Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1226 It's not bronze, it's not silver, it's legend

The golden dragon swam out calmly from the thick water waves, with a flowing beard and stretched scales and claws.He raised his head, and let out a high-pitched dragon cry from deep in his throat:


The water splash was rolled violently by Long Yin, and directly smashed the ice slugs mixed with the spiritual energy of the God Transformation Realm that were chasing after it into slag.

"Come on my back, and I will take you away."

Everyone was shocked by the majestic and mighty dragon in front of them, and they couldn't help but stepped forward to touch the mirror-like dragon scales.

Kang Jinpan was a little uncomfortable being touched, and there was that "click, click" friction sound between the scales.

"You just need to hold my body tightly, that... don't touch it, I'm ticklish, especially the tail..."

After reminding everyone, Kang Jinpan remembered the bad experience before, turned the dragon's head to look at Yanyan.

"Miss Yan, come to the front, you can support my dragon horn."

"Ah, good!"

Yanyan happily responded, swam to the front, and reached out to hold Kang Jinlong's horn.

This is her first contact with a real dragon horn.

I have seen Canghua before, but I only dare to look at it, touching it is courting death.

Right now the real dragon horn is in his hand, Yan Yan couldn't help rubbing it lightly.

The texture of the dragon horns is like fresh antlers, and the surface is covered with a layer of fine short fleece, which feels great to the touch.But the shape is different from the antlers.

The dragon's horns are actually not big, compared to the dragon's huge body, they can almost be ignored. They are born at the back of the dragon's head, and the roots are hidden in the thick neck mane.

It doesn't stand out like antlers, but looks small and cute.

Kang Jinpan's real body transformed this time is much smaller than before, probably for the convenience of walking in the pool.

Feeling that everyone was holding on firmly, Kang Jinpan uttered a deep moan again, a blue aura spewed out from the dragon's mouth, swung the dragon's tail violently, and walked like a gust of wind.

The speed of the dragon moving through the water is so fast that Yan Yan and Yue Ya, who are in the God Transformation Realm, can't see the surrounding scenery clearly, only the howling wind roars in their ears.

Everyone was surprised to find that when Kang Jinpan was walking in the water, the water in front of him would automatically give way, just like the vortex stirred by Yueya's wind technique, forming a channel in the water.

Those of them who were lying on the back of the dragon, their clothes and hair did not even touch the water, it was almost as if they were flying on land.

But no one felt any breath released by the giant dragon, let alone his Yushui.

The golden dragon is like the king of water.

Everyone was amazed in their hearts, this is a natural spiritual creature, this is the powerful power endowed by heaven and earth to these outstanding souls.

The dragon in the water is not Yushui at all, this is the command to the underwater: get out of the way!

Where Kang Jinpan passed by, the water swirled violently to form a strong impulse, and the giant fish that were chasing after them curiously, as well as the water monsters that smelled the breath of human monks and were about to come to attack and prey, were sent flying far away. Or minced directly.

In the entire underwater channel, there is only a milky white water belt left.

No one can see a dragon walking in the water at all.

Just before Yanyan and the others left, Rong Mochou cast ice spells, and managed to freeze to a place very close to Yanyan and the others.

As they got closer, he could already clearly feel the aura of Yan Yan's people.Rong Mochou was ecstatic.

Rong Mochou calculated that the speed of freezing was faster than Yanyan and the others' diving speed.

In this way, he can use the elixir to conceal the breath, freeze these people in the water silently, and then release them, so that there are no bones left for these people to eat.

It is simply a perfect step to kill and silence, no one will know, even if they are discovered in the future, the bones of these people will be gnawed clean by the microscopic fish and insects in the water.

However, when Rong Mochou manipulated the ice spell happily and froze little by little, an unknown force emerged from the bottom of the water unsuspectingly, rushing up from a deeper depth.

Just like a volcanic eruption, he smashed the ice that he had finally frozen into powder,

Even his people flew out of the pool directly.

If viewed from the mouth of the pool, Rong Mochou's body was like a cannonball fired from the muzzle of a cannon, and it flew into the sky in a whizz.

When she returned to the ground, Rong Mochou was dressed in rags, and there were still a few pieces of unmelted ice stuck in her messy bun.

Rong Mochou's already bruised face turned even greener, and she stood angrily on the shards of ice floating in the pond, shouting: "My surname is Yan, I chopped you up with my own hands!"

After scolding, he glanced at the purse on his waist...

The anger in Rong Mochou's eyes was blown out bit by bit by reality, and her eyes fell on the few thin pieces of ice floating on the surface of the pool.

Yanyan guessed right, insects are afraid of water.

He can't win so many people by himself, he can only use worms.

If you use worms, you can only freeze them.


Kang Jinpan led the crowd all the way down to the bottom of the pool, and then walked for an unknown amount of time in a deep tunnel at the bottom of the pool, and finally stopped in front of a gray underwater rock wall.

When everyone got down from it, the expressions on their faces were a little stiff, like terracotta warriors dug out of the underground palace, except that there was no soil on their bodies.

The main reason is that the speed is too fast and it is blown by the oncoming wind.

Just now everyone forgot to open the enchantment, just hugged Kang Jinpan's dragon body like that, Yan Yan intuitively felt like riding an airplane.

The speed of the dragon is really fast, if you don't accept it, you will lose your mind.

Rubbing his face, Yu Xinzhu asked, "Where is the underground palace?"

Kang Jinpan patted the big stone wall in front of him: "It's right here!"

Everyone was silent.

Suddenly, I feel like I've been cheated...

Yanyan walked up to the big stone wall covered with thick moss and various water plants, looked around, and then turned to Kang Jinpan: "Are you sure this is the entrance to the underground palace?"

Kang Jinpan shook his head honestly: "I can only be sure that this is the underground palace, and the entrance is not clear."

Yanyan walked up and down the stone wall again, using spirit energy to clean up the water plants covering the surface, except for a large piece of natural submerged rock, there was nothing like what an underground palace should look like. .

Even the traces of artificial chiseling were found.

"There are so many of us, why don't we try to hit this boulder directly with spirit energy!"

Some disciples suggested.

Everyone nodded and looked at Yanyan, waiting for her to make a decision.

Kang Jinpan also looked at her, a little apprehensive.

He felt in his heart that even if Yanyan was the one who was destined to follow the master of the underground palace as the emperor said, this underground palace might not necessarily be opened in such a way.

Yan Yan shook her head.

I followed my grandfather or visited or excavated many tombs, large and small. Although my grandfather is a professor of archeology in the university and believes in science, he has seen many tombs. Even my grandfather is in awe of the dead in the tomb. .

For the deceased, the tomb is as important as the living house, and this place is also the home of others, but it is the home after death.

If they insist on going in, this is called trespassing, and they should not be too presumptuous.

Gently placing her hand on the big sinking water rock in front of her, Yan Yan began to search for the breath on the rock carefully.

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