Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1301 Spring's expression

Pray, take care.

Yanyan instructed Ji Meibian like this, then sat cross-legged across from her, and closed her eyes gently.

Ji Mei was not a monk, she couldn't see the blue brilliance flowing around Yanyan's body.

She just felt that the little girl in front of her at the moment had a sacred kindness on her face that was not commensurate with her age. Just looking at it would make people feel at ease.

She felt that the girl in front of her was more like a god than the rhinoceros statue she faced all day long.

Looking at Yanyan, Ji Mei's original feeling of slapping the shore and turbulent waves gradually calmed down.

She knelt on her knees, with her forehead lightly resting on the ground in front of her, and the statue of General Rhino that accompanied her all day appeared in her mind.

"The dragon walks on the crimson air, and the heavens and the half talk to each other. Chaos and doubts are judged at the beginning, and the flood is like the beginning. Yafang presents martial arts and rhinoceros, and thousands of miles follow the eastern gold. Today, the armor is called again, and the touhou shines on the clouds..."

Ji Mei silently recited this poem written by Professor Yanyan in her heart.

She closed her eyes and looked calm and serene.

Aunt Huazhi next to her also knelt on the ground with her hands clasped together in a pious manner.

Only Miss Bao'er's cold eyes were full of vigilance.

The same cold voice sounded in Yanyan's mind: "You are crazy! To wake him up in this place, there is not even a guardian. If those dark forces break in, who do you want to kill!"

Yanyan ignored the clamoring voice in her consciousness, and quickly wrote one rune after another with her fingers on her chest.

Following the silent words in Ji Meibian's mind, those runes turned into wisps of fresh air and dissipated in the air.

When this poem was chanted from Yanyan's mouth earlier, it was very common, as if it was just a poem.

However, when this poem was chanted from Ji Meibian's mouth, it seemed as if there was an invisible breath of matter connected between heaven and earth...

When the first ray of dawn appeared in the east, the sun shone on the horn of the squatting beast on the eaves of the Xingyun Palace.

In the back alley of the huge palace, in that inconspicuous corner door, a hand rested lightly on the door bolt, waiting for the firewood delivery man to arrive.

When Miaoji Dumpling Restaurant took down the wooden boards to welcome the first wave of customers in the morning, the shopkeeper Miao finished the last string of numbers on the account book with his fingers, raised his head, and cast his eyes at the intersection on the street.

That young man didn't know if there was any fresh wild goods delivered today.In the small cabinet in the back kitchen, there is still a piece of beef tendon that has just been sauced in the morning and has not cooled down.

When the morning dew reflects the first ray of light from the sun overlooking today's earth, it releases the light of ten thousand swords.Standing beside the dewdrop, Shen Yuyun looked at the winding road outside the village. Neither the youth nor Bi Cheng came back.

When a ray of light fell in from the stone window above the ancestral hall and sprinkled on the old statue, the old statue smelled the voice between heaven and earth...


The old god statue, with heavy steps, took a sudden step forward.

This is involvement.

Involvement is causation.

The term "karma" was something that Yan Yan began to pay attention to and ponder over during the days when she was with Chen Zhenzhen.

Since leaving Huntun Town, the word cause and effect has been tossed in her consciousness from time to time.

The holy lord who lives on the banks of the Styx in the west, that is, the great god followed by the predecessor of Maharaja, believes in karma and karma.

The cause of karma means that there is a cause and a condition;
Fruit is the result of rebirth.

When meeting Chen Zhen at that time, Yan Yan felt that the child's understanding of cause and effect was a bit too much.

But when Yanyan personally experienced what happened later, especially Yu Xinzhu's succession as the future island owner, the entrustment of the owner of the water coffin, until she came to Canglang City.

Yanyan actually realized some sense of cause and effect in it.

Involvement has cause and effect, and Chen Zhen was not wrong when he said that at the beginning.

Therefore, when Canghua told her that Ji Meibian, an ordinary woman who had not practiced human race, was the cause of the fruit that awakened the tail fire rhinoceros, Yanyan didn't make such a fuss like before.

Cause and effect are entanglements.

Anyone who has the deepest entanglement with whom in this world, his karma must be most deeply involved with that person.

The fire-tailed rhinoceros fell for thousands of years, and the person most involved in the karma must not be Ji Meibian, an ordinary human woman.

But the experience of the past, the present and the present have all passed away.

Therefore, Ji Meibian, a seemingly insignificant ordinary woman, became the only possibility.

This is like many, many years ago, when Yanyan was still an ignorant teenager studying, she accidentally saw an advertisement for a singing talent show on TV:
An old man playing cotton, hunched over and standing under the dim light, moved the cotton bow and made a monotonous sound of "boom, boom, boom".

At the end of the ad, a line of words appeared on the screen, "If you don't come, he will be the next winner."

At the beginning of the commercial, Yanyan was confused, but when she saw this sentence, she suddenly understood.

When nothing else comes up, the least likely becomes the only possibility.

If no one stepped into the cause and effect of the fire-tailed rhinoceros, if even Ji Meibian did not appear in the long years, then the one most deeply involved in the cause and effect may be a certain snake mouse in the earth hole under the altar.

This is cause and effect.

It doesn't care whether each other's identities are equal or not, it only cares whether the relationship between each other is deep or not.


The statue on the stone platform took another step forward.

The dust raised from the soles of the feet gushed forward like a turbid wave, broke through the door of the ancestral hall, and rushed into the vast field outside the ancestral hall.

A gust of mountain wind suddenly rose from the mountains, and the beasts resting in the forest raised their heads to the sky and let out a long and powerful neigh.

Standing on the ridge, Shen Yuyun looked at the forest, where the grass and trees swayed like a neat military column.

He felt that in this gust of mountain wind, there seemed to be a force waking up.

This power is not terrifying, but vast.

"The dragon walks on the crimson air, and the heavens and the half talk to each other. Chaos and doubts are judged at the beginning, and the flood is like the beginning. Yafang presents martial arts and rhinoceros, and thousands of miles follow the eastern gold. Today, the armor is called again, and the touhou shines on the clouds..."

Ji Mei chanted this poem intently, and gradually, she seemed to realize the majestic aura contained in the poem, the power of the East is the growth force that urges all things to grow.

The spring breeze is originally gentle, but in order to drive away the endless darkness, the spring breeze's angry howl also destroys the dead.

The spring rain is silent and gentle, that is just one of Chun's expressions.

The surging vitality that all things bloom together has never been warm. Countless seeds broke through the ground together in a certain night.

Ji Mei's heart was deeply shocked by the rhetoric, her voice began to tremble, and fine sweat broke out on her forehead because of the emotional excitement...

As the words were chanted from her lips and teeth, the billowing wind and clouds in the sky and the earth flowed, lingered, and gathered over the ancestral hall with the breath she inspired.

Shen Yuyun raised his head, looked at the gradually changing momentum in the sky, and murmured: "Who is going to wake up?"

When he finished saying this, he felt that something pricked the sole of his foot and it hurt a little.

He lowered his head and moved his feet to look, and found that it was a fresh and young grass seedling.

Such a weak grass tip that just popped out of the soil actually pierced through the sole of his shoe?

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