Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1371 Not afraid of death, but why fear it with death

Chapter 1371 Not afraid of death, but why fear it with death
The surrounding sword was destroyed, and Shen Yuyun spat out a mouthful of blood into the sky, but was slapped back on his face by the strong wind.

His body froze, and Shen Yuyun fell backwards straight.

"Big Chief!"

The few caravan guys who were nearest shouted loudly and rushed to Shen Yuyun.

When Hua Chang rushed over and parted the crowd to hold Shen Yuyun in his arms, Shen Yuyun's face was like gold paper, he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.


The sky resounded with a loud bang like steel axes thwarting each other, and the purple beam of light ruthlessly fell down, relentlessly relentless to the creatures on the big black rock.

Mr. Yumei raised his white eyebrows and raised his eyes, his expression was still upright and peaceful, but his usual gentle and kind eyes were cold.

Mr. Yumei withdrew the palm that was placed on the old plum tree trunk before, and dropped it lightly, with a soft "pop!", it slapped on the chess box held by the other hand, and the chess pieces in the vibrating box jumped neatly the sound of.

"People don't fear death, so how can they fear death!"

Mr. Yumei's voice was as calm as a bell.

The powerful power of spiritual consciousness surged along with his voice, forming circles of substantial breath ripples in the air, rippling towards the sky.

The black and white two-color chess pieces in the box in Mr.'s palm were simultaneously shaken by the breath of Qi, and crossed the gap between the dense branches of the old plum tree above his head, forming a distinct black and white two-color pattern in the void on the upper level.

"The heaven and the earth were first opened, and the turbidity and the two qi were cleared. The upper part is clear and the lower part is yin and yang. The yin and yang complement each other, and the cycle goes back and forth. The heaven and the earth are great, and all spirits are pregnant."

With the grand and firm voice of Mr. Yumei spreading in all directions, the black and white chess pieces above his head slowly circulated with his breath, and the Tai Chi Pisces picture gradually formed.

The Yin-Yang Diagram subtly adjusts the movement of Qi around Daheiyan, and the turbulent breath is collected and sorted out by the Tai Chi Diagram, gradually becoming peaceful and stable.

The aura of wind and cloud disturbed by heaven gradually stabilized, and everyone's uneasy mood gradually stabilized with this peaceful aura.

The black-and-white yin-yang Pisces chess formation rotates non-stop, and the peaceful Zhou Zheng adjusts the spiritual qi around the big black rock to become more and more peaceful and quiet.

Mr. Yumei's voice never stopped...

"The common people here feel the heaven and the earth, wait for the time to move, spring wind and summer rain, autumn and winter storage, and conform to the heaven and earth to achieve benevolence and harmony."

The Tai Chi Pisces rotated non-stop, and the spiritual energy surrounding the big black rock became more and more peaceful and firm, and the abundant spiritual energy had already wrapped the entire big black rock.

However, there is still an endless stream of power rushing towards Daheiyan.

The yin-yang Pisces hanging over everyone's heads is like a huge spiritual energy absorber, constantly attracting the available spiritual energy wandering between heaven and earth to this side.

"Four seasons reincarnate, the sun and the moon prosper, nourish all living beings and become benevolent, and the harmony of heaven and earth is formed by the trend. Although the creatures of my generation are small, they are born in accordance with the times and the situation. Heaven, has it ever supported me?"

This question, like a thunderclap on the flat ground, actually directly asked the way of heaven.


The dull thunder rolls among the ink clouds.

I don't know if it's because the aura gathered by Tai Chi is getting thicker, or because of other reasons, the previous thunder beam has never been smashed down.

However, Mr. Yumei's question made the respectful and kneeling gods on the cloud head tremble, and cast their surprised and frightened eyes on Daheiyan.

The white tiger let out a low whistle, and looked sideways at Daheiyan like the gods.

Its huge tiger body was actually bristled by the shock just now.

The reason why Bai Hu was shocked was that he was surprised not only by the courage of these tiny creatures, but also by the wisdom of these tiny creatures.

The way of heaven is in charge of the rules and regulations of this world, and it is true that it has not raised mortal beings.

The only thing that nurtures the living beings is the world itself that Xishen transformed.

The weather is smooth and the weather is good, the people are safe and peaceful, and they only talk about the breath of this world, and it has never had anything to do with the way of heaven.

This tiny human race actually broke the secret with one word.

"Hahaha, sir, you are right!"

Lie Shanding's high-pitched voice suddenly sounded, and his hearty laughter shook his breath.

The white glaze-like flames in the mouth of the tripod climbed up to the sky, and the strong and hot breath reached the heavens, pushing the chess formation composed of Tai Chi Pisces up a section.

This push, it seems that there is a real intention to question the way of heaven.

"Did Heaven ever support me?"

Everyone shouted in unison, and their power suddenly rose.

On the originally plain black and white chessboard, the holy figure of the sun and the moon gradually manifested.

People on the big black rock can hardly see this holy image, but the gods on the cloud head can see it clearly.

The sun and the moon shining together are the gods of Emperor Yan.However, Yanyan's consciousness has been completely blocked by the Dao of Heaven, and it is impossible to show her holy appearance.

With the manifestation of Yandi's holy face, the only possibility is the power of faith in Yanyan from these people on the Great Black Rock.

Faith is a great force that gathers all forces in one body, gathers sand to form a tower, and condenses and never disperses.

This is a great power that even the gods who testify to the Dao can't get it.

This shows that the spirit and behavior of the person believed in has been followed and worshiped by the living beings in the world, and her meritorious deeds have been imprinted in the consciousness of these people.

"Having the power of faith just after proving to be a god is indeed a powerful character!"

Bai Hu couldn't help expressing his emotion.

Even the gods who have been proving their gods for many years, there are many people who do not have the power of faith.

At this moment, the breath between heaven and earth suddenly rushed towards the big black rock,

Deng Wenming stood up suddenly, and slapped his palms heavily on the lid of the pill furnace that was billowing with fire clouds in front of him.

The lid of the furnace was lifted up, and a dazzling white light flew out of the tripod's belly, accompanied by a strong fragrance of dandelion.

"Everyone supplies, help sir defend against the enemy!"

The white light scattered carelessly, like stars and chess pieces, like jade beads falling on a plate, and sprinkled over everyone's heads, they were Qi-replenishing pills full of spiritual energy.

Everyone took the elixir that was especially warm from the furnace, and followed the disciples of the White Mist Hall to move around, twisting and turning into fists.

This is what Yanyan used to frighten the foxes in Juyan Fort. Based on the trapped cloud array and combined with the concept of Tai Chi, the Tai Chi trapped cloud array was created.

The formation was completed, white mist rose, and the mist became thicker and thicker, covering the strong mountain cauldron filled with Yanyan and Mahalaka.

Sisi, Xing Yutang and the exhausted Deng Wenming were enveloped.

Shrouded the disciples of the White Mist Palace
It enveloped everyone in the caravan.

It enveloped Lao Mei, as well as Ji Mei, a young girl who was sitting under Lao Mei.

It also enveloped Mr. Yumei.

"The way of heaven is not benevolent, it robs me of my life, and treats all life as a dog. I don't understand that all life and longevity are equal. Why do we believe in the way of heaven? Why are we afraid of the way of heaven?"


The clouds on the void pressed down again towards the big black rock, and the bottom almost touched the Tai Chi Pisces chess formation.

The cloud was as heavy as a mountain of ink, and the white-purple light produced by constant friction during the period became more and more intense, and the coercion dissipated during the period became more and more massive.

Pisces rotates slowly all the time without rush or slowness, as if completely unaware of the huge divine power that is almost pressed down on the top of the head, steady and calm.

(End of this chapter)

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