Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1357 The Future Emperor Yan

Chapter 1357 The Future Emperor Yan

What a transparent person Yanyan is, when it comes to this, she instantly understands all the causes and consequences.

"Is it really your blood in my body?"

Yan Yan asked again.

It's not that she didn't understand Yandi's words, but she had to make a final confirmation.

"Yes." The man gave a clear and clear answer.

Yanyan was silent.

After a while, Yan Yan raised her head and looked at the man opposite, her eyes were quiet and calm, as if she was facing an ordinary person who had never met before, and she did not change because of the special status of the other party.

Yan Yan asked calmly: "If I am your blood, why did I not live in this world, but was born in Blue Star?"

This is the crucial question, and the answer to all this.

The man thought for a while, then shook his head honestly: "To be honest, I don't know why you were born on Blue Star."

Yan Yan raised her eyebrows, the other party's answer was a bit beyond her expectation.

The man continued: "In the great battle back then, in order to prevent the Chi'e tribe from invading the world of mountains and seas, I used my body to repair the Great Barrier. The situation at that time was very complicated and urgent, and I didn't have extra time to plan the future."

"Before I died, I just relied on instinct to take a piece of blood essence from my body and throw it into the Three Thousand Worlds. As for the final outcome of this blood essence, it might be swallowed by the demons of the Three Thousand Worlds, or is it like you were born in a certain star?" Growth. To be honest, I was completely incapable and had no time to plan its future."

"So, I have no answer to the question you asked me."

Regarding the great war 3000 years ago, Yanyan was well aware of the situation at that time, and according to the analysis of the information she had, Emperor Yan's words echoed the real situation at that time.

Perhaps it was a pure coincidence that she was born in Blue Star.

After thinking for a while, Yanyan asked again: "As you said, I am the only blood left behind by you, so Qi Xiaowei found me on the Blue Star, and it was for this reason that he brought me into this world."

This sentence is not exactly a question, but more like an inference obtained after analysis.

"If the goal of the person you mentioned is to obtain the dark power from outside the territory to attack the mountain and sea world, then he found you and brought you back to the mountain and sea world, with the purpose of using your blood to open the big enchantment."

The man agreed with Yanyan's deduction, and helped her further analyze Qi Xiaowei's purpose.

"But after Qi Xiaowei brought me back, he somehow lost me. This should also be related to the Great Barrier."

The man smiled gently: "It's natural. You are on another star, very far away from here, and the Great Barrier cannot sense your existence, so there is nothing you can do."

"When you are brought back to this world by that person, and the Great Barrier senses your return, it will automatically include you within its protection."

"In addition to the Great Formation, my Sumeru Realm is also the same. These are all the results of being pulled by the power of your blood."

When the man was talking, Yan Yan had been listening carefully, looking at the man's face calmly.

When the man finished talking about those things in the past, Yan Yan never figured out the causal connection.

Yanyan asked the last question slowly and cautiously:
"So, with this unique bloodline, will I inherit your throne in the future and become the Central Yan Emperor in the world of mountains and seas?"

The man looked at Yanyan with gentle and smiling eyes, and nodded slightly.

"This is natural. When one day your ability can control a certain amount of space-time power, you will naturally become the central Yandi of the mountain and sea world. This is an inevitable result."

"Because of the needs of this world, and because no one can control the power of space except you."

Yanyan got the answer she wanted to find out in her heart, but she remained silent.

She was not happy because all the doubts that could not be solved in the past were finally solved, nor was she excited or shocked because of the noble blood and supreme status recognized by Emperor Yan himself.

Yanyan lowered her head, as if she was continuing to think seriously.

The man also stayed silent with Yan Yan, looking at her with gentle eyes.Eyes like spring breeze, smile like a bright moon, getting along with it will make people unconsciously relax.

The man's eyes were full of tenderness and tolerance, patiently waiting for Yanyan's approval, and accepting everything that should belong to her.

Under the gentle and expectant eyes of the man, Yanyan finally raised her head again.

Looking into the eyes of the opposite man with quiet eyes, Yan Yan said calmly: "This world really needs a central Emperor Yan. Because the world's great barrier is about to collapse, it needs someone who can repair the great barrier to stand up and solve this problem .”

The man nodded gently.

Yanyan continued: "Just like what you said at the beginning, 'you only came to visit me now', even you yourself think it's a bit late, right?"

The man looked at her quietly, without any other expression on his face, quietly waiting for Yan Yan to continue talking.

"Why didn't you show up and tell me the truth?"

The man was about to speak, but Yanyan raised her hand to stop him, and continued: "Maybe it's because my cultivation level is not enough, or maybe it's because it's not the time. Anyway, no matter what reasons you say, in my opinion, these are your excuses .I can choose to hear it, but I don't necessarily accept it."

The man smiled gently: "It's really not fair to you to tell you the truth now. But the position of Emperor Yan of the Central Committee is very important to the world of mountains and seas, and his power is extremely great, and it cannot be given to anyone casually."

"You grew up in another star realm without any guidance, and you can't even sense the power of space. There is always a process of investigation and growth."

Yan Yan shook her head: "I said before, these are your reasons, I only listen to them, but I don't necessarily accept them."

Emperor Yan was silent.

Yanyan: "I inherited your bloodline, this is indeed a fact. However, the matter of me inheriting your bloodline itself is not something I can control. Just like a person cannot choose his father or mother when he is born."

"However, apart from the fact that I inherited a special bloodline, more than half of everything I have is the result of my own struggle. For example, when I first came to this world, I didn't even have the minimum spiritual root. No."

There was an obvious apology in Emperor Yan's gentle eyes: "This may be because you were not born in this world. The star realm you are in probably cannot practice cultivation, so people there don't need to be born with spiritual roots. But you were born It's really unfair to you to come back here after that world."

But Yanyan's expression was not comforted and wronged, she still looked calm, as if she was stating something about someone else.

"This also proves another fact, even if I inherit your blood, I don't belong to this world!"

(End of this chapter)

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