Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1257 Awakening, servility

Chapter 1257 Awakening, servility

Although He Ji didn't know the important matters of managing the suzerain's affairs.

But after following Master for so long, He Ji also understood something.

In particular, He Ji knows that his master is a pure and kind-hearted practitioner, just like his master Zhan Tianyou.

Almost all of Master's thoughts were clearly revealed on his face.

Seeing Master's expression, He Ji knew it immediately, and then he couldn't hold back and asked:

"Master, are we out of money?"

Bo Chengxian didn't express his surprise to He Ji's question, but his expression was rather dignified.

"This time when you came out with the suzerain, your uncle Zhongkun is indeed in charge of the accounts, and he is also responsible for keeping and paying the Lingshi. I remember that your uncle Zhongkun seems to have only the storage ring you mentioned."

He Ji's eyes widened: "We really have no money? What should we do then?"

"If Uncle Zhongkun loses the money, it doesn't matter if we suffer a little, but what about the suzerain? How can those who are away from home use money!"

Impossible without money.

Especially thinking of Sect Master Yan's move, not to mention not using money, even if the money is less, the Sect Master will not be able to spend it!

Bo Chengxian frowned and said, "I still have some spirit stones, which should be enough to last for a while."

He Ji finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, my master still has a little heart.

But Bo Chengxian said: "But this matter must be clarified. During this period of time, you have carefully observed the time when Uncle Zhongkun comes in and out. We have to see where he has spent all the money."

The most important thing that White Mist Palace lacks now is money.

When Shen Yuyun, Bi Cheng, Hua Chang, and Niu Nenggan, the four major caravan leaders left Tianbei Island, they recruited more than a thousand merchants in Heming Junji City.

This is not counting the two major families of the Liao family and the Hulu family in Eagle Rail City.

In addition, the Jin family and the Kong family of Juyan Castle have basically given up their original livelihood, and most of the shops and caravans are selling goods for the Yan family caravan.

Although the Jin family is mainly responsible for drinks, and the Kong family is mainly responsible for bacon and drinks, there are not many goods involving rubber.But it is also the only business in the Eastern Continent, and the shipment volume is quite impressive.

Coupled with Shen Yuyun's management methods, the trade network of the Yan family caravan almost covered the entire Eastern Continent.

The current Yan family caravan is definitely the largest caravan in the entire Eastern Continent, no one can shake it.

As the owner of such a large caravan, one can imagine Yan Yan's wealth.

Traveling with Yanyan, the number of spirit stones on her body is beyond the imagination of ordinary sect masters or wealthy businessmen.

It was impossible for Bo Seung-hyun not to ask for such a huge sum of money to disappear within a few days.

In fact, even the spirit stones on his body are much more generous than the general sect's suzerain.

However, when traveling with Yanyan, apart from the question of whether there is enough money, Bo Chengxian also has to consider the daily interactions and behaviors of these people accompanying him, so as not to cause trouble.

The main thing is to take Yanyan's safety into consideration.

Even though Yanyan's cultivation has been promoted to the state of transforming gods, Bo Chengxian feels that the courage on his shoulders is much easier than before, but he still cannot take it lightly.

Bo Chengxian and his apprentice He Ji discussed in private in the room about investigating the whereabouts of Pan Tang, but Zhong Kun, the person being discussed, didn't notice anything.

In fact, as long as Zhong Kun pays attention to it, it is easy to find the clues.

He naturally understood Bo Chengxian's gentle and honest character, so Bo Chengxian almost never opened a barrier in his room on weekdays.

The purpose of opening the enchantment in one's own room is to prevent others from secretly seeing one's actions and words.

Among the five people traveling together, Sect Master Yan and Mr. Yumei, one is in the state of transforming gods, and the other is in the power of consciousness in the state of harmony. Bo Chengxian's enchantment can't stop the two in front of them at all.

The other He Ji is Bo Chengxian's apprentice.

So who did Bo Seung-hyun open the barrier to guard against?Any fool can figure it out.

It's just that Zhong Kun right now, lying on the bed, is thinking about another person over and over again.

Miss Bao'er from Luomei Temple.

He had never seen Miss Bao'er, but when he passed the door of that simple nunnery for the first time, he was deeply attracted by the feeling emanating from there.

Zhong Kun couldn't describe what kind of feeling it was, but he could be sure that that feeling really attracted him.

It made him eager to go in and meet that girl named Bao'er.

According to common sense, if you set foot on the path of cultivation and seek longevity, you are going against the sky.In the eyes of ordinary people, human relations and love have already faded away.

Zhongkun has practiced consciously so far, although he is not considered to have a firm heart, but since he entered the Baiwu Mountain Gate, he has never moved his heart.

There are not a few beautiful teachers and sisters in the sect, especially he also followed his master Zhan Liang to observe Tian Bei Dao, which is rare in a century, and he has seen countless female cultivators with outstanding appearance.

Zhong Kun himself knew it was unreasonable to have such a strong obsession with a woman he hadn't met yet.

But he is still persistent.

The most important thing is that he himself has no way to get rid of the obsession with wanting to see that woman named Bao'er.No matter how he settled his Dao heart, he couldn't calm down the fire in his chest.

This kind of feeling is extremely painful, and Zhong Kun himself is in great pain.But in that much-desired pain, there is also a kind of secret enjoyment that cannot be expressed with others.

This addiction is like poison, it easily penetrates into the fragile and sensitive, servile nature that is inherent in human nature, but is deeply covered by the arrogance and superiority of being a monk after years of practice.

It's like drinking poison to quench your thirst, but you can't extricate yourself.


Ji Meibian entered the city a little late today because a sow fell into the hunting hole dug last night.

Huan pig is a kind of wild mountain animal, which belongs to omnivores. It is smaller than Ping Peng, but its strength is very strong, especially the strength of sow Huan pig.

In order to catch this sow Huanzhu, Ji Mei spent a whole morning with it, and died of exhaustion. In the end, Huanzhu's long teeth cut a bloody gash on her arm and her sleeve was torn.

However, it is worthwhile to hunt Huanzhu, at least a dozen clothes can be exchanged for money.

Ji Mei rushed to the back alley of Xingyun Palace with the bundle of firewood on her back, and still knocked on the corner door embedded in the wall.

As usual, the door was gently opened from the inside, Ji Mei picked up the bundle of firewood and put it into the threshold as before.

It's just that when she stretched out her hand to receive the big string of money, she couldn't help but take a closer look at the hand that delivered the money.

It was an old hand, but it was not vicissitudes. Although there were some wrinkles and tense blue veins on the back of the hand, the lines were gentle.

The owner of this hand was obviously not a man of menial work.

But since he is not a servant who does rough work, why does he stay here in person to do what a servant like her will do when she delivers firewood?
Ji Mei looked away from that hand, silently watching the corner door close gently.

She bent down, carried the pig on her shoulders again, and walked out of the alley.

After leaving the alley, Ji Mei crossed a narrow street opposite and turned into the East Night Market.

 I wish the motherland a happy birthday, and wish you all a happy holiday, good night

(End of this chapter)

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