Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1234 Open the door to life, enter a dead end

The ministers, Zaifu, who had bowed to the person in the chair, bowed down even more respectfully.

At this time, the tree in Yanyan's palm has grown into a giant tree supporting the sky and the ground in the whole mural.

All the people in the murals gathered around the giant tree, as if to seek the blessing of the sacred tree.

The branches and leaves of the sacred tree finally stretched to the zenith symbolizing the future and hope, and gradually covered the entire blank screen.

When the last leaf covered the blank space at the corner of the wall, it began to rain patter from the dome symbolizing the sky.

When the raindrops fell on everyone's faces, Zhang Hui exclaimed, "The rain is real!"

Yueya stretched out her hand to catch the rain, and she suddenly felt warm: "This rain is so comfortable and full of vitality."

Everyone felt the same, nodded one after another, and couldn't help but look at those murals.

It is also raining on the mural.

The people who sacrificed before and the soldiers who fought in the war have all left their positions in the original painting.

With more agricultural tools in their hands, people went to the fields one after another, and began to cultivate under the drizzle.

It was originally just a magnificent mural, but because of the infusion of green, it seemed to come alive.

Just when everyone was feeling emotional about this picture of spring plowing and busy farming, the sound of heavy stones moving sounded in their ears.

The first stone gate is slowly opening automatically...

"Let's go."

Yanyan said something

Her hand has left the mural, but the dome is still shedding fine raindrops.

Everyone walked up the second step on rainy steps.

When walking by, Yu Xinzhu smiled at Yanyan, his expression was obviously more relaxed than when he first came in.

"I think the owner of the tomb is a good person."

Yanyan also smiled slightly at her.

She didn't say anything.

Everyone walked into the second tomb room, Yan Yan walked last.

When stepping up the steps, Yan Yan stopped, and couldn't help turning around to look at the back figure in the top corner of the mural.

She noticed that although the figure was still standing next to the little dirt bag, it had already turned around.

It's just that the face is a little blurred, and I can't see the appearance clearly.

Yan Yan turned around and cast her eyes on the next tomb.

Into the eyes, is the darkness that cannot be seen through...

Everyone stood in front of the door, and no one went inside.

When I entered the first tomb before, there was light coming in from the open gate of the underground palace.

Although the light is still dim, the environment in the tomb can barely be seen clearly.

It was completely dark when we arrived at the tomb on this floor.

"Our cultivation seems to be restricted, and we can't see anything in this tomb."

The monk's vision at night was completely unhindered, but in this tomb, like a normal person, his eyes were completely dark.

Yueya reminded everyone in a deep voice: "I said in the tomb just now that the restrictions in this underground palace are higher than my cultivation level. There are restrictions for sure, and you must not act rashly!"

Yanyan: "The farther you go inside the underground palace, the formations and restrictions will only get stronger and stronger. Aunt Ya is right, everyone should be extra careful."

In order not to disturb the restriction here, Yanyan did not use spirit energy to generate flames.

She found a few wooden sticks from the ring, wrapped one end of the sticks with cloth strips, dipped in some grease, made some temporary torches and distributed them to everyone.

When the torch is lit, the flame in the center of the flame is not light blue like the usual flame, but presents a dreamy golden powder, and the air is filled with the aroma of fried rice.

Yu Xinzhu stared at the torch that Yanyan had just given her in his hand, looked at the piece of wood that was as transparent and white as chalcedony in his hand, and couldn't help asking: "What kind of wood is this?"

Yanyan bared her teeth and smiled: "Just use any wooden sticks you can find."

Yu Xinzhu glanced at Yanyan lightly, her lips moved, but she didn't make a sound.

Of course Yanyan understood her lips, she just smiled and didn't care.

What Yu Xinzhu said was "Langgan wood?", followed by another sentence: Prodigal play!

Using Langgan Shenmu as a torch is indeed a bit of a prodigal, but Yanyan can't help it.

These few pieces of Langgan wood in her ring are suitable for making torches.

Even if you go to Xumi Realm to find it, there is no cheap wood.

In addition to the stretches of Langgan wood forest, there are even more stretches of rubber forests.

In Yanyan's heart, it is difficult to tell which tree is more valuable.

The torches quickly illuminated the second tomb, and the spacious tomb could be seen at a glance, but no one went inside.

"What's all this?"

Kou Mingcheng made the first exclamation, staring at the mural on the wall with disbelief.

Although the rest of the people didn't say anything, their expressions were similar to Kou Mingcheng's, apart from surprise, there was also horror.

The area of ​​this tomb is basically the same as the one they just passed by before. It is also a structure with a round sky. The only difference is the murals on the wall.

If the style of the murals in that room is complicated and magnificent, then the style of this room is dark and depressing.

The main color of the whole picture is dark gray, as if shrouded in a fog polluted by smoke and dust.

Some people shuttled back and forth vaguely in the fog, as if they were doing some meaningless labor.

For those who work hard, there is dark mud under the hoe, and there is no farmer at all.

The woman holding the baby in her arms was concentrating on breastfeeding the baby, but there was only a small skeleton left in her arms.

Although I can't see the demeanor of the characters clearly, I can feel that the people in the paintings are enslaved by all kinds of intense suffering, the never-ending suffering.

There is no large-scale bloody massacre scene in the picture, but it will make people feel a strong sense of depression. If you watch it for a little longer, you will feel depressed, resentful, and even commit suicide...

"What the hell are these people doing? What they are doing is meaningless, so why do they do it?"

Looking at the people on those murals, Wu Xian felt a strong sadness from the bottom of his heart, and couldn't restrain himself from screaming in pain.

His roar obviously only echoed in the dim tomb, but the sound seemed to spread far away.

After yelling, Wu Xian found out that the farmers who were clearly dragging their hoes and hunched over, digging the mud without a single crop, actually straightened their waists.

Wu Xian thought he was dazzled, so he blinked, and looked at the farmer again.

This time, he actually saw the farmer's face clearly.

The farmer's face was thin and deformed due to long-term malnutrition, with almost no trace of flesh and blood, like a skeleton wrapped in human skin.Ugly and scary.

In fact, what scares Wu Xian is not the farmer's skinny appearance, but his eyes.

The farmer's big white eyeballs are like two white balls inlaid abruptly in the eye sockets, and the black eyeballs are extremely small, as small as rice grains.

At this moment, these eyes are staring at Wu Xian, straight to the ground.

Wu Xian staggered back in fright, almost falling down.

Because of the long-term suffering, those eyes seem to no longer believe that there are still good things in the world.

In those eyes, everyone looked like a ghost trying to lure him to hell.

Looking at it like this for a long time, on the contrary, it made my eyes look like a ghost.

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