Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 197 The Ultimate Showdown

Chapter 197 The Ultimate Showdown ([-])

A piercing, frightening cry like a baby's cry resounded through the sky.

Mu Juan'er, who was floating in the front, was shaken several times by the sound, and her soul and body were numb for a moment.

Yan Yan almost burst into tears with joy.

The water of Zegeng flows out, while the Nanliu pours into the pouring water. There are beasts in the water, which are called Gu carvings.

It's a Gu carving!
The Gu carving has really come!

With the powerful support, Yanyan's body suddenly erupted with an excited force. With Hao Ruisheng on her back, she braved the wind and rain, and rushed towards the narrow passage of Yingu with all her strength.

As long as they leave the valley of darkness, they will be safe for the time being.

If they are lucky enough, Gu Diao can kill Yaodao, they can escape from Shengtian completely.

Victory is in sight, come on!
At this moment, Yanyan only thinks about saving Hao Ruisheng.

What is the vicissitudes, what is exciting and heroic, what is activating the power of stars...

Everything was left behind by her.

No big event is bigger than a human life!
Yan Yan, who grew up in the civilized society of the earth, even if she changed the world, she still couldn't do such a cruel thing of sacrificing other people's lives for her own benefit.

As for how to activate the heroic star power...

Let's wait until the catastrophe in front of us passes through safely before thinking about it.

Yan Yan ran hard under her feet, various thoughts flashed through her mind.

Seeing that the Yingu exit was close in front of her eyes, Yanyan was excited when she suddenly felt a light on her back.

Her back lightened, but her heart sank.

Yanyan turned around abruptly, the Qi Ling whip in her hand had already been thrown out, even though it was so fast, it was swept away.

When she raised her head again, her sight was instantly blurred by the torrential rain, leaving only a red cloud blown by the strong wind above her head.

That red cloud is Hao Ruisheng who is wearing a red wedding dress!
Yanyan gritted her teeth and kicked hard, stepped on a rock protruding from the cliff, jumped up and chased after it.

The taiji jujitsu on her legs is very good. With only physical strength, she even used a few rocks to catch up with Hao Ruisheng who was lifted into the air by creeping.

Yanyan threw out the qi-ling whip vigorously, the qi-ling whip neatly wrapped around Hao Ruisheng's thick creeps, and even dragged her to the sky.

Wrapping the qi whip and hanging it on the creeper, Yanyan looked down and was stunned.

Zhuo Jinzhang's creeping touch just now didn't engulf Hao Ruiseng, but directly penetrated into her body.

In the huge earthworm-shaped body, waves of fresh plasma rolled, and a steady stream of fresh blood was sucked out from Hao Ruisheng's body, and sent to Zhuo Jinzhang who was trembling with the gu carving in mid-air.

At this moment, Yan Yan's animal heart power has been almost exhausted, and with her own spiritual power, it is extremely difficult to use the whip blade to break the creeping touch.

At this moment, Zhuo Jinzhang, who was in mid-air, was in the midst of a fierce battle with the Gu carving.

Usually, monsters with huge body and natural growth like Gu carvings are used to attacking the enemy with simple and rude huge force.

In the fight with Zhuo Jinzhang, Gu Diao didn't use its natural water-control magic, but only relied on its powerful wings, beak and giant claws to fight Zhuo Jinzhang.

Facing the overturning power of the Gu carving, Zhuo Jinzhang was naturally no match, but the opponent didn't use any spells, so he took advantage of a loophole.

He relied on Yujian's flying agility to maneuver skillfully, and the Gu carving didn't do anything to him for a while.

But Gu Diao is a thousand-year-old monster after all, and his physical strength is far beyond that of a monster like Zhuo Jinzhang. Zhuo Jinzhang worked hard to deal with it, and gradually his physical strength began to decline obviously.

At this time, the celestial phenomenon of the sun and the sun had already begun for a while, and Hao Rui's blood essence had not been taken care of, so he became more and more impatient.

He stretched out his squirm to the bottom of the valley, and suddenly found that Hao Ruisheng was about to be taken out of the valley by Yanyan.

Zhuo Jinzhang was immediately enraged by Yan Yan, and ignored the powerful attack of the gu carving in front of him, he directly threw down a thick creeping finger, pierced directly into Hao Ruisheng's body, and began to forcibly absorb her essence Blood.

Hao Ruisheng has a special extremely yin constitution, coupled with the influence of today's special lunar and solar phenomena, her blood essence energy is simply an accelerator for Zhuo Jinzhang to quickly improve his cultivation.

As soon as Haoruisheng's blood essence was inhaled into his body, Zhuo Jinzhang's whole body began to emit a coquettish scarlet light. At the same time, at the position of his dantian, the red spiritual root of the fire attribute began to slowly appear faintly. Visible flame pattern.

The appearance of the spiritual root is a proof of the rapid improvement of the cultivation base.

Only when one's self-cultivation level increases rapidly at an abnormal speed, will the spiritual root in the monk's dantian show a specific form.

Such a situation is actually very dangerous for normal qi refining monks.

The spiritual roots are exposed, and the seven meridians and eight meridians in the body are in a period of rapid expansion.There is no way for the physical body to fully adapt to the rapidly increasing cultivation in a very short period of time.

This is like a computer in the 80s. Originally, it could only run the DOS system, but it was forced to install Windows 10, and it may crash at any time.

But Zhuo Jinzhang is a demon cultivator, but his special cultivation method does not exist in this situation at all.

The moment Hao Ruisheng's blood essence was inhaled into his body, the demon power in his body and his own cultivation grew at the same time, and there was no possibility of the demon power collapsing.

Therefore, when Zhuo Jinzhang's body was in danger, the Yao Xiu, who was integrated with his body, could well resist foreign enemies and protect him from outside harm.

For example, at this moment, Zhuo Jinzhang's complexion has been tortured by the soaring energy in his body to the extreme pale, but the big creepy body all over his body seems to be revived suddenly, and he twists his disgusting body excitedly, like A disgusting giant blood****.

The giant ※※jumbo was extremely excited, and twisted its body to actively attack the Gu carving.At the same time, Zhuo Jinzhang began to concentrate on absorbing the huge energy supply that suddenly injected into his body.

At this moment, Creepy Touch resisted the Gu Eagle for a while, Zhuo Jinzhang withdrew his consciousness and noticed Yan Yan hanging on the wall of Creepy Touch, who was about to cut off the Gu Eagle.

The whip is a typical long-distance attacking weapon. It completely loses its advantage when attacking at close range. Yanyan clings to the creepy touch tightly, and then it becomes very awkward to use the whip. The situation is urgent, and Yanyan has no other way , can only be slashed with bare hands with a blade.

Seeing that Hao Ruisheng's body hanging below was getting shriveled, Yan Yan's eyes were reddened, and he used all his spiritual power on his right hand, desperately chopping off the disgusting and slippery body.

She didn't care about the smelly and sticky crawling blood splashing all over her body and face.

Perseverance led to miracles, and she cut off most of the huge creeping tentacles with her hands.

Seeing that the victory was in sight, Yanyan swung her blade excitedly and became more diligent in chopping. All her attention was focused on the giant creeper in front of her. As the creeper was cut off, the speed at which Haorui's vital blood was lost was also visible to the naked eye. slow down.

Because she was too focused, she didn't notice at all, there were two weird tentacles extending from above, and the scarlet and coquettish body was swaying behind her...

(End of this chapter)

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