Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1269 Luomei Temple was smashed

On the same street, across the same door.

The one with the turmoil in his heart did not know that Xing Yutang was the only one.

The other is Aunt Huazhi.

Just now, when Xing Yutang used the Eye of Canglang to check the situation in Luomei Temple, Luomei Temple was going through a fierce battle.

Aunt Huazhi's face had completely lost all color, and she was sitting slumped under the bamboo forest, her eyes were as blank as if she had completely let go.

It's not fright, it's because I've already been frightened, and now it's the lingering fear and confusion after the fright.

She couldn't figure out how such a terrifying worm got into Canglang City?
A strong wind slammed from the side with a strong stench, and Aunt Huazhi coughed violently, coughing up tears.

Through her tearful eyes, she saw a black tail that looked like a giant broom, sweeping towards Miss Baoer's small attic.

Before Black Tail touched the small attic, the strong wind lifted the blue tiles on the attic into the sky.

The tip of the tail hit the painted red pillar of the attic, and the thick and strong pillar made a crisp snapping sound like a toothpick.

This is the attic where Miss Bao'er usually rests.

Aunt Huazhi's beautiful eyes were full of despair, as well as distressed in tears.

The tail of the black broom rubbed violently against the ruins of the attic, and the flames generated ignited the broken capitals and beams, and the small building was instantly engulfed in flames.

"Squeak, squeak..."

Countless pieces of carapace as hard as metal made a sharp and ear-piercing rubbing sound at the same time.

Countless stomachs and legs swayed at the same time, pushing the huge erect body like a wave, and walked towards the small building that was gradually engulfed by the sea of ​​flames.

This indomitable monster is a black centipede.

Just like the black beetle that day, Aunt Huazhi picked it out from the men waiting downstairs tonight and brought it in.

She didn't know why she was so lucky to be able to choose this thing from so many men every time.

Since she came to Luomei'an to work, until today, she has never seen Miss Bao'er leave the small building.

This is the first time that the small building has been destroyed so completely.

Aunt Huazhi thought of the woman who always treated her coldly, but gave her all the money she earned every night, her heart was sore, and tears fell down.

If she is lucky enough to escape tonight, she will use the money she saved to build a real nunnery for Miss Baoer, and burn incense for her to guide the way to the underworld.


The sound of wood breaking and walls collapsing came again from the opposite side, and the attic surrounded by the sea of ​​flames completely collapsed, leaving only a ruined wall in the sea of ​​flames.

The giant centipede was very proud, and walked towards the sea of ​​fire with countless legs and feet.

If Qi Wuji was at the scene, he would have recognized it at a glance. This huge black centipede was one of the black talismans floating above Liunao.

Its name is Typhon.

Typhon hurried to the flames, he had to find the little girl.

The little girl in the red bellyband was just upstairs in this small building.

When it smashed the building, the little girl turned her face to look at it. These details will definitely not escape its insect order composed of hundreds of millions of tiny compound eyes.

Although the charred terran tastes a bit like charcoal, it still tastes much more delicious than the blind maggots in the dark swamp.

When it came, it asked the Emperor of the Territory, and if it was alive, it had to be taken back. If it died, it would eat it at will, or turn it into a nest for hatching eggs.

Of course Typhon had its own plan, when it shot just now, it didn't spare any room to kill the little girl in the red bellyband, because only the dead belonged to it.

Although Typhon is a worm, it is different from Colony and Scorpion. It is not afraid of fire, and as it approaches, the flames that engulfed the small building suddenly became hotter.

Countless whirlwinds formed from its waving insect claws, swept away the messy bricks and tiles with the flames, and searched for the girl's body in the building.

The black gem-like insect order reflected the scorching flames, forming countless projections in its two huge black eyeballs.

But even with the most eyes in the universe, the girl who couldn't see death.

Just when Typhon was concentrating on searching for the girl, a strong sense of crisis suddenly descended from the sky above his head.

Barely raising his head, Typhon subconsciously curled up his huge worm body, and then stretched it out violently.

With the violent contraction and stretching of the worm body, a powerful hurricane rose on the ground, rolling up the flames in the courtyard, like a wine glass made of flames, rushing towards the falling stars.

Aunt Huazhi, who was hiding under the bamboo forest, was so shocked by the sight in front of her that she even forgot to shed tears.

From her point of view, it is just a huge wine glass made of fire with its rim up, to hold a star that fell from the sky.

It was indeed a star, with a little bit of blue in the orange, shining against the night sky, but it was far from dazzling.

The star was falling with great speed towards this yard.

And impartially, it fell squarely into the rim of the flaming wine glass erected from the ruins of the small attic.

The flaming wine glass was full of flames, and the star fell into it, like a speck of dust that couldn't stir up the slightest ripple.

Such a strong visual contrast is most likely to make people feel powerless.

When she saw the dusty star falling into the flaming wine glass that almost illuminated the night sky, there was only one sentence left in Huazhi's heart: It's over, everything is really over.

The sky-swallowing flaming wine glass is still standing, it looks like the fire in the small attic has been burning from the ground to the sky, it is so powerful that it is so majestic.

The night wind blew past, stirring up a string of flames on the fire cup, like fire rain falling in the dark night, with a line of rain in the middle that was particularly clear, as if falling straight from the sky to the ground.

However, this trace of rain was not lit by the flame for some reason.

The wind stopped, and the sky really began to drizzle, falling on Aunt Huazhi's face.

Aunt Huazhi stretched out her hand to catch the rainwater almost unconsciously, staring in front of her eyes in bewilderment.

The wind stopped, and the arrogant flames of the towering flaming wine glass also lost their momentum, and hung limply on a tall, dark pillar, clumps here and there, like a big burnt ladder.

It wasn't until the flames completely burned the "big ladder" from the inside to the outside that Aunt Huazhi could see clearly that the rain that dragged out the black line just now was a crack.

From the top of the head to the tip of the tail, the upright Typhon was neatly cut in half.

The orange starlight came calmly from the ruins, and the embers of fire behind him reflected a slender, well-proportioned figure.

Typhon, which was neatly split in half, completely turned into pitch-black scorched powder, which fell down one after another, like black snow falling from the sky.

The orange starlight entered the bamboo bushes before the black snow fell.

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