to your family, if you don't listen to him, you are not afraid that I will harm you?"

This girl is really straight-hearted, I can tell her everything, but Yan Yan likes it.

Hao Ruisheng shook his head: "everyone has good and evil. It depends on whether he uses the evil side on you. I also have evil nature, but I don't have any evil thoughts towards you, so I can't be regarded as an evil person to you. "

Yan Yan smiled and praised: "Same!"

The two girls laughed loudly at the same time.

Hao Ruisheng treats others with sincerity just like Mu Juan'er, they are both the type that Yanyan likes.It's just that Mu Juan'er is suitable to be a sister, and Hao Ruisheng is suitable to be a buddy!

When the feast competition is over, I have to go back to see Mu Juan'er, Yanyan misses that gentle little woman a little bit.

The two chatted until Yan Yan had dinner before taking their leave.

She didn't ask Hao Ruisheng's maid to see her off, because...she didn't intend to leave at all.

I still have to do things here tonight.

After finding a place that no one was paying attention to, Yan Yan entered the Sumeru Realm.

She made an appointment with Shen Yuyun to meet at midnight, it was still early at this moment, Yan Yan lit a incense stick and began to concentrate on cultivation.

Ever since she was able to condense the Qi Ling, Yanyan has been able to restrain or release the Qi Qi of the meridians as she likes, and she has become more and more proficient in controlling the Qi Qi in her body.

She has now started the next stage of cultivation attempts, letting the breath of energy circulate in the body, and while continuously expanding the channels of meridians, she also slowly began to open up the sea of ​​energy in the dantian.

The Qi refining period is also known as the "Phoenix Beginning Realm". It is a crucial stage for monks to lay the foundation for cultivation. The capacity of the sea of ​​Qi opened up during the Qi refining period will directly determine the level of future cultivation.

Be tolerant to diversity, tolerance is a virtue.This is also the case for Qihai.

(End of this chapter)

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