The ground below the body seemed to come alive, undulating violently.

Fortunately, the grass grew strong enough, and Aunt Huazhi held them tightly in her arms, so she was not thrown away by the earthquake.

She saw the black double-headed snake being heavily pressed down by the flying cliff, and she felt a surge of joy in her heart.

The two-headed snake let out an angry "hissing" sound, and opened two blood-red snake mouths at the same time, biting directly towards the cliff that held the snake's body down.

Aunt Huazhi sneered contemptuously in her heart.

Sure enough, these cold-blooded animals are not smart enough to bite stones.

Can stone be afraid of pain?It will just break your teeth.

However, the beautiful picture that Aunt Huazhi imagined did not appear.

The flying cliff bitten by the two-headed monster not only did not break its fangs, but some cyan liquid gradually leaked out from the place where the venomous snake fangs wrapped in black air fell into.

The cyan liquid is like liquid colored glass, which immediately condenses into a round colored glass bead as soon as it touches the air, like a perfectly colored emerald core.

From the blue liquid, pure power of green wood emanates, it feels like blood drops flowing from a cliff.

The cliff is bleeding!
Aunt Huazhi smelled the blood from the cliff, and greedily sniffed it hard.

This is her admiration and nostalgia branded in her life, and it is the root power that all plants and trees depend on for their livelihood.

But the bloody cliff didn't flinch. Fighting to be bitten by a huge mountain, he pressed the double-headed snake to the ground and rubbed it hard a few times.

The snake god of the double-headed snake couldn't resist the huge force of the cliff, and rolled several times with the friction between the cliff and the ground, looking a bit like rubbing noodles.

The two-headed snake became dizzy from rubbing, and finally couldn't take it anymore. It let go of the snake's mouth that was biting the cliff, and its long tongue flowed out of its mouth, like two dehydrated bean sprouts.

Aunt Huazhi who was hiding in the grass finally let out a long sigh of relief.

Even though she didn't know what was going on with that cliff, it seemed like a living creature with spirituality, and even though the smell of the blue glass-like slurry flowing from the cliff made her feel very comfortable, her heart felt a little strange for no reason. pain.

For some reason, she felt sorry for the bleeding cliff.

The earth is the root of all living beings. When the earth is bleeding, all living beings on the ground may feel sad.

Aunt Huazhi couldn't figure it out, so she explained it to herself in her heart.

The two-headed snake limply limp on the ground, and the huge snake body wrapped around the cliff also loosened, and the previous crisis was finally temporarily resolved.

But Auntie Huazhi felt that the surrounding grass seemed to stand upright, and she had to change from the original lying position to standing.

She was still clinging tightly to a clump of grass, and from the tip of the grass that was almost as tall as her, she stuck her head out and looked around.

Surrounded by undulating hills, it was a place she was completely unfamiliar with. Wherever she could see, it was covered with the same lush weeds as her surroundings.

Where's Bao'er?
Aunt Huazhi looked around worriedly.

Just as she was trying to find Miss Bao'er, the ground under her feet suddenly undulated violently again.

She quickly hugged the grass tightly again.Hearing a muffled thunder-like sound coming from nowhere, he was frightened and hurriedly retreated into the grass, hiding his body tightly.


A loud puff, like the wrath of nature, seemed to come from somewhere underground.

Where Aunt Huazhi couldn't see, a huge barb-shaped scorpion tail ruthlessly pierced another cliff.

The pitch-black venom sprayed out from the poisonous hook on the tail like a spring, and a large area of ​​the hard cliff was instantly blackened.

Those dark juices are the scorpion venom of the giant scorpion.

The scorpion venom polluted the blue liquid between the cliffs, and the inside of the whole cliff gradually turned gray, as if the originally rich forest was polluted by the turbid stream and was losing its vitality little by little.

From Aunt Huazhi's perspective, she couldn't see the cliff that was successfully attacked by the giant scorpion's tail, she just felt the ground shaking more violently, and the dull thunder sounded like the earth's angry and painful roar.

Suddenly, the ground rolled violently, and the cliffs and ravines collided violently and then quickly separated. The ground seemed to be carried on the back by a huge beast.Start running vigorously.

And it doesn't run very smoothly.

In fact, the mountain where Aunt Huazhi is currently running is indeed running.

If she could stretch her gaze to a high enough height, she would find that she was in the fur on the back of a huge spotted leopard.

One front paw and one rear paw of the spotted leopard were attacked at the same time, and they were injured to varying degrees, especially the hind paw was severely poisoned by the scorpion, and the entire leopard's hind leg had turned blue-black.

The double-headed snake that was like rotten noodles didn't know when to cheer up again, curling up the snake's body like a spring, ready to wrap around the spotted leopard's body again at any time.

The leopard ran, and the stars turned into raindrops that drifted backwards. The surrounding scenery was like an overturned color palette, all kneaded together.

The world has become chaotic because the speed is too fast.

Aunt Huazhi pressed her body tightly against the bullying ground, she could hear the sound of the strong wind above the grass, and she felt that the wind could cut people to death.

Fortunately, she was hiding in the deep grass, the dense grass completely blocked the strong wind, and the place she was in was warm and safe.

I don't know how far I ran, because I couldn't see the sun, the moon and the stars, and Aunt Huazhi couldn't tell them apart. She just felt that the flow of time was as fast and slow as her mood.

Suddenly, without warning, there was a whirlwind.

The lush grass disappeared in an instant, and Aunt Huazhi felt like her body was thrown out like a sandbag, forming a parabola in the air, and finally fell heavily on the hard ground.

This time, there was no such soft tall grass on the ground, and her body really fell firmly on the ground. Her muscles and bones almost fell apart, and she almost fainted from the pain.

It's a pity that I didn't faint.

Because she saw Miss Bao'er.

Right in front of her, in the middle of a canyon with high cliffs on both sides, stretched out a large and outrageous spider web.

At this moment, Miss Bao'er was in a large font shape, and was stuck on the big spider web.

Her beautiful long hair like black satin hangs down her chest, covering half of her face. She is wearing the golden robe embroidered with leopard prints that she wore the night she killed the giant centipede.

The tailoring of the robe was well-fitting, fully showing her perfect figure, especially at the moment when her hands and feet were all glued to the big spider web, that figure was even more perfect as if finely crafted.

Girl Baoer is so pretty!

Aunt Huazhi couldn't help but sigh in her heart, her cheeks flushed slightly because of the excitement, and then she realized that she should go to rescue Miss Bao'er.

Staggering up from the ground, Aunt Huazhi endured the aches and pains all over her body, and was about to run towards Miss Baoer.

But she stopped halfway through the run.

Because she saw a spider...

Oh no!woman……

Or...she didn't know what it was.

Difficult Toy slowly pulled a silk thread from the cliff and hung it down.

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