Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1237 The bosom friend in the wheel chapter

Standing up, she cast her eyes on the murals full of suffering on the wall.

Suddenly pulling out the torch stuck in front of her, Yanyan forcefully poked the burning torch towards the wall.

Langgan wood is a sacred wood that contains spirituality. When touching the murals, it seems to feel the alien atmosphere in the murals that makes it repulsive.

No one expected that Yanyan would set fire to the mural, and everyone was shocked.

Zhang Hui stared nervously at the murals, and asked in a trembling voice, "Sovereign, if we burn the murals, will we be angered by the owner of the tomb?"

Several disciples of Jiange also nodded.

Obviously they had the same idea as Zhang Hui.

Sun Fan couldn't help worrying and said: "Although these are murals, there are restrictions attached to them. These must have been carefully arranged by the owner of the tomb. If we destroy them, he may be displeased."

Even Yueya looked at those murals with some regret, and couldn't help but whispered: "Although it's just a mural, the people inside are as real as they are."

She has also entered the illusion before, and like Wu Xian and the others, she has experienced those unimaginable sufferings in the illusion.

At this moment, when I think of the experience in the painting, I still have lingering fears, and I can't help but feel sad for those suffering people.

Yan Yan looked at the murals burned by the fire with an expressionless face, and his voice was calm.

"It's not like it's real. What you see is originally the real world."

Everyone looked at Yanyan in surprise.

Yanyan: "The world you see is the dark marsh where the Chi'e people from outside the region once lived."

Yu Xinzhu frowned: "How could the owner of this tomb engrave the life scenes of Diablo Daze in his own graveyard?"

Yanyan walked towards the burning mural, the flames of spirit energy lit by the Langgan wood couldn't hurt her at all.

She stretched out her hand, gently stroking the world on the wall that was about to be lost in the flames, and said softly: "Because I met the owner of the tomb of this underground palace."

This sentence shocked everyone again.

There was a golden halo flowing in the pitch-black pupils, like quicksand as fine as strands of hair, looming in Yanyan's pupils.

Her eyes staring at the mural seemed to have passed through the sea of ​​fire in front of her eyes, passed through the hard wall, and looked into the sad and dark world.

She seemed to have returned to the mural, under the lonely tree, and saw Her Highness Princess Tashalan again.

"I know this is something you've always wanted to do."

"How do you know what I want to do?"

Tasjalan's gaze was still peaceful, looking at Yan Yan calmly across the sea of ​​fire.

Yanyan also had a peaceful gaze: "Look at yourself with your body, look at your family with your family, look at your village with your village, look at your country with your country, and look at the world with the world, so..."

The voice paused slightly: "I watch your heart with my heart. Therefore, I know what you think, and stop war with war."

I don't know if it was illuminated by the flames or excited by Yanyan's words, a blush finally appeared on Tasjalan's plain face, and there was light in his eyes.

As if through time and space, she found her confidant in reincarnation, Tashalan showed a sincere smile to Yanyan: "I am very happy to meet you."

Yanyan also nodded slightly to Tashalan, with sincere respect in her eyes.

Although separated by distant time and space;
Despite the rush of time;

Although it is not even a godly friendship;
However, Yanyan at this moment had already thought of what Tashalan did back then.

She passed away with such an honorable status, but why couldn't she return to the land of her motherland.

Yanyan could understand how much pressure Tashalan had to bear and how much grievance and misunderstanding she had endured for the sake of peace inside and outside Daze.

It's just that her people don't understand her.

In the end, she could only sleep in another country forever.

The fire engulfed the entire wall, and finally burned to the lonely tree.

There was no longer Tasjalan's figure under the tree, and even in the real world, that solitary figure from the back no longer existed.

Except for Yanyan, no one noticed this detail.

Because no one can reach that tree except Yanyan.

Withdrawing the consciousness that had penetrated into the painting, Yan Yan turned to the lone tree that was about to be burned, and said in a low voice: "Please rest assured, Your Highness, I will go to Canglang City."

The flames licked up the last piece of the mural, and when Yan Yan finished speaking, the door to the inner room automatically and slowly opened.

Everyone stepped up the steps, but Yan Yan still stood there without moving.

Seeing that she didn't move, everyone stopped and looked at her in puzzlement.

Looking around at the wall that had turned into a piece of scorched earth, Yan Yan suddenly threw the torch towards the wall at the southeast corner.

The Langgan wooden torch was still burning, drawing a golden line in the air, and slamming it against the wall.

A hole was dug out of the wall by the torch, and under the puzzled eyes of everyone, a blue branch and leaf poked in from the other end of the narrow hole.

Like a curious elf, the immature branches carefully stretched their arms into the tomb, and then suddenly the blue light bloomed.

The tree in the mural next door started growing like crazy in this room.

The green and fresh branches and leaves covered the entire wall, including the scorched dome, and the entire tomb was full of greenery.

The scene in front of them shocked everyone.

It also touched everyone.

Everyone silently breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts at the same time.

It seems that the world full of sorrow has finally been redeemed.

Finally no regrets.

Yan Yan turned around and stepped onto the steps leading to the depths of the underground palace.

"thank you"

It was as if a voice came from the void.

Everyone stopped in their tracks and turned their gazes to Yanyan.

They all heard the voice.

Yanyan walked inward with a calm expression.

Everyone in Yu Xinzhu naturally knew that the voice in the void was speaking to Yan Yan.

Yanyan said before that she had met the owner of this underground palace.

What did the two talk about when they met?Everyone tacitly asked no one.

Likewise, no one asked Yanyan who the owner of the underground palace was.

Yan Yan walked inward in silence.

Everyone followed her silently.

Walking into the third stone gate, the main tomb appeared in front of everyone just like that.

Both abrupt and unusual.

Perhaps the experience of the first two tombs was too fantastic, and everyone was prepared to go inside and face more severe tests.

Therefore, when everyone suddenly found that they had reached the main tomb of the underground palace, their faces were full of disbelief and bewilderment.

Here it comes in?
Yanyan was the first to enter the main tomb. When she saw the furnishings in the main tomb, her expression was very calm, but there was admiration for the owner of the tomb in her eyes.

The furnishing of the main tomb is very simple, even crude.

It is said to be a tomb, but it is actually more like the room where the owner of the tomb lived, because in this tomb, there is not even a coffin.

There are two stone boxes against the wall, which contain some clothes for daily wear. Next to the stone box is a stone table with a bronze mirror for dressing.

That's it.

There are no gorgeous neon clothes, no precious funeral, except for a jade-polished comb in front of the bronze mirror, not even a jewelry box.

In the center of the room is a stone bed, on which the owner of the tomb lies quietly.


PS: Yan Yan's words are from "Lao Tzu Chapter 54" Heshang Gongben: Xiu Guan

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