Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1253 Sweep the money

Chapter 1253 Sweep the money
A hint of impatience flashed in Xing Hansu's eyes.

But the other party is Xing Yutang, even if he is the second cousin of Xingyun Palace, he can't say anything, even if he jokes about Lu Qi, he has to be careful.

Xing Yutang didn't seem to hear anything, cast his gaze not far ahead, and asked with a smile: "What are you doing over there? It's very lively."

Lu Qi clamped his stirrups, and his mount took a few steps forward, watching the excitement over there and laughing: "The most lively place on this street must be Luomei Temple!"

Xing Yutang was a little surprised: "How can a nunnery be so lively? Could it be that there is a highly respected teacher who is chanting scriptures?"

After he said this, both Xing Suhan and Lu Qi laughed.

Xing Suhan joked: "There are a lot of strange things these days, and the nunnery is not necessarily full of nuns who eat fast and chant Buddha."

Xing Yutang raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Qi.

Lu Qi explained: "The person living in Luomei Nunnery is indeed not an ordinary monk. It is a newcomer in the city, named Bao'er."

Xing Yutang frowned: "Since you are a waiter, why did you choose the name of the nunnery, so that the family members will see it and disrespect it?"

Lu Qi shrugged and smiled: "But no one stipulated that other than the bhikkhu courtyard, other places can't be called nunnery. So this girl is not breaking the law, and there is no place to govern her."

Xing Suhan also laughed and said, "I think this young man is quite smart. With such a unique name, he became popular in the whole Canglang City."

"Right now, it's not easy for even those high-ranking officials to enter Luomei Temple!"

While the three of them were talking, they had already arrived in front of Luomei Temple.

There are many people crowded in front and back of the nunnery.

A rich man in business, a scholar who is self-confident in his talents, a handsome young man...

There are all kinds of people, all of them are idiots who want to see the beauty of Miss Bao'er.

When Xing Yutang came over, he didn't bother these infatuated men, and drove the Meng Huai beast to go around behind the crowd.

Many of these men have reached the point of insanity, no one noticed Xing Yutang's arrival at all.

Xing Yutang rode on the back of a tall beast, and looked at the main entrance of Luomei Temple through the crowd.

He was a little surprised.

Not only the name of this Luomei Nunnery is like a nunnery, but even the face of the door is almost exactly the same as the nunnery.

The gray brick wall is inlaid with double oak doors. The door has not even been repainted, only a thin layer of clear water paint reveals the original plain color of the wood.

On both sides of the gate, there are square gate piers opposite to the courtyard wall, with cinnabar plums on one side and a clear pool on the other.

Just from this door, there is not even a little powdery smell.

Xing Yutang looked back silently.

Although he is a young city lord, these things are not in his control.

It is the people's freedom for a monk to choose a nunnery name to do such a thing, and the government has no control over it.

The three of them drove their mounts and passed by Luomei Temple quietly. Xing Yutang's eyes still fell on other shops casually.

Lu Qi quietly followed behind him, occasionally joking.

Only Xing Suhan, when he was about to leave, couldn't help but look back at the small door on the attic that hadn't been opened.

Then, he saw that in the attic, the light was on.

light is on.

A stooped waiter came out through a small door in the attic with a broom and dustpan in his hand.

Dustpans and brooms are used to sweep money.

Every evening, the hunchbacked waiter comes up to the attic with a dustpan and a broom to sweep up the money.

It's not all money here, there are also pearls, emeralds, exquisite jewelry of various colors, and even precious calligraphy and paintings, and even monks' magic tools are not rare.

These were all thrown up by the crazy men downstairs, and they expressed their hearts to Miss Bao'er.

But in Luomei Nunnery, no one calls these things treasures, or gold and silver.

No matter how expensive and cherished objects are, they are collectively referred to as "money" when they enter here.

So the job of the hunchbacked waiter is to sweep the money.

As for why these men still came in so much money for no reason, the hunchbacked waiter couldn't figure it out.

But he knew that these men who threw money crazily had never seen Miss Bao'er at all.


However, they are willing to stay here all day and night, neither working nor going home, neither studying nor making a living, just to see Miss Baoer.

But what if we meet each other?
What's more, to a woman who has never met before, she is crazy to the point of throwing away her family and career.

The hunchbacked waiter was surprised that there were so many lunatics in this world, nothing else.

The hunchbacked waiter poured the money from the dustpan into large empty baskets.

After putting all the money into the baskets, he carried the baskets downstairs one by one and sent them to the hut in the west wing.

Aunt Huazhi lives in the small house in the west wing.

These few baskets of money were carefully selected by Aunt Huazhi's peach blossom eyes, and the last selected things were sent to the backyard.

Those things that were sent into the backyard may reach Miss Baoer, or they may be thrown into a lotus pond inadvertently, and finally buried under the lotus pond, where they will never see the sun in the mud.

The hunchbacked waiter moved today's two baskets full of money to the door of the west wing hut, knocked on the door twice, and without waiting for a reply from the inside, he pushed open the door and took tonight's two baskets in his arms. go in.

The hunchbacked waiter knows that Aunt Huazhi never rests, no matter when she enters her room, she is always sober and charming.

Although the hunchbacked waiter was working in Luomei Nunnery, he had never met Miss Bao'er, he had only met Aunt Huazhi.

The hunchbacked waiter thinks Aunt Huazhi is the most beautiful woman in the world.

He has never seen a woman as gentle and careful as her. Although Auntie Huazhi is not young anymore, she looks like she will always be in her early thirties.

This is a woman's most beautiful age, romantic and charming, and she hasn't aged yet.

She is always fragrant.

The fragrance on her body is not those powder fragrances that make people have a headache.

The fragrance on her body is like natural nectar, it seems that it can attract mosquitoes and flies at any time, it is a fragrance that makes people greedy.

There is another objective reason why the hunchbacked waiter thinks Aunt Huazhi is beautiful, that is, in this Luomei Nunnery, besides Miss Baoer, there is only Aunt Huazhi.

Nobody anymore.

Seeing the hunchbacked waiter carrying things in, the Huazhi aunt who was sitting under the red candle squinted at him and smiled.

Aunt Huazhi doesn't need to speak, the hunchbacked waiter knows what she means when she sees her smile.

He carefully moved the two baskets to Aunt Huazhi's bed, and then carefully replied: "The man is gone."

Aunt Huazhi's smile narrowed her eyes, and when she heard this sentence, she gradually put it away, and let out a slight sigh from her bright red thin lips.

The red candle reflected the gorgeous plum blossom on her forehead, floating up gently.

The hunchbacked waiter knew that this was Aunt Huazhi frowning.

Every time he replied like this, Aunt Huazhi would frown.

Aunt Huazhi frowned, and the hunchbacked waiter was in a bad mood.

Then the gold, jade and jade that filled the room, the treasures that cost the crazy men outside, all lost their color in an instant.

 The chapter title of this chapter was originally intended to use Yu Xuanji's poem, and Xuanji's story is similar to Baoer's.But after searching and searching, the mysterious poems are all endless love, don't worry, in the end I think it's better to use sweeping money, which is chewy.

  Thank you for the unchanging reward of karma and karma, thank you Tuopu, karma and karma remain unchanged, there is no monthly ticket support for mountains and rivers, the most important thing is to thank you for your company all the time, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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