Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1310 Another purse

The hunchbacked waiter noticed that the little girl in front of him had never really understood it, and he guessed that the misunderstanding might be intentional by Dijun.

But this little girl may not understand, but he can't.

He has always been able to figure out where to stand.

"Rescued the Jishui Leopard, is the girl still planning to find Qi Xiaowei?"

Knowing Qi Xiaowei's strength, the hunchbacked waiter still asked the question lightly, obviously not taking Qi Xiaowei seriously.

Yanyan shook her head: "Canghua said that I can't capture him alive, so I can only wait until the bacon is sold out."

The hunchbacked waiter nodded lightly: "Oh, it's almost time, there is only the last day left."

Xingyun Palace

Xing Yutang came out of his study, gave some instructions to Lu Qi who was guarding the door, and then walked towards a certain palace alone.

It was getting late, and the rose-colored rays covered half of the sky. The sky was like burnt glass, high and transparent.

Xing Yutang's eyes fell on those beautiful clouds, and he muttered to himself: "The weather is so good, the smell can be dissipated more easily."

Xing Suhan came out of the deacon's office, thinking he was thinking about other things, and didn't notice the person standing in front of his palace gate.

When he left the mansion this morning, he found a thuja suddenly growing in the back yard.

The thuja is not very tall, but it is as thick as seven or eight people hugging it. It is shaped like a natural pillar, just like the statue used to support something.

It's just that half of the tree trunk happened to fall on the octagonal pavilion in the middle of the lake in the back garden.

But he was frightened half to death, so he hurriedly asked to remove the giant tree.Fortunately, the Bajiao Pavilion was repaired with special materials, and the inside was safe.

But Xing Suhan was still a little restless.

He didn't dare to ask the person in the building what happened yesterday, wondering if there would be disasters involving him...

Xing Suhan was preoccupied with these family matters, when he just turned a corner, a pair of bright-edged thin-soled moccasin boots suddenly walked into his eyes.

Before Xing Suhan raised his head, the smile on his face was put on properly.

"Yutang, when did you come here, why don't you go in and sit?"

Xing Suhan greeted warmly, turned around and took Xing Yutang back to the yard of the deacon's room.

Xing Yutang followed silently.

He stopped when both feet were on the high threshold of the deacon's room.

The heavy palace door closed heavily behind him, making a dull sound.

Xing Suhan had already stepped up the steps of the deacon's room, when he heard the movement, he turned around and looked at Xing Yutang, his expression was full of bewilderment.

"Why do you close the palace door properly? The door on my side has not been closed for many years."

Xing Yutang was expressionless: "The gate of the palace has not been closed for so many years, it is because my father trusts you and never asks what you do."

Xing Suhan laughed: "That's natural. It's normal for uncle to be reassuring to me. After all, two Xings can't be written in one stroke."

Xing Yutang looked at Xing Suhan quietly: "Cousin still thinks he is the Xing family?"

The smile on Xing Suhan's face gradually subsided: "What do you mean by that?"

Xing Yutang didn't speak, and lightly touched the ring on the little finger of his right hand.


There were several more cloth rolls wrapped in white silk cloth on the ground.

The roll of cloth fell to the ground, and one end was turned over at a corner, revealing the thing wrapped in the silk cloth.

It's a few corpses.

If Ji Mei was here, she would recognize them at a glance, these people are the team she met on the fork road that day, and she asked about the general and soldiers of Jinyun Village with her.

Xing Suhan quietly looked at the corpses displayed on the ground, raised his eyebrows and asked Xing Yutang: "My cousin came to my deacon's room today to block the door. It turned out that Xingshi came here to question the crime. Do you suspect that I killed these people?"

Xing Yutang was expressionless: "It's not doubt, it's certainty."

Xing Suhan smiled faintly: "Several subordinates are vying for meritorious service. Is this kind of trivial matter worthy of you asking me personally?"

Xing Yutang: "My people were assassinated innocently. This kind of thing is a trivial matter for you, Xing Suhan. For my young city lord, it is a major matter that must be investigated and the real culprit severely punished!"

Hearing that Xing Yutang even changed his address, Xing Suhan knew that he was really serious.

Slightly raising his chin, Xing Suhan said calmly: "Since that's the case, the chief of the Young City, Cha, is here to ask me what I do? I don't care if the Ministry of Criminal Justice arrests me."

Xing Yutang: "The murderer belongs to you, so of course my young city lord will ask you!"

Xing Suhan: "What evidence is there?"

Xing Yutang showed a piece of white jade on the screen wall with his backhand: "My people recorded the whole process before they died."

Rolling his eyes towards the sky, Xing Suhan cursed in a low voice: "Trash!"

"Hehe~" He suddenly laughed sinisterly.

"Since you have discovered it, then you should go and bury these idiots of yours with you!"

Xing Suhan's body suddenly exploded, as if he had prepared in advance, he rushed towards Xing Yutang from the front with all his strength.

Xing Yutang stood still, the armor on his body suddenly shone brightly, releasing the enchantment to wrap Xing Yutang inside.

It's not that Xing Yutang didn't react, but he was a little surprised by Xing Suhan's behavior.

Both of them have cultivation bases, Xing Suhan's cultivation base is not as good as Xing Yutang's. Normally, it is impossible for him to choose such a close-up attack method, because he can't fight at all.

But Xing Suhan seemed desperate, even if Xing Yutang's body protection defense was activated, he still bumped into it regardless.

Seeing that Xing Suhan was about to hit his armor with his body, Xing Yutang had no choice but to temporarily put away the armor and resist with his body.

His armor is a defensive treasure armor that his father specially invited a craftsman in the realm of transforming gods to practice. With physical strength alone, it is not a problem to severely injure a monk of Nascent Soul.

As far as Xing Suhan's style of play is concerned, if he hits directly with his body, even if he can't die, he is basically useless.

Although he did come here today to inquire about crimes, but the other party is a cousin after all, let alone Xing Suhan had a past, but he did not die.

More importantly, the reason has not been asked yet.

If Xing Suhan was seriously injured by himself in such an unclear manner, he would not be able to explain it in front of his father and elder brother.

Just as Xing Yutang put away his bodyguard for defense, Xing Suhan quietly put one hand into his bosom, and took out a delicate purse from it.

There was no spiritual energy fluctuation on the purse, and Xing Yutang was so engrossed in the opponent's attack that he didn't pay attention to this little move.

But his act of withdrawing his defense fell right into Xing Suhan's arms.

Xing Suhan stretched out his right hand and slammed towards Xing Yutang's face, almost exhausting all his strength, forcing Xing Yutang not to accept his attack solemnly.

Xing Yutang raised his palms upwards, intending to block Xing Suhan's head-on punch, the door on his chest was exposed.

Taking advantage of this gap, Xing Suhan suddenly stretched out his hand, and slapped the delicate purse on Xing Yutang's chest.

Xing Yutang felt as if his chest had been pricked by a bee's needle.

At this moment, Xing Yutang felt a bad police mask in his heart.

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