Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1244 I am not Zhu Yingtai

Rong Mochou seemed to have sensed the strange gazes of everyone.

He wanted to see his face, wanted to see what was happening to him.

Then, Rong Mochou used his spiritual consciousness to move the spirit energy, but his body didn't respond.

There was no sense of joy in the meridians that he was familiar with flowing from the spirit qi, nor did the familiar water spirit qi emerge from his body, and even his nose did not smell the water breath stirred by his spirit qi in the surrounding air.

Rong Mochou looked around in a panic as if seeing the end of the world, and then his eyes turned to the mouth of the pool.

He wanted to find some water to take a picture of his current appearance.

But as soon as he took a step, his frail body fell heavily to the ground, and the fragile hand bones broke immediately because of supporting the old body.

Rong Mo's distressed face changed shape.

At this moment, he felt a surge in his stomach, opened his mouth, and hiccupped heavily.

A snow-white bubble emerged from his mouth, floating in the air.

Then, under the surprised eyes of everyone, the snow-white bubble suddenly trembled up and down.

A small hole was opened from the top of the bubble, and a fluffy white guy crawled out of the hole.

The little guy's body was wet, like a newly hatched chick, strands of soft fluff stuck to his body, and a pile of snow-white hair was off his back, which was a mess.

The little guy lay on the white bubble, looked around, and then his small black bean-like eyes fell on Yanyan, blinking excitedly as if seeing someone he knew.

The little guy stretched out his tiny paws in the direction of Yanyan, but fell on Bai Paopao again.

Seeming to be a little annoyed, the little guy vigorously shook the two thin long tentacles on his head, and suddenly shrunk his furry body into a ball, as if exerting force.

With the little guy's strength, a transparent liquid rushed into the crumpled thing on its back.


With the injection of transparent blood, a pair of large snow-white wings suddenly spread out, and the sunlight quickly evaporated the wet liquid on the wings, refracting colorful brilliance.

The caterpillar clicked its tentacles in satisfaction, and flew towards Yanyan with flapping white wings.

Seeing the big butterfly flying towards him, Yan Yan stared curiously, and then said: "Could this white butterfly be the white caterpillar in Tasjaran's hand?"

Then she thought of the insects that had just climbed up from the bottom of the pool when she came back...

Yan Yan suddenly felt that it was very possible!

Those worms came up from the bottom of the water, indicating that Rong Mochou probably also entered the underground palace.

Then Rong Mochou brought out the white caterpillar that Tascilan had specifically told him not to move!

"It really is a light kiss."

Qi Wuji's eyes fell on the big bloody butterfly surrounding Yan Yanfei.

The size of this butterfly is obviously much larger than ordinary butterflies. It is as big as two adult palms. Its body is white without any impurities. When it flies, its beautiful large wings flicker like a ball of white feathers.

Big Butterfly seems to like Yanyan very much, or maybe because he only knows her, he has been flying around her.

Because the big butterfly is so beautiful, everyone envies Yanyan.

But Yanyan was a little depressed.

Tasjalan specifically explained that the white caterpillars are not allowed to be touched.

But this guy has been flying around her since he turned into a butterfly. She is not Zhu Yingtai, so she still wants to play Liang Zhu?

Seemingly seeing Yanyan's displeasure, Qi Wuji stretched out his hand to Snow Butterfly, and explained to Yanyan: "Light Kiss is Princess Tashalan's companion beast."

Yanyan was a little surprised: "You were born with someone?"

Qi Wuji nodded: "Some of the Chi'e people outside the territory will have a companion beast when they are born. The companion beast and the Chi'e people are two creatures with their own independent life forms, and there is no necessary connection."

Yanyan was surprised: "Twins, one is human and the other is beast?"

Qi Wuji nodded: "The reason for the formation of this special form of reproduction may be the result of some ancestors of the Chi'e race interbreeding with other races."

Yanyan understands that this is a genetic problem of gene sequence.

Qi Wuji continued to explain: "It's just that some companion beasts have a close relationship with the same-born Chi'e people, and will always follow the twins. For example, the light kiss you see now."

"Actually, most companion beasts have a very distant relationship with their owners, and they don't need Chi'e people to raise them, and they left on their own after birth. Many people have never even seen their companion beasts."

When listening to Qi Wuji's narration, Wei Yan looked at Qi Wuji enviously.

He had never seen the companion beast that was born with him.

I heard from my mother that it was a white leopard with high spiritual intelligence. It didn't run away by itself, but was stolen by someone.

Qi Wuji: "Like the light kiss, it is a unique companion beast. It has high intelligence, especially its memory is equivalent to a human being, and can remember many things, so the relationship between light kiss and His Royal Highness Tarsialan is very close. It is now I can still remember the scene when it was born with Princess Tashalan."

Yan Yan glanced at the white butterfly, a little envious.

Twin brothers and sisters will leave sooner or later, but if they are born with such a beautiful companion beast, they will not feel lonely wherever they go, which is better than humans.

"Although its owner is gone, the lifespan of the companion beast can be very long, so it is only now...uh..."

Qi Wuji glanced at the big butterfly, and then said four meaningful words: "Accidental growth."

Qi Wuji's voice wasn't too loud, but everyone present could hear it clearly. After understanding the origin of this white butterfly, they naturally understood the meaning of Qi Wuji's words.

In the end, everyone turned their attention to Rong Mochou, who was lying on the ground and had broken an elbow.

To be honest, if everyone hadn't watched Rong Mochou turn into what he is now, they wouldn't have recognized him as the elder brother of Changsheng Pavilion on Tiansie Island, that elegant, gentle and refined elder brother.

Everyone was silent, no one asked Qi Wuji why, because no one was worried about Rong Mochou's situation.

The scene looked a little awkward.

In the end, it was Geng Tong who came out from the crowd, went up to meet Qi Wuji respectfully, and asked, "May I ask, young master, what did you mean by the 'accidental growth' you mentioned just now?"

Qi Wuji glanced at the big butterfly that landed on top of Yanyan's head, and smiled slightly: "To clarify this matter, we must first talk about the attributes of this light kiss."

"Butterflies grow by feeding on flower marrow. Light Kiss is a natural spiritual butterfly, and a spiritual butterfly needs to feed on marrow to grow, which is the spiritual root of life."

"Judging from the light cocoon that Brother Rong spit out just now, the light kiss should have been in the form of a caterpillar before."

This time, Yu Xinzhu and everyone in Yueya nodded together.

Yu Xinzhu: "Yes, when we saw it, it was still a white caterpillar."

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