Chapter 1319

"Who said Canglang Que will change hands?"

The dark sky is exceptionally quiet.

Beyond the sky, there was a clear and gentle voice, like the east wind.

Just no one to speak.

Qi Xiaowei's eyes turned cold, and he flew up to the top of the high tower.

Almost at the same time as him, Xing Yan also rushed over.

The eyes of the two fell on the white jade hairpin that suddenly appeared at the same time.

The hosta stopped at a height of about three meters above the dome, turning slowly, stirring the dark fog around it, and following its rhythm, it began to tumbling slowly.

Although he didn't know where the hairpin came from, Qi Xiaowei could feel the noble and powerful power on it, but it made him a little respectful and familiar.

This power is majesticly above his darkness, overlooking the existence of this dark world with the attitude of a leader...

Although, it is only attached to a small white hosta.

Qi Xiaowei had vaguely guessed the origin of the hairpin, but he couldn't believe it.

He couldn't believe that woman was still alive.

Qi Xiaowei stared at Yuhan with guarded and cunning eyes.

Stretching out his hand slowly, the wind and thunder qi entangled and condensed in the palm of his hand, and a qi Ling wrapped in pale lightning gradually appeared on his side.

But this action stopped abruptly the moment he saw Xing Yan.

Xing Yan was also looking at him at the moment.

Xing Yan was expressionless, but his eyes were very bright against the surrounding firelight, and there were obvious wet marks in the eye sockets.

Xing Yan was a little excited.

Even more agitated than his emotions were his actions.

Qi Xiaowei looked at the "Hundred Rivers Returning to the Sea" rune that stopped in front of Xing Yan, and swallowed nervously.

Even though Xing Yan was already in a slender figure at the moment, the graceful city lord could hardly be seen on his wrinkled face.

But Qi Xiaowei didn't dare to move anymore.

He knew that as long as he dared to do anything to the hairpin, this lunatic Xing Yan would dare to take his life's cultivation on himself.

The hairpin still stopped at the original position and rotated slowly.

Although it was still absorbing the surrounding power, it was noticeably slower than before.

It clearly intends to attack Canglang Que, but it seems a little hesitant, as if its surviving strength is not enough to support its next offensive.

Xing Yan saw Yuhan's hesitation and entanglement, and he wanted to help it, but he only had the last trump card left in his hand, and he had to stare at Qi Xiaowei.

Xing Yan looked at Yuhan anxiously and distressed.

Qi Xiaowei obviously also saw Yuhan's embarrassing situation, and laughed lowly:
"Hehe, he acted vigorously and resolutely just now, but his stamina is lacking? Ganqing came here to bluff people."

This obvious taunt angered Xing Yan on the opposite side.

With his palm hovering in front of the icy blue "Bai Chuan Gui Hai" rune, Xing Yan whispered: "Misfortune comes from the mouth, Patriarch Qi must remember it."

Qi Xiaowei laughed loudly: "Hehe, you want to use this talisman to die with me? Then I will use my cultivation to smash this hairpin. In the end, we are both finished, and my dark matter flow will still pull out the waves." Que this big plug, open this gate.”

"No matter what, the final winner must be me..."

Just when Qi Xiaowei's last word fell, a golden star above the sky pierced the thick black curtain, falling at a high speed like a meteorite, rubbing against the thick dark matter aura, and dragging out a flame-like golden-red long tail.

Like a fire carp jumping out of the Black Sea.

The red koi fell down in an instant at a speed that the brain had no time to function, and when it was about to approach the jade hairpin, a pale fingertip lightly landed on the head of the hairpin.

The girl spit out a word softly: "Go!"

The golden light flowing from the fingertips enveloped the white jade hairpin like quicksand.

The moment the hairpin heard the girl's voice, it seemed to be blessed, and the hairpin trembled violently, "Chi——"

There was a sharp whistling sound in the air, and it pierced straight towards the round and thick roof of Canglang Que, almost without any hindrance, it sank into the top, like a needle piercing through the water.

Inside the Great Hall of Canglang Que.

Fighting is also in stalemate.

Although Xing Suhan was seriously injured, Xing Yushan was subdued by Xing Suhan and pinned to the ground because his cultivation level was half a level lower than his.

Xing Suhan's eyes were fierce, and he was ready to give Xing Yushan a fatal blow with his hands.

At this moment of life and death, Xing Yushan, who was pressed on his back on the ground, suddenly saw a line of golden needles piercing the dome of Canglang Que, piercing straight down towards where he and Xing Suhan were.

Xing Yushan didn't even have time to take a closer look at what it was, and almost tried his best to push Xing Suhan away from Xing Suhan who was pressing on him, and rolled to the side on the spot.


The sound of the sandbag being pierced was remembered when he was about to roll away less than half a meter.

Xing Yushan's body was still rolling, and he twisted his neck hard to see.

A hosta wrapped in golden breath pierced through the back of Xing Suhan's head, pierced through the tip of Xing Suhan's nose, and finally nailed into the center of the gray jade floor tile.

The speed of the jade hairpin was so fast that it had already penetrated into the jade brick, and Xing Suhan's corpse, whose head had been pierced through, had not had time to fall down.

It wasn't until the hairpin sank into the center of the earth that Xing Suhan's body fell face down on the ground.

His head was tilted to the side, his round eyes just fixed on the hosta nailed into the ground, his expression was so unbelievable.

Canglang Que, which was shaking violently, finally calmed down.

The whole world seems to have returned to peace.

Xing Yushan opened his mouth wide, staring at the hosta pierced into the ground like a wooden sculpture made of clay.

Xing Yushan felt that this little hosta was like a sea god needle.

on the dome

Qi Xiaowei and Xing Yan also didn't react at all.

The girl's figure was like a golden streamer, and she floated in front of Xing Yan in a flash.

The slender white palm lightly patted the blue-light rippling rune, and the rune floated out with the strength of her palm.

When it touched Xing Yan's body, there was a faint golden streamer around it, but it sank into Xing Yan's body without hindrance.

Xing Yan's body began to change rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, he reshaped himself from a dying old man back to the tall and handsome city lord.

The girl's eyes were bright, and she let out a happy sigh: "It can be regarded as catching up! So it really works."

The girl's gaze met Xing Yan's reddish eyes, and she nodded with a smile: "Hello, City Lord Xing, my name is Yan Yan."

After briefly introducing herself, Yan Yan reminded with a smile: "Cultivation is not easy, you seniors, don't learn from Mr. Yumei, Master Wen Qiong, you will lose your cultivation at every turn."

"Walk to the water poor, sit and watch the clouds rise, how can there be so many dead ends in this world. Walking into a dead end, the worst is to push down the wall."

Xing Yan looked at Yanyan steadily, and laughed loudly: "Young girl is like holding the magic wand, a word of empowerment, the old man will be taught!"

Before Xing Yan's laughter fell to the ground, a huge black vortex above the two of them violently enveloped them.

Xing Yan grasped Yan Yan's wrist, pulled her behind and waved her hand.

A blue water dragon soared into the sky, biting into the black vortex with its wide open mouth.

Yanyan turned her head to look for it, but Qi Xiaowei was no longer on the dome.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket that karma and karma remain unchanged, happy weekend~
(End of this chapter)

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