Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1335 Six screens in the cloud

Insects have low IQ, so they are easier to be manipulated by the collective.

When the thick clouds blocked the sunlight, all the insects that were about to retreat froze in place.

The pitch-black beetles on their bodies became darker and brighter in the absence of light reflection.

The eyes of each worm seemed to be filled with blood, and scarlet slowly poured into countless tiny compound eyes, as if gradually replacing the original soul in their bodies.

It all happened eerily and quietly.

The warm sunlight completely disappeared behind the thick clouds, and Canglang City, shrouded in shadow, seemed to be turning into another world.


The high-frequency friction sound that woke up Yanyan sounded again, and the black worms began to grow for the second round at the same time, one after another rapidly expanding.

Those black worms that froze in place, originally planning to retreat, began to rub their tentacles, limbs and feet quickly, as if they were communicating with each other in their own language.

Under the command of the war drum, the Green Legion finally stopped attacking.

The attacking teams are like green arrows, stopping on the bowstring and waiting for the next order.

Tailfire Rhino raised his head, his calm eyes staring straight into the clouds.

There, it saw six black screens that ordinary people could not see with naked eyes. On each black screen, the outline of a worm was embroidered with gold thread.

There are centipedes, scorpions, black beetles, spiders, two-headed snakes, and a toad.

Six black screens gathered to form a hexagonal circle, slowly rotating above the thick black clouds.

"Goose Wing Formation!"

Tail fire rhino ordered.

Shen Yuyun raised a pair of diamond drumsticks in his hand, "Bang, bang, bang..." Lightly tapped twice on the edge of the war drum.

Bi Cheng, Hua Chang, and Niu Nenggan who were scattered among the Green Armored Corps responded almost immediately.

Under the command of the three caravan leaders, the green legion spread out to both sides like flowing water. Looking down from the air, it looked like a wild goose spreading its wings.

The tail fire rhino slowly walked towards the frontmost goose head.

Luo Shu Beast didn't need to give orders, it dragged the chariot spontaneously, and followed the fire rhinoceros side steadily.

At the same time, Yan Yan, who was standing under the Canglang Que, also saw this scene.

"Is Tail Fire Rhino planning to confront the dark matter flow in person?"

Unable to restrain the worry in his heart, Yan Yan lowered the tip of his eyebrows, and at the same time as he spoke, a pitch-black lotus flew out from between his eyebrows.

Looking at the black lotus hovering above Yanyan's head, with white and purple lightning criss-crossing from time to time, Xing Yan pursed his lips: "It looks like it is."

Yanyan recalled the situation when she rescued Jishuibao from Qi Xiaowei.

Canghua said that the Jishui Leopard has almost retained the complete power of the stars, but the Jishui Leopard is not an opponent of the dark matter flow at all.

Canghua's original body is a nine-tailed black dragon, and the tail fire rhinoceros is Canghua's tail star of the dragon, and the tail fire rhinoceros is undoubtedly the most skilled among the six stars.

Even though Canghua also said that the strength of Tail Fire Rhinoceros was higher than that of Jishui Leopard, Yanyan was still worried.

She slowly raised her right hand, and Lei Rui flew from the top of her head into the palm of her right hand.

In Xing Yan's eyes, Yanyan looked like she was ready to throw Lei Rui out as a ball of spirit qi at any time.


Although Xing Yan didn't know Lei Rui, but as a creature in the mountain and sea world, as soon as Lei Rui appeared, he clearly felt the sacred aura from it, and awe came naturally in his heart.

Xing Yan knew that this was a divine thing, but Yanyan didn't seem to take it seriously.

Let the moon follow her that day, and take out a magic weapon as a grenade today, what is the origin of this little girl?

Xing Yan's scalp tingles just thinking about it.

At this moment, the sky over Canglang City is the same as that night.

Thick clouds like ink blobs began to grow rapidly, gradually covering the entire sky, and the darkness that had absorbed the thick slurry thickly covered this side of the heaven.

Black mist fell from the clouds, as if trying to dye the air into a thick black color.

Houses, streets, and people all became blurred.

Even monks in the Nascent Soul Realm have difficulty seeing things.

Darkness tends to bring terror and helplessness to people, especially the thick darkness that seems to be condensed into substance.

The monks could no longer see the Green Armored Legion and the Fire Rhinoceros clearly. They could only try their best to open the barrier, protect the old people, women and children who stayed in the barrier, and always be vigilant about the movement in the darkness.

Because darkness, in addition to making people unable to do things, will also become the natural protective color of those bugs, which is what people worry and fear most.

Only Xingyan and Yanyan could still clearly see the situation in the city.

The two of them saw that the tailed fire rhinoceros had stepped out of the formation of wild goose wings, and they saw it go under the deepest cloud.

Tail Fire Rhino raised its head and carefully looked at the things above the thick clouds.

"Chacha, chacha..."

The sound of insect feet trampling on the floor sounded again, becoming clearer and clearer, and the ground began to tremble slightly again.

The trembling sound was transmitted through the objects on the ground and into the barrier opened by the monks. The children who had been quiet before were immediately startled and howled loudly.

In the thick darkness, a scarlet lantern lit up.

People know that those eyes, which are all insects, are connected in many places, like a burning sea of ​​blood.

A new round of insect swarms swept in with a stronger posture.

Suddenly, there was a painful wail from the Green Armored Army at the entrance of the alley, and then, the painful howls from all directions immediately began to rise and fall.

The human race lost the advantage of vision in daylight, but the worms became bigger and more powerful in the dark.


Tail Fire Rhino gave the order again.

The war drums made a sound as dense as raindrops, forming a formation of goose wings to encircle and wipe out the army of insect swarms, and immediately gathered up the formation urgently towards the goose head where the fire rhinoceros was.

Although many soldiers in the dark were attacked by insects, the heavily armored shield soldiers still followed the withdrawal plan and quickly rushed to the end of the troops, sealing off the surroundings of the troops to protect the retreating troops.

The whole army still appears to be in order.

Perhaps because of the dark night, the bugs became more excited than during the day.

Flies and mosquitoes flapped their wings with ultra-high frequency, and the bombers flew past the scalp of the Green Armored Army like a bomber.

The huge mosquitoes and flies were not afraid of the sharpness of the spear tip at all. They grabbed the Green Armored Army with their hooks and pulled them up high, then threw them heavily at the army on the ground, using human flesh as bombs to bombard the Green Armored Army.

The ant half-closed its eyes, covered its body in the darkness, rushed out from the depths of the side alley, and cut off the green-armored soldier's ankle with the steel black pliers on its mouth.

The edge of the retreating army began to become a little chaotic. The all-round attack of the black bug swarm finally affected the order of the entire army, and the chaos further increased the casualties of the soldiers.


Tailed Fire Rhinoceros stretched out its right foot, and stepped heavily on the ground with its pitch-black bright-edged combat boots, pushing out in all directions with the huge force of wood like a frenzied tide whipped up by the wind.

Guide to the Empress becoming a God

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