
The long roar of the beast resounded in the void of the wilderness, and the strong breath caused the strong wind to howl in the jungle.

Aunt Huazhi was once again placed in the soft grass that was taller than her at the beginning, and there was a strong wind blowing backwards by her ears.

Between the sky and the earth, a golden-colored spotted leopard stepped on the flowing clouds and walked across the mountains. Its huge feet stepped on the tops of towering old trees, and even the thinnest branches never bent.

Such a majestic scene is invisible to ordinary people, only a strong wind passing through the forest can be felt.

Where the leopards walk, the mountains are full of greenery in the cold winter season, and the mountain flowers are like a blanket paved all the way, all the way into Canglang City.

In the unremarkable Luomei Nunnery in Dongye Market, the dusty courtyard was mottled overnight, showing signs of distress.

It's just after early morning, but the family is still like yesterday, fresh and peaceful.The small buds of the rouge plum in front of the nunnery quietly break open the fresh and tender bark.

The wind lifted the hem of the spacious black cloak.

Among the cliffs, the man quietly looked at the leaving figure of the leopard with deep eyes.

Behind the man, the person standing humbly followed Qi Wuji to Tianbei and asked, Buluo of Qifu.

The man and Blow were also dressed in black robes, but their temperaments were worlds apart.

Blow's temperament is actually not bad, but standing next to the tall and straight man, it's like a shadow added to the main body of the man.

"My lord, is this woman the one you have been looking for?"

Blow's tone was obviously flattering, and there was some complacency in it.

Because this news was brought to the Palace Master after he returned from Tianbei Island.

As far as he knew, that kid Qi Wuji didn't mention a single word to Yan Yan after he went back.

That incapable brat didn't even see his father.

Bai let him pick up a big deal, such a credit, it's impossible not to invite him.

The man bowed his head and stood on the cliff. Just now, the Jishui Leopard was only a few tens of meters away from where he was standing, and he ran past without noticing his presence.

The man ignored Blow's stereotypes and his intentional flattery, but quietly looked at the valley where he fought last night, and muttered to himself: "As expected of that girl, she has grown so much in just three years."

"For some people, her spiritual world is born equal to a god. Therefore, no matter which world she is in, such a person will show the same pattern as a god. Even if she is indeed just a mortal."

Bu Luo looked confused: "Master Palace Master is talking about Yanyan girl?"

The man withdrew his gaze, turned around and walked down the mountain, walking calmly: "Yanyan must die. No matter which world she is born in, she must!"

The man's pleasant voice said this sentence, but there was nothing inappropriate, like the final judgment from hell, with the meaning of finality.


Everything in Canglang City remains the same, but it smells more meaty than before.

When Ji Mei was crossing the main street with a bundle of firewood on her back, a group of children ran past her with bacon in their hands, and their cheerful laughter sprinkled the smell of meat all over the street.

Ji Mei sniffled, inhaling the smell of meat, and laughed too.

It has been the sixth day since the Yan family caravan gave bacon to the people in the city. According to the estimation of the shopkeeper Miao of the dumpling shop, about [-]% of the people in Canglang City have tasted bacon.

Ji Mei felt that besides the smell of meat wafting across the city, even the footsteps of children and old people were particularly cheerful.

Probably because of eating meat, the legs and feet have strength.

Although Ji Mei felt that the Yan family's caravan might suffer a bit this time, she liked this big caravan from afar from the bottom of her heart.

This caravan brought real nourishment and long-lost joy to Canglang City.

With a slight smile, Ji Mei turned into the quiet back alley of Xingyun Palace, came to the corner door, and knocked gently on the door.

The joyful smile just now gradually subsided, and Ji Mei's face unconsciously showed a bit of worry, anxiously waiting for the hand that opened the door.

The sound of the bolt being pulled open quickly came from inside the door, and it was still gently pulled open.

While lifting the bundle of firewood, Ji Mei still cast her eyes on that white hand.

Hands are resting on the door panel, the wrists are facing down, and long wide sleeves are hanging down.

She only saw a pitch-black sleeve, but she didn't see whether there was any new injury on her wrist today, and she felt a little regretful.

Ji Mei felt that the owner of the hand seemed to be aware of her peeping, since she forgot to bring the fagot into the door that time, she rarely saw this hand showing her wrist again.

After that time, every time he handed her big money, this hand would always place the money on her hand with the palm facing down.

Ji Mei felt a little inexplicably sad in her heart, as if she was rejected by the other party, which made her feel a little disappointed.

However, when that hand was about to close the door, the large sleeves fluttered slightly, and Ji Mei smelled the familiar fragrance.

It's the smell of bacon!

She froze for a moment, the disappointment that was still on her face just now was swept away, and the corner of Ji Mei's mouth hung on the pleasant smile that she had when she entered the alley.

It turned out that the owner of this hand also tasted bacon, and the cuffs were stained with the smell of bacon. It seemed that he liked it too.

As usual, I went to Miaoji Dumpling Restaurant with the fresh mountain goods I had ordered.

Handing the three fat and strong wild rabbits to shopkeeper Miao, Ji Mei smiled and said, "There's no need to pay any money, it's just a few wild rabbits. I'll give you a tooth sacrifice."

Shopkeeper Miao knew that Ji Meibian didn't want to accept those few clothes and the piece of bacon for nothing, so shopkeeper Miao accepted the rabbit meat without showing any respect to him.

He understood that the child's character was the same as his dead mother's, gentle and quiet but very strong, which was why shopkeeper Miao valued this pair of women.

Ji Mei was sitting in front of the shopkeeper Miao's counter as before, holding the hot herbal leaf tea brought by the waiter in her hand, looking at an old beggar across the street through the steaming fog, holding a piece of bacon, carefully tearing off a piece, Stuff it into the little beggar's mouth.

"Have you gone to get the bacon?"

Shopkeeper Miao said as he wrapped two freshly fried fried fruits in oil paper and stuffed them into Ji Mei's hand.

Each oily fruit only costs three big seeds, which are not worth much, so Ji Mei took it directly, and shook his head by the way: "I didn't go, I've eaten it all, so I won't take it."

Shopkeeper Miao laughed.

He had obviously guessed Ji Mei's answer, and he couldn't help feeling silently in his heart: Mrs. Ji's teaching this child is really good.It's a pity that the wife of the Ji family left early, if not for this, the child might have a bright future.

Shopkeeper Miao didn't want to recall too much about that kind woman, so he changed the subject and said, "I heard that the Yan family caravan will leave Canglang City in a few days."

Ji Mei was surprised: "So fast? How many days are left?"

Shopkeeper Miao frowned uncertainly: "It is said that there are still three or four days left, but the specifics are not clear."

Ji Mei then asked: "Then will they come again in the future?"

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