Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1199 Don't take yourself as a woman


Feng Xiaoyao yelled violently, and the flames around him surged like fire waves.

Raising his hand to lift the enchantment on his back, it was like holding a piece of broken sky.

The huge scabbard under his feet seemed to be on fire, carrying Feng Xiaoyao, and slowly lifted up with his effort.

"Second Senior Brother!"

Shen Yuyun roared with red eyes, and suddenly knelt down heavily to Yanyan: "Please... save Second Senior Brother!"

Yanyan raised her head, and in her pitch-black pupils were two groups of fiercely burning flames...

She felt that Feng Xiaoyao probably couldn't hear anything at this time, so he didn't know that Baoli had arrived, so he yelled at her.

Yanyan stretched out her hand and pulled Shen Yuyun up from the ground, but she still stood still.

People must be saved.

If it's not possible, it's not impossible to bring these people, including Feng Xiaoyao, into the Sumeru Realm. Yanyan believes in Canghua's ability to brainwash.

But before the end, she didn't want to take that risk, so she waited and said.

Shen Yuyun's eyes were still red, and the continuous sound of swords in his ears became one, buzzing, like a large number of square pigeons flying into the sky.

Yan Yan frowned very tightly, feeling that the few breaths of waiting for Robo Li seemed extremely long.

Or, she didn't want anything to happen to Feng Xiaoyao, the man who suddenly appeared in front of her and cursed in her consciousness.

A bit greasy!

Yan Yan's frown was loosened, and she pushed away Shen Yuyun who was too close to her, and her body was like a light lancet, leaping into the air.


When Yu Xinzhu's exclamation came from behind, Yan Yan had already stepped out of the air, and she only took one step out, which was already a distance that Yu Xinzhu could not keep up with.

Above her, Feng Xiaoyao is close at hand.

Feng Xiaoyao didn't expect Yan Yan to come up in person.

Looking at the unbelievably beautiful face that was getting closer and closer to him, there was only a hotter flame in Feng Xiaoyao's pupils than his whole body.

Not to be beautiful.

pissed off.

"Let you take them away, what are you doing here? Are you courting death?"

Yanyan just came up to her, and was suddenly sprayed with flaming anger by the other party.

The phoenix eyes narrowed, Yan Yan's expression was as clever as a cat's, as dangerous as a cat's.

"Yell at me, do you deserve it?"

Feng Xiaoyao was taken aback.

No one had ever spoken to him in that tone.

This little girl is brave enough.

Then he felt the collar on his chest tighten, and when he lowered his head, he saw a small white and slender hand clutching his collar.

Feng Xiaoyao felt a huge force coming from the hand on the neck, but the violence did not match the appearance of that hand at all.

Yan Yan's actions were rough and direct, grabbing Feng Xiaoyao's collar, and directly tore him away from under the collapsed dome.

The moment Feng Xiaoyao's body was moved away, Yan Yan made two golden talismans one after another with a backhand gesture that could not be seen clearly with the naked eye.

——Blooming in an instant
——The sky is clear

The fragments of the barrier broken by Feng Xiaoyao are like a frame-by-frame frame, and the image of countless fragments flying around has become an infinitely slow looping image in Yan Yan's eyes.

In the next second, those fragments, like an old movie projector that was suddenly reversed by someone, suddenly flew upward together, and a golden sun in the sky slowly rotated and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The Great Barrier, which has not yet disappeared, is like a smashed egg shell, with sharp corners and golden edges embedded in it, which is particularly eye-catching.

The people below all stared blankly at the scene that just happened.

forgot to talk...

Or speechless.

Yanyan was the first to come back to his senses.

Touching her nose, Yan Yan glanced eastward quietly.

I don't know if this thing is expensive or not, will Wen Qiong make her pay...

"I'll go! You're still in a daze at a time like this..."

Yan Yan was thinking about the value of the enchantment of the Changsheng Pavilion, when she didn't pay attention, the world suddenly turned around in front of her eyes.

Then she changed her posture with Feng Xiaoyao, who was still in her hand a second ago.

But Feng Xiaoyao was more polite than Yanyan, he didn't pick up her collar, but pulled her into his arms roughly.

Yan Yan's hand was still holding onto Feng Xiaoyao's clothes, she didn't have time to see what happened, she just felt that from outside the broken barrier, there seemed to be a lot of things smashed down, lumps and black.

The reason why Feng Xiaoyao protected her under his body was to shield her from those things that suddenly fell down.

Immediately afterwards, Yan Yan heard the noise coming from the crowd below.

Loosen Feng Xiaoyao's clothes, and when Yanyan stood up straight, Feng Xiaoyao let go of the hand that was holding her.

The two looked down together.Only then did Yanyan see clearly that the ones who were left behind were actually people, many people.

To be exact, they were all body repairs in black monk uniforms.

Feng Xiaoyao's expression was obviously much more relaxed than before, and he wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

"Uh, it's finally here."

Yanyan: "Are you actually waiting for the elder thief?"

Feng Xiaoyao glanced at Yan Yan with strange eyes: "What else? Waiting for you? Don't you know who I'm waiting for?"

That expression is the same as Yan Yan knowingly asking questions.

Yan Yan smiled: "Second Senior Brother, I don't seem to be familiar with you."

Feng Xiaoyao: "So what. Aren't you familiar with Xiao Liu, Xiao Zhuzi, and Uncle Gui?"

After asking the rhetorical question, Feng Xiaoyao also took a look at Yanyan with the eyes of an idiot.

Yan Yan: "I still don't understand why I have to know you very well!"

Yanyan has a stubborn temper, and she must ask about the unreasonable things that have been placed on her.

In addition, through these few words, she felt that Feng Xiaoyao's logic was flawed.

Feng Xiaoyao didn't even look at Yan Yan, and said casually: "I am good friends with them, and you are also good friends with them."

"You and I are absolute partners in today's battle, and you didn't know the news about the best partner in combat power at all beforehand."

"As the planner and main executor of the whole thing, don't you need to reflect?"

"Does it have to be presented to you with both hands of my dossier before you will take it seriously?"

Yan Yan was stunned.

Feng Xiaoyao's short and capable rhetorical questions are well-organized, logically rigorous, interlocking and seamless, and there is nothing wrong with it!

Yanyan couldn't refute a single word.

Feeling Yanyan staring at him, Feng Xiaoyao turned his head and looked at Yanyan's face again, smiling a little naughty.

"Small, high-ranking, powerful, spoiled!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Xiaoyao looked away from Yanyan's face, and his voice became lower and gentler.

"Since you have taken these positions, you can no longer treat yourself as a little girl, and sometimes even forget that you are a woman."

Yan Yan withdrew her gaze lightly, and her tone was also light.

"That's another woman, this suzerain doesn't need it."

Feng Xiaoyao glanced sideways and smiled: "Yo, you have a bad temper. Haven't you heard of it? Listen to people's advice and eat enough."

Yan Yan was expressionless: "If I would listen to persuasion, I wouldn't be standing here."

Just as Feng Xiaoyao was about to speak, a white light flickered in front of his eyes, and the snake pattern sword was already pointed at his throat.

Yanyan's gaze was as cold as her tone: "Thinking that with just a few questions, you're going to make a fortune? Shen Yuyun didn't even know that Pavilion Master Yu was secretly investigating Rong Mochou. He couldn't possibly tell you this. Who gave you the letter? I want to be honest. .”

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