Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1375 The True Power of Wood

Chapter 1375 The True Power of Wood

What the illusion manifests cannot be chosen.

When Mr. Yumei used the power of wood technique to present the illusion of Migu, he himself was a little surprised.

Manifested illusions are often manifested by divine powers that bear the imprint of a person's life. For example, Emperor Qing manifested the three mulberry trees, and Emperor Yan manifested the sun, the moon, and the sky. They all have their own origins.

Mr. Yumei looked at the tall Migu tree extending from the palm of his hand to the sky, and recalled the long and desolate years in his mind. He stood alone and suppressed the wild monster, facing the old Migu tree attached by the power of green wood. .

In countless eternal nights, he and Old Migushu were indeed the only ones watching each other across the icy river of Styx.

Those years were bleak and desolate, accompanied only by the hopelessness in the distance.Recalling now, it was the bleakest period of his life.

But it was also this period of absolute loneliness that made him think about what he should do.

It was also because of his obstinacy to the point of madness that he had the opportunity to meet Yanyan, and that he was fortunate enough to participate in such a bloody battle.

Including following Yanyan, giving lessons to the concubines in the Sumeru Realm, playing chess with the emperor, distinguishing alchemy with Lie Shanding, drinking and roasting sausages with the caravan, and traveling around the world...

This short period of time made him cherish it very much. With these people, he lived happily every day, really happy.And often when a person is in a daze, he feels lucky to have such a life.

The Migu Sacred Tree is the sacred tree of the guardian system.

This is destined to be God, let him guard this happiness personally, until death...

All the feelings in my heart were turned into surging wood power, which was continuously conveyed to the towering giant tree growing from the palm.

The crown of the tree that was shining with blue light sprouted branches and sprouted quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the green shade was like a cover, firmly supporting the yin-yang Pisces chess formation that was constantly being suppressed, and began to slowly rise to the sky.

The strong wind blows through the gaps between the branches and leaves of the illusion of the valley, and there is a real fresh spring blowing to the distant mountains and rivers.

The gods on the clouds smelled the fresh power of Jiamu, and looked up at Daheiyan one after another. Facing such a powerful power of heaven, they still grew vigorously and tenaciously.

At this moment, the gods seemed to truly understand what the real power of wood is.

What is the real power of hope!

The power of no strange wood can create miracles in all living things.

It's no wonder that Qingdi, who possesses the power of Eastern Jiamu, has the supreme power that can shock the entire mountain and sea world.

Because in this world, the power of only life is the strongest and the greatest power in the world.

Lightning strikes like heavy blades frequently slashed on the Tai Chi chess formation, and from time to time some chess pieces were shattered by the huge lightning.

The originally intact yin and yang Pisces began to be damaged and collapsed due to the double force of the upper and lower sides.

However, the phantom of the giant tree is like a huge palm, holding a round Tai Chi chess formation like a shield, pushing the mighty punishment upward bit by bit with difficulty.


The sky once again streaked across the web of thunder and lightning that shattered the sky.

In the dark cloudy mountain, a white light like the blazing sun suddenly exploded, and a huge hole was instantly blasted open at the bottom of the thick cloud layer, and a huge electric ball completely woven by white-purple lightning fell from the hole in the cloud layer.

It was like a giant's clenched fist, pounding heavily on the Tai Chi chess formation.


The huge forces collided, and the point of impact sprayed out waves of smoke like waves.

Half of the white waves and half of the black waves, that's not smoke and dust, it's a chess formation that was instantly crushed into powder.

The thunder hammer smashed the chess formation into dust, without even stopping, it directly hit the canopy of the giant tree in Migu.

The white light hit the green tree hard, the huge canopy shook violently, and the wild leaves carrying the power of green wood flew all over the sky.

Mr. Yumei on the big black rock spurted a mouthful of blood far away.

The Thunder Hammer smashed through the crown of the tree, chopping down the trunk all the way and charging towards the roots.

Lie Shanding stared round the bronze tripod's eyes, seeing Mr. Yumei's face getting paler, he gritted his teeth and roared: "Brother, hold on, Master Ding is here to help you!"

While speaking, the flames of the white glaze rose violently, and the scorching outer flame licked the white thunder hammer, and the air made a muffled sound of "bang bang" due to the huge heat accumulation, and even the clouds supporting the gods were roasted. The ground curled up.

Someone among the gods recognized Lie Shan Ding, and couldn't help sighing in a low voice: "It's no wonder that the body of Emperor Yan can be refined, it was originally Lie Shan Clan's medicinal cauldron."

"It was originally the world's number one treasure tripod. No wonder which piece of land was tempered into vajra iron skin. I wondered how the black charcoal land was so hard these days, and it could hold the mighty Tianwei crossbow without collapsing."

For a moment, all the gods gasped in admiration.

It's just that these admiring voices couldn't be transmitted to Lie Shanding's ears at this moment, because the thunder hammer, which was as bright as the day, only paused for a moment in the burning flames, and continued to hammer down on the big black rock.

This time, Tiandao seemed to have put in all his strength and decided to make a complete end.

At this moment, the sledgehammer hit a position close to the root of the tree.

The further down Mr. Yumei's spiritual qi is, the more abundant the spirit qi is, and the flame of Lie Shanding also shrinks downward with it. When the two forces combine, the greater the resistance of resistance.

Mr. Yumei and Lie Shanding could clearly see the huge thunderball approaching overhead almost through the air.

They all know that if this thunderbolt falls, all living things on the big black rock will be instantly reduced to fly ash, not to mention the body, even the soul will be burned to ashes and wiped clean .

If Tiandao just snatched Yanyan's body before, then at this moment, Tiandao has murderous intentions towards them all.

When the red and white electric light ball came into the eyes of Mr. Yumei and Lie Shanding, the aura on the big black rock was also sensed by the invisible force above the clouds.

At this moment, the simple knife-shaped lightning suddenly slashed towards the mouth of Lie Shanding.

When the electric tongue licked away that position, Yan Yan opened her dull eyes and sat quietly...

"Fuck! Thieves, Lord Ding celebrates your ancestors!"

Lie Shanding cursed furiously, and forcibly restrained the flames so as not to hurt Mr. Yumei, but Pu Dao's fall was too fast, Lie Shanding had no time to make more responses, so he barely turned around direction.

The powerful electric arc that Pu Dao slashed at Yanyan was received by Lie Shanding forcefully, and a clear gap was cut in such a hard body of the cauldron.

Lie Shanding was furious, directly urging the fire of Yanxin to melt the strong thunder.

However, when the lightning hit the cauldron just now, Lie Shanding was seriously injured, and the power of the flames that spewed out was not as powerful as before.

In order to protect Yanyan and Mahalaka in the tripod, Lieshan Ding needs to save some power.

In this way, the main resistance force is placed on Mr. Yumei alone.

"If you really can't stand it, I will restrain you, and you will leave with Daheiyan."

Mr. Yumei exhorted.

Lie Shanding smiled wryly: "Leave? Where can you go? I will take Daheiyan away, and the thief will be able to press you into the soil as a seed in a few minutes."

"Besides, are we going? Where are we going? Unless Yan girl wakes up and takes us to hide in Sumeru Realm. Otherwise, everywhere we go will turn into ashes."

(End of this chapter)

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