Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 34 The Night of Falling Gold

Chapter 34 The Night of Falling Gold
When Ji San said this, the nobles and lords who were asking the price just now looked at each other in blank dismay, and fell silent.

Yes, everyone has only smelled it, but no one has really tasted it.

Who knows if this dish is really delicious and worth the price.

Besides, I've never seen this girl before, and she doesn't look like a cook at such a young age.

Don't be taken advantage of!
Seeing these wealthy bigwigs start to look at each other, Yan Yan didn't care. Although the smile on his face was still gentle, he no longer paid attention to these shrewd businessmen.

Turning her face, she saw the neighbor children who often surrounded Mu Juan'er listening to stories, and the children happened to be squeezed by the crowd to the stove.

Yanyan waved to the children: "Aren't you hungry, little ones? Come on, my sister has something delicious here." After speaking, she picked up a large plate of meat dishes from the stove and handed them to the children.

Seeing the children happily scrambling for food, Yan Yan turned her head and said with a smile to everyone: "I'm not a business at all, if you don't plan to buy, please make room, don't delay us from eating..."

"Hey, hey, hey..."

When Yanyan paused in her speech, the cheerful chewing sounds of the children next to her broke in immediately.

Yan Yan smiled and said: "It has been delayed for so long, the neighbors are also hungry, we are still waiting to eat while it is hot!

"Hey, hey, hey..."

Children don't know how to pretend, when they encounter delicious food, they all jump up like little wolf dogs, stuffing a lot of them into their mouths, making people feel greedy.

Seeing the children, you grab a handful and the other grabs a handful, and the little hands are scrambling to reach the dish.

Seeing a large plate full of dishes, it was gone in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Yanyan's hand reach out to another plate of delicious dishes...

The sultry aroma of vegetables has always caught everyone's sense of smell, coupled with the tempting movement of children chewing...

The noble men swallowed their saliva almost at the same time.

Finally, it was the fat old man who couldn't hold back at all. While pulling away the crowd with his hands, he kept wiping the drool from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve.

"I said, girl, can I have a taste first? Just have a taste, and I will pay for it!"

After the fat master finished speaking, without waiting for Yanyan to nod, he threw a heavy golden lump on the stove.

Afterwards, completely disregarding the image, stretched out five fat fingers wearing big jewel rings of various colors, grabbed a piece of meat from the plate in the hands of the children, and stuffed it whole into his mouth...

Fei Dundun's big face shook rapidly as he chewed.

Chewing and chewing, the fat master suddenly stopped.The eyes became wider and wider, and finally they gradually turned red, and tears fell from the mouth.

Before everyone could react, he was crying loudly in the street.

The hearts of the nobles and gentlemen sank...

Is this dish too bad to eat?
This is so unpalatable and crying!
After all, it was an acquaintance, Ji San came over first, stood beside the fat man who was crying like a child, and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him: "Fat man, it's normal that this dish tastes bad, it doesn't matter if it smells good. It must be delicious, you should always be glad, fortunately, the young master just mentioned that we haven't been fooled yet."

"Come on, don't you just have a mouthful of food, and you don't have to cry all the time, it's so embarrassing. The young master still has a table of banquets in the Haoyuan Building. I'll pour you a glass of wine and rinse your mouth later, and you'll be fine! gone away..."

The nobles were also comforted for a while, and they planned to leave.

To be honest, everyone was a little disappointed. The smell that they thought was so fragrant must taste peerless and delicious.

I didn't expect it to be so unpalatable just by smelling the fragrance, it's too deceitful!

The fat master was not persuaded at all, and was still out of breath and crying endlessly.

Remember that the third young master didn't bother to pay attention to him when he saw him like this, and turned around to leave.

But the fat old man suddenly jumped up violently, grabbed Ji San's collar, blushed and roared thickly: "You dare to say that this dish is not delicious? You dare to talk nonsense, I will sit on your ass and kill you!"

"This dish is really delicious. I have never eaten such a good dish in my life. I..."

He was searching for words to express his excitement at the moment, when he turned his head, he suddenly found that those nobles and gentlemen who were planning to leave were all standing in place at this moment, looking at him fixedly.

...all...not leaving?

The fat man suddenly realized what a stupid mistake he had made!
It's okay to talk nonsense!
Isn't this fascinating!

Forget it if he is stupid!
The obese body suddenly became extremely flexible, turned around and rushed towards Yanyan's feet.

Seeing that the fat master stretched out his hand to hug Yanyan's leg, Yanyan pulled away neatly, making the fat master miss nothing.

No one hugged him, so the fat old man just lay down on the ground and couldn't bear it: "I've already paid for it just now, girl, this table of dishes has to be sold to me no matter what, what was the asking price just now? I'll double it, 160 taels!"

"I'll offer one hundred and eight!" Ji San thought quickly, and immediately asked for an increase.

He had seen it just now, the fat old man's excited fat face, and the bursting tears, he absolutely couldn't pretend it.

His family is a family friend with this fat man, and with Master Fatty's knowledge and shrewdness, ordinary people will definitely not be able to fool him.

He responded like this, the taste of this dish is absolutely genuine!

As soon as the two of them opened their mouths, all the people present were smart people, and they immediately sensed the important information, and started to follow the price one after another.

The new round of bidding was even more intense than before.

The dish was finally photographed by a distinguished customer from a foreign merchant and sold at a price of 320 taels of gold.

The neighbors in the neighborhood were also led by the distinguished guest's servants, and happily went to Haoyuan Building for a drink.

In fact, in the minds of the neighbors, it doesn't matter whether they eat the sky-high price banquet at Bi Cheng's family. The neighbors think it is more decent and affordable to go to the Haoyuan Building, which is usually not even dared to go to the door.

Everyone thanked Yanyan and Bi Cheng repeatedly, and the excitement broke up.

The nobles who didn't get the dishes in the photo were not reconciled, and they all lined up to book a banquet with Bi Cheng.

Naturally, Yanyan would not let go of such an opportunity to make money, and asked Bi Cheng to write down all the orders one by one.

It's getting late today, I'm going home after the show, and everyone who paid the deposit will come to pick up the banquet tomorrow.

Holding the heavy gold bag in his arms, Bi Cheng walked at the end, looking at the calm Yanyan in front of him.

A table of banquets sold for a sky-high price of 320 taels of gold, is he dreaming?

Bi Cheng looked at Yanyan without paying attention to himself, and secretly took a look at his thigh and twisted it.

Hiss~~~~It hurts!
it is true!
The corners of his mouth were wide open to both sides, and the man who was usually silent as a mountain couldn't help but smile like a sunflower at this time.

Getting rich overnight, don't feel too good about it!

In Bi Xiangyanghua's heart at this moment, bubbles of happiness burst out one after another.

Just as they were cooking oil over the fire and bidding loudly, the entrance of Haoyuan Building not far away.

Qu Pingchun slammed the grease-splattered apron down on the steps, and yelled loudly in the street: "Bi Cheng, I'm fucking you, you dare to demolish me in public, I'll fuck with you forever!"

Holding the hot tea full of dog legs: "You always lose your temper, Bi Cheng can't make any waves, we have plenty of ways to deal with him, don't get so angry..."

Qu Pingchun took the tea and drank it all in one gulp.

Man Lu took the opportunity to hurry up and whisper to Qu Pingchun...

After listening to his words, Qu Pingchun stared at Man Lu with a pair of three white eyes: "Your method... won't cause any trouble, right?"

"Don't worry if you are old, why don't you worry about the disciple's work!"

at the same time
On another unremarkable street corner, a gorgeous carriage pulled by six handsome horses was waiting quietly.

A short and thin old man, with his hands wrapped in the wide sleeves of his robe, was playing with a pure gold three-legged toad in his broad palm.

With shrewd and sharp eyes, the old man quietly looked in the direction of Bi Cheng and Yan Yan through the misty night.

It wasn't until the other party disappeared at the entrance of the alley that the old man turned around and got into the car with the help of his servant.

 I feel that today's chapter is especially appropriate.

  Are you happy to chop your hands?
  The tickets for the past few days are also very powerful, thank you dear, I love you guys~

  Continue to ask for votes, investment, and support~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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