Chapter 1350
"Crimson Fox!"

The golden dragon scales exploded, and a bright green light shot up into the sky.

Tail Fire Rhinoceros and Fang Ritu also followed closely behind to catch up to the void.

The red heart fox is the heart of the dragon, and the others who are also the secondary stars of the Canghua dragon naturally cannot watch their companions being attacked by Maharaja.

It's just that they didn't expect that Maha Luoga, who is no longer the god of the past, but is now just a weapon spirit, is still so powerful.

Only Lie Shanding and Mr. Yumei in Xumi Realm understand.

Before Maha Luoga transformed into a weapon spirit, he was able to travel freely in such a powerful wilderness with a flaming face.

When Maha Luoga was a god, the full strength of her spiritual power was almost perfectly preserved.

This is the embodiment of Canghua's kung fu of refining weapons by himself.

But now, this powerful force perfectly preserved by Canghua is crushing his secondary stars.

In addition, there is another reason, the secondary star has been out of position for too long, after all, the strength has been lost a lot.

"Bang! Bang!"

Vigorously against vigorously, the oscillating mountains undulate like sea tides, and sand and stone rush against the sky like turbid waves.

The two giant tails collided quickly and were quickly bounced off by the huge impact force.

One is a snake tail.

One is a rhinoceros.

The body of the tailed rhino took a step back from the powerful impact force, and looked at the same expressionless Maharaja on the opposite side with a blank expression:

"You should understand that it is Emperor Yan's responsibility to repair the mountain and sea barrier. You can't blame Chixin Fox for this mistake."

Maharaja: "He summoned the five emperors to return to the throne, and he must die!"

As a deity who proved the Tao, Maharaja naturally knew the function of the boxwood fish.

That is the great magic weapon "Heaven and Earth Awakening" that can summon the gods to return to their positions.

"Heaven and Earth Awakening" was originally a magic weapon held by Dongfang Qingdi himself to command the gods.

But after the war with the Chi'e clan, Canghua Yuanshen was beheaded and trapped in the dragon platform, this great magic weapon was kept by Chixinhu, the dragon heart star.

Probably because Chixinhu's heart is the purest and closest to Canghua's consciousness.

Today, Maharaja took Yanyan to pierce the barrier, and Yanyan was suddenly dispatched to ascend to heaven to repair the barrier.

Others only say that Yanyan is the next Yandi of the Central Committee, and this is the duty she should fulfill.

However, even Cang Hua's sub-stars are not the gods who really proved the gods after all, and they don't know everything about Taoism.

But Maharaja is the god who proved the way, and she was an earlier righteous god who had already proved the way before the war. She knew many things very well.

Although Yanyan is the only bloodline of Emperor Yan, she is also the best candidate to inherit the throne of Emperor Yan of the Central Committee in the future, although many things on this point have symbolically pointed to her from the beginning.

However, there is still the most crucial point, that is, Yanyan has not proved to become a god at all.

She has not yet been recognized by the Heavenly Dao, and her name is not recorded in the Daolu.

Even if something happened to the Great Barrier, Tiandao is not qualified to directly take Yanyan's life to repair it.Because the way of heaven did not give Yanyan the corresponding emperor's authority at all.

The most intuitive underlying logic of this matter is: You Tiandao did not give others any great benefits to match the emperor, and you are not qualified to let others take their lives to fight against you at critical times.

Five directions and five emperors, what a great authority, they can easily crush all living beings under the Dao of Heaven.

What does Ke Yanyan have?
Yanyan is just an ordinary little girl, she didn't even have a spiritual root when she first came here.

If the elders hadn't left her a Xumi Realm, whether she could survive in this world would be a problem.

At a time like this, why should I ask someone to repair the Great Barrier!
The cause of everything is that Chixin Fox rang the magic weapon "Heaven and Earth Awake"

Only "Heaven and Earth Awakening" was refined from the essence and blood of the gods collected by Canghua back then. As long as the essence and blood match, it can summon the gods of heaven and earth.

Of course Yan Yan's blood essence matched the Great Barrier of Mountains and Seas, so she was successfully summoned.

It was because Chixinhu understood this that he sounded the "Heaven and Earth Awake"

This is the reason why Maharaja wants to kill the red fox.


Kang Jinpan took a step forward and shouted sharply: "No matter what the Chixin Fox does, it is the deputy star of my Eastern Constellation. Even if it is held accountable, it is the emperor's business. What are you!"

"Don't say that you are just a weapon spirit now. Even if you are still the god of music on the banks of the West River Styx, you have no right to comment!"

Maharaja narrowed her long blue and white pupils slightly, her body swayed slightly, and the breath of energy rolled up from the long tail under her body like waves.

What else can we talk about if we can't agree?Just hit it!This is the Maharaja way of doing things.


Tail Fire Rhino reminded loudly, but it was too late.

The six secondary stars were swept into the sky by the huge snake tail.

But Maharaja didn't stop, the huge snake god suddenly rose up, and the little girl's immature face was split inch by inch, turning into a huge snake head with a unicorn.

Flicking the long snake letters to the left and right, it sent Fang Ritu and Kang Jinpan flying up to defend Chixinhu.

The snake body rushed towards the boxwood fish in the sky at high speed.

The huge mouth of the snake opened, forming a spectacular style of giant python swallowing the sky, trying to swallow the "Heaven and Earth Vigilance" directly into the snake's belly.

The white-faced monk's fiery red monk's robe was blown away by the air waves, and the wooden fish in his hand was constantly beating.

Seeing that he and the boxwood fish flying with him in front of him were about to fall into the giant snake's throat, the monk's appearance was as calm as a mountain, neither sorrow nor joy nor fear.


There is a sudden gust of wind from the west, and the scorching white waves roll in the wind.

A huge phantom of a white tiger squats on the clouds.

Just before the boxwood fish and the red-hearted fox were about to fall into Mahalaka's mouth, the white tiger on the cloud stretched out its huge claws, and fished them lightly.

The red-hearted fox and boxwood fish were easily caught by the white tiger to the cloud where it was.

Naturally, Maharaja also saw the vision of the white tiger on the cloud, but her upward speed remained unabated.

But this time, no matter how hard she tried to increase her speed, she could no longer catch up with the fiery cloud under the White Tiger.

The phantom of the white tiger on the cloud lowered its head, quietly looking down at the Mahalaka below, and in the vicissitudes of life of the tiger's eyes unexpectedly revealed the giant statue of ten thousand Buddhas with thousands of faces and compassion.

"Maha Luoga, although I don't like your lord Shangxi Styx, but I appreciate your bravery and loyalty."

"Today, you are seeking justice for your master. This matter is not wrong, but after all, Chixinhu is the deputy star of Emperor Qing, so let's expose this matter."

At the moment when the holy image of the white tiger appeared on the cloud, in addition to the other five oriental deputy stars kneeling on the ground, there were also many small gods and immortals who were hiding here.

In the void that is much lower than the white tiger statue and still invisible to mortal eyes, the gods knelt down and filled several clouds.

The white tiger that can startle the appearance of gods from all walks of life, except for Baidi, one of the five emperors who controls the power of Gengjin in the West and the breath of Xia, there is no one else.

Hearing Baidi's words, all the little gods kowtowed and chanted "Baidi Shengming!"

No one expected that the White Emperor would personally plead with Maha Luoga on behalf of Chixinhu. This is already giving Maha Luoga enough face.

But Mahalaka's huge snake body never stopped.

The gods were horrified.

Is this big snake that has achieved great fame in the past, going to turn the world upside down today?
(End of this chapter)

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