Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 161 The Origin of the Black Skeleton

Chapter 161 The Origin of the Black Skeleton
Asked by Yanyan about the purpose of going to the study that night, Tonba nodded honestly.

Yan Yan continued to ask: "You wanted the beast's heart at the time, did you want to get it for yourself? Or is it for other uses?"

She didn't need to ask before, but now she was basically sure that the ferocious animal heart was related to Zhuo Jinzhang, so she had to figure out its function.

Now Yan Yan wanted to know all the information about Zhuo Jinzhang in detail.

The main reason is that Yanyan has another guess in her heart, she vaguely feels that this ferocious animal heart is probably related to herself.

According to Tonba's habit, he usually doesn't call her when he goes hunting.If the ferocious beast heart was what Tonba wanted, it would have stolen it by itself, and probably would not have brought her such a burden.

But the purpose of Tonba that night was obvious, it deliberately took her there.

Sure enough, Tonba stretched out a fluffy front paw and pressed it on the back of Yanyan's hand.

The ferocious animal heart is for her!
Yanyan looked at Tonba steadfastly: "Tonba, you know I'm a monk."

Tonba nodded obediently.

Yanyan: "So, can that heart improve my cultivation?"

Tonba immediately nodded violently, and added an affirmative cry: "Tonba!"

That's right!

Its owner is too smart, the kind that is invincible in the world.

Yanyan was overjoyed, this is what she needs most now, she wants to take revenge, and she needs to improve her cultivation quickly!
"Okay, the ferocious animal heart has figured it out, the next question."

When Yanyan was speaking, there was something extra in her hand.

When Tonba saw what Yanyan was holding, his beautiful blue eyes instantly turned into two vertical lines, his back hair was puffed up, and his tail became several times thicker...

This is a standard reaction in mammals when they encounter danger.

Yanyan hurriedly stroked the top of its head, soothing her softly, "Don't be afraid, if you don't eat this bone, the demons in your body won't come out. Be good, sit down, don't be afraid~"

Yanyan only gave Tonba a look, fearing to frighten it, and immediately put the bone back into the Sumeru Realm.

When Yanyan came out again, she saw Tunba laying on the bed, with her long ears drooping, and even the beard around her mouth drooping, appearing very depressed.

Yanyan knew that the bone brought back bad memories, so she was apologetic, and gently hugged Tonba into her arms.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to ask, do you know what kind of monster's bones this bone is? Well, I won't ask, you take a rest quietly, you're fine."

Seeing Tonba like this, Yan Yan had already given up hope.But Tonba in his arms suddenly raised his head, looked at Yanyan and nodded.

Yan Yan was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, Tonba really knew.

Although the demon in his body controlled his body that night, Tonba, who was imprisoned in the deep god pool, knew all about what happened.

It struggled out of Yanyan's arms, drew a strange shape on the bed sheet with its front paws, then kept twisting its furry body, and finally drew a round thing on the bed sheet, and licked it with its tongue He licked his lips and made a delicious look.

After finishing this series of gestures, it raised its head to meet Yan Yan's bewildered eyes.

Yanyan didn't understand anything, she just felt that Tonba was... convulsing.

Tonba spun around on the bed anxiously.

It can't speak with so much information, it's a dying beast!

No way, Tonba had to do all the actions again.

"The first movement is big, big, um...does it mean the size of that monster?"

Tonba nodded quickly.

Yanyan immediately asked: "Is there any Xiong Shida?"

Tonba nodded immediately: "Ton ton ton tonba!" He was much, much bigger than Xiong Wei.

Yanyan nodded to express her understanding, and Tonba immediately moved on to the next move.

The difficulty of this movement is a bit high. It is too embarrassing for a beast on all fours to twist its waist and swing its hips.

So Yanyan watched it for a long time before she roughly understood that Tonba was imitating her swimming appearance.

Yanyan was surprised: "You mean Zeshui? This thing is in Zeshui?"

She only swam in the swamp water, that was when she went to Dengjiazhuang.

Tonba nodded again.

Yan Yan was shocked.

In the swamp water, there is a very big monster, could it be...

After understanding the second one, the third one is easy to understand. Tonba is imitating everyone eating hot pot.The round thing it draws on the bed is the hot pot.

The hot pot meat uses big river mussels, and big river mussels are also things in the water.

This means that the thing is from Zeshui.

Although the second swimming and the third hot pot are a bit repetitive, but Yanyan thinks that Tonba's expression is probably to make it easier for her to understand.

In fact, Yanyan didn't fully understand the last message.

Tonba's last move was to tell her that when she went down the river to see the big clam for the first time, she met that thing.

But at that time, Yanyan didn't feel that there were other things in the river, so she couldn't think of so many things.

Yan Yan was very excited, she cautiously asked for confirmation: "Is that thing you mentioned... a Gu carving?"

"Tunba!" Tonba nodded fiercely.

Yanyan's guess was finally confirmed.

Yan Yan took a deep breath.

She didn't expect that there were actually Gu carvings in the water.

She never thought that the black bones swallowed by Tunba were actually the bones of Gu carvings.

Wait, the skeleton of a Gu carving? !
Yan Yan hurriedly asked: "Did the Gu carving in the water be killed by that old lunatic?"

Tonba immediately shook his head: "Tonba!" No!
Yan Yan frowned: "Have you ever seen a Gu carving?"

Tonba nodded immediately, and then tossed and laughed on the bed...

Yanyan understood instantly this time, it was imitating the way it went mad last time.

That is to say, the last time Tonba went berserk he saw the Gu sculpture, and the last time Tonba went berserk was just after he ate the bones of the Gu sculpture.

Does this mean that it is possible that the gu carving sensed the same kind of aura on Tonba, so it was drawn out.

In other words, there is more than one Gu carving under the water!
Yan Yan thought for a while, and asked: "If we take this bone of the Gu carving to the Zeshui River, will it still attract the Gu carving?"

Tonba nodded immediately, this time it howled a few times, showing a fierce look.

Yan Yan stared at it: "You mean, not only will the Gu Eagle come out, but it may even attack us?"

Tonba nodded.

Yan Yan frowned.

Gu carvings will attack creatures holding carving bones, do they want to avenge their companions?
Super demons like Gu Diao are born with intelligence, and their lifespan is usually very long, much smarter than humans.It may be able to sense the murder of the same family through the breath of these bones, and then avenge the same family.

For creatures with high IQs, revenge for the same kind is very common.

Therefore, this Gu carving skeleton can attract a revenge Gu carving!

Yanyan knew it well.

It was twilight, Yanyan washed up and tidied up before going out.

Haofu side garden
In the inner study, Shen Yuyun, Hong Yuxiu and Hua Chang are discussing about going into business.

The people of the caravan reported outside the door: "Master, Miss Tang Tang is here."

 What do you guys think, what is Shen Yuyun like?
(End of this chapter)

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