Xing Su stood up coldly: "What do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

Xing Yutang sat steadily, with beautiful hanging eyes slightly raised up, staring at Xing Suhan, meeting Xing Suhan's angry eyes without any hesitation, taking nothing seriously.

The situation immediately became tense, and Xing Yushan couldn't sit still any longer, so he got up and walked around from behind the desk.

Xing Yutang and Xing Suhan didn't speak, they just looked at each other quietly, the eyes filled with gunpowder, as if they could win by just looking.

Xing Yushan really wanted to persuade a few words, but neither of the two parties opened their mouths, and he didn't know what to persuade, so he stood between the two parties. The person who is going to fight is still nervous and a little embarrassed.

After a while, Xing Suhan's undulating chest gradually calmed down, and the expression on his face softened a little, and he said:
"I know you misunderstood me, just because of that pretentious nursery rhyme."

Before he finished speaking, Xing Yutang interrupted him very rudely: "There is also Mr. Zhang."

Mr. Zhang is the official who harassed the Yan family caravan a few nights ago and was bumped into and brought back by him.

If the nursery rhyme I heard before was rumored, then Mr. Zhang is the ironclad proof.

"Hehe" Xing Suhan gave a low laugh, lowered his head slightly, nodded his chin, and looked at Xing Yutang opposite:
"What does my cousin mean, I rely on my uncle's private collection of salaries and donations to make money?"

When he said these words, Xing Suhan's tone was full of inconceivable astonishment.

Xing Yutang raised his chin, opposite to Xing Suhan's posture, and looked at Xing Suhan directly.

Although he didn't speak, his attitude already showed what he meant: you are!

Xing Suhan put his hands on his waist, raised his head and laughed loudly, then suddenly pointed to Xing Yushan who was standing innocently next to him:

"This is something I can decide? You ask the elder brother if he knows about this matter, and you ask the collected salaries, where do they go?"

When Xing Suhan put his finger on his nose, Xing Yushan hurriedly stepped forward and walked between the two, distinguishing for Xing Suhan: "Don't Yutang misunderstand Suhan, I also know about this matter, didn't you ask last time?"

"There are also those collected salaries. Suhan wrote the accounts clearly. He really didn't embezzle official money. Big Brother has evidence here..."

Xing Yutang stood up slowly from the chair, and gently moved Xing Yushan's shoulders, but it was useless.

Xing Yushan took half a step back, he was fine, he just looked at Xing Yutang in confusion, and didn't speak any more.

Xing Yutang pushed the elder brother aside, then stood in front of the elder brother, facing Xing Suhan at the same level.

Among the three brothers, Xing Yutang is the tallest. Standing like this, he completely keeps his elder brother Xing Yushan behind him, and he looks more like an elder brother.

"Don't bring elder brother into it. It's impossible for my elder brother to collect salaries and donations. He doesn't have so many ideas, and he doesn't have so much energy to do this kind of thing."

"This matter, the only possibility is that you, your cousin, are contributing to the flames."

When Xing Yutang said this, Xing Yushan was completely speechless.

He was always honest. Compared with these two younger brothers, he never talked as well as them.

More importantly, Xing Yushan was very surprised. Xing Yutang described the process of collecting the payment and donations exactly, as if he personally participated in it.

He really didn't ask about this matter, and he didn't think about it before.When Xing Suhan mentioned it to him, he thought it made sense, so he nodded and agreed to accept it.

He also had someone check the collected accounts, and if there was nothing wrong, he didn't ask any questions and let Xing Suhan do it.

It's just that he couldn't figure out why Yutang lost his temper so much since Xing Suhan was not greedy for money.

Xing Suhan was also angry: "Xing Yutang, what are you trying to say today? Do you think I'm redundant? Do you want to drive me away?"

"Brother has already proved that I am not greedy for money from Mexican officials. Why do you accuse me?"

"Where did I go wrong, you can tell me and I can correct it, you are so groundless, you just target me, what are you going to do!"

Xing Suhan's speech was clear and clear, and even Xing Yushan felt that Xing Yutang's targeting of Xing Suhan was inexplicable.

From the beginning to the end, Xing Yutang did not show any anger.

From the beginning to the end, he kept his eyes on Xing Suhan's eyes seriously, and asked in a deep voice: "This is exactly what I want to ask my cousin. What do you want to do?"

Xing Suhan stared at Xing Yutang for a while, then turned around abruptly, and walked out with his sleeves thrown.

When he reached the door, he stopped again. Xing Suhan turned around and stared at Xing Yutang: "I came to Xingyun Palace to assist my eldest brother in the council. It was my uncle's father who promised me. Now it's not impossible to drive me away, but uncle Speak up yourself."

"This Xingyun Palace hasn't changed hands yet. Based on your Xing Yutang's words, you still can't control me!"

After finishing speaking, Xing Suhan strode out of the study and quickly disappeared outside the garden gate.

Sensing that Xing Suhan really left, Xing Yushan shook his head helplessly: "Yutang, why are you doing this? Let's have a good discussion, and there will be trouble for no reason."

"What Suhan said just now is correct. He really didn't do anything excessive. Even if you think it's inappropriate to collect salary and donate, you can tell the reason in a friendly manner. It's not something that can't be changed. They are all brothers. Come on!"

Xing Yushan's earnest words made Xing Yutang's complexion even more gloomy.


The door suddenly closed by itself, the light in the room immediately dimmed, and the study fell into complete silence.

Xing Yushan knew that it was Xing Yutang who did it, and looked at him in surprise: "Yutang? You..."

"Brother, do you know what father relies on to guard Canglang City?"

Although Xing Yushan was inexplicably asked, he still blurted out: "The Eye of the Canglang, what's wrong?"

Xing Yutang: "Where did the Eye of the Canglang come from?"

Xing Yushan then said without hesitation: "Father's luck, cultivation level, and Canglang City's luck, as well as the power of belief in the father of the people in Canglang City."

These are the things their father taught them when they were children.

Although Xing Yushan's aptitude is ordinary, his father did not hide it from him, and he knew as well as Xing Yutang about these fundamental matters related to the Xing family.

He also knew that Xing Yutang could already control part of the power of the Eye of Canglang, but he couldn't use it at all.

Xing Yushan knew that his qualifications were not as good as his younger brother's, and he never envied his younger brother's authority far higher than his because of this.

He just couldn't figure out why his younger brother suddenly mentioned the Eye of the Canglang.

Xing Yutang lowered his eyebrows and listened to Xing Yushan quietly. He waited until Xing Yushan stopped talking before he raised his head and looked at Xing Yushan:

"Brother, do you still remember how father taught us what the people need?"

Xing Yushan still blurted out: "What the people want is nothing more than two things: abundance and stability."

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