Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 40 Stubborn VS Domineering

Chapter 40 Stubborn VS Domineering
Although Xiao Guanglong's roar didn't make any sound, there was a fresh breath blowing towards Yanyan's face following its movement.

The wind is also very fresh, just like the breath around it.

Sure enough, it is the god of spring, breathing and breathing is full of vigor for growth.

Yanyan didn't notice anything strange at first, but when she lowered her head, she was completely dumbfounded.

The tea leaves in the teapot, the leftover tea leaves in the cups, and even the dead leaves sprinkled on the tea table... all sprouted.

The dense greens are scrambling to open the lid of the pot, filling the teacups, scrambling to emerge from all the gaps, just like the green radishes she just bought back home before, the fresh and full green flows out.

Linggen, this is... getting emotional?
Not willing to plant it for her!
She was disgusted by Tiao Linggen.

Yanyan embarrassment.

Looking at his short-tempered spirit root, Canghua smiled: "I have proved the god, even if the thing on my body is as small as a piece of scale, it can generate spiritual consciousness by itself after a long time."

"It is my spiritual root, and it was born with a spirit. It did understand what I said just now, and knew that I wanted to plant it into your body. It didn't want to leave my body, and it's normal to have resistance."

Yanyan was a little surprised. Although she was disgusted, she had a good impression of this little Linggen whom she met for the first time.

She likes intelligent and spiritual things, people or otherwise.

With such a smart spiritual root, once he surrenders, he will definitely get twice the result with half the effort in the future.

Canghua completely ignored the violent little Guanglong's resistance, and said to Yanyan: "If you are ready, I will start."

Yanyan immediately sat upright, and nodded to Canghua Zheng.

Canghua raised his hand, and the little Guanglong in Yanyan's hand jumped into the air, and his body grew several times in an instant.

Under Yanyan's stare, the little dragon transformed into a sturdy sapling in an instant, slowly floating towards the top of her head.

At the same time that the sapling transformed by Xiao Guanglong was floating above Yanyan's head, her whole body was also surrounded by a strong blue halo.

Being surrounded by a bluish-white light and shadow, Yan Yan couldn't see the world around her at all, only the sapling of light above her head continuously released warm and soft brilliance.

The bits and pieces of blue and white fluorescent light continuously sprinkled down, falling like raindrops, entangled, and finally all of them sank into Yanyan's body.

Yanyan feels like breath penetrates into the body from the pores on the body surface, just like the skin exposed to the air when it rains, being invaded by the raindrops.

It's just that the rain is cold, but the breath that seeps into the body at this moment is warm and moist.

As more breath enters the body, the body becomes hotter and hotter.

Yanyan began to feel a little uncomfortable, like having a bad cold and a low-grade fever when she was a child.

The sapling above the head was spinning slowly before, but after a few breaths, it suddenly burst into blue light without warning.

Yanyan's vision suddenly brightened, and her eyes instantly turned into a dazzling silvery white.

The warm brilliance that enveloped her body suddenly burned hot, interacting with the light that entered her body earlier.

A huge, unbearable burning sensation suddenly sprang up from her dantian, and the blood all over her body seemed to be boiling with pain.

Yan Yan's pupils shrank suddenly, and there was a "boom" in her head, as if thousands of steel needles were piercing in.

Her body was hot as if being boiled by magma. The most painful thing was her consciousness, which was still clear at this moment. She could clearly feel that every inch of her skin was scorched, and the burning pain of every pore was very distinct.

Despite being swept by the intense pain, Yanyan still vaguely felt it, a strange, kind, coming from deep in the body, something that was awakened by the intense pain.

It was this faint trace of weakness that caused Yan Yan's inexplicable hope to suddenly rise. She was like a drowning person who suddenly grabbed a piece of driftwood that floated by her side.

At the same time, the saplings above the head began to grow wildly in the bright silver light.

The original seedlings pulled out countless thick branches in an instant, and they were about to open the crown.

While the sapling of light grew wildly, the violent breath in her body also began to rush through her meridians.

Yan Yan's teeth were already bleeding, and the blood vessels on his face and neck were bulging, looking terrifying and menacing.

She no longer cared about these things, and only focused on feeling the weak, almost undetectable power in her body.

She could sense its stubbornness.

It is just like her, although it is weak, it is strong if it wants desperately.It is also working hard to resist the domineering blue light above its head...

Yanyan knew that this power belonged to her.

She's going to help it!
There was also that tyrannical power that was uncontrollable and made her suffer unbearably. She knew that it was Canghua's stubborn little spirit root that was making trouble.

She wants to practice!

She must tame it!

Exhausting the last strength of her body, Yan Yan tried her best to concentrate all her consciousness, and let out a roar from the depths of her soul: no matter how strong you are, now you are in my body, you must obey me and belong to me!
"Wow!" A golden light suddenly bloomed in front of my eyes.

Just as the depths of her soul burst into anger, the originally weak power in her body suddenly released vigorous and warm energy like a tide.

The warm golden light surged from between her brows.

As soon as the golden light appeared, it immediately spiraled upwards, extremely gentle and tenacious, like soft vines, entangled and stretched... Stretching and spreading towards the stubborn and disrespectful light tree suspended above Yanyan's head...

The light is like a golden catkin, holding the root of the tree of light, climbing up the trunk of the tree of light, slowly and gently like a palm, wrapping the whole branch that keeps extending outward.

Slowly wrap the crown of the tree that has been formed densely, like a cocoon, and then close...

The Tree of Light tried to resist, a branch suddenly pierced the golden cocoon and stretched out from somewhere, but was soon entangled by the golden palm.

Blue light and golden light intertwine, one is stubborn and unyielding, the other is gentle and tenacious.

Gradually, the Tree of Light rebelled less and less frequently.

In the end, a towering light tree that had almost grown into a tree was reshaped back into a young sapling.

Yanyan's body and the light seed above her head were completely enveloped by the golden light released by Yanyan herself.

The golden light suddenly bloomed again, and the clothes on her body were instantly burned into dust by the light waves.

A round of more intense pain swept through the whole body, Yanyan could no longer support herself, and completely fell into a deep coma.

Previously, Canghua's expression had always been calm and solemn, his eyes were tightly closed, and his ten fingers quickly twisted out a series of seals shrouded in blue light, hitting the light seedlings, and steadily controlled the entire process of planting spiritual roots.

At the moment when the golden light climbed up the tree of light, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Raising his head, the vicissitudes of life stared at the blue and gold intertwined scene suspended in mid-air, and his long eyebrows were tightly frowned.

Yan Yan's radiant body was held up in mid-air by a halo of two colors intertwined and hovering.

Canghua looked at the golden glow that suddenly burst out from Yanyan's body, and his glass-like purple eyes reflected the brilliance in front of him.

Weak mortals have such powerful consciousness!

Can compete with his spiritual roots!
The golden light that suddenly appeared just now is the light of Yanyan's own consciousness, and it is the power that is instinctively produced by the consciousness of the creature's own protection when it is invaded by external forces.

The soul power of ordinary mortals is so tiny that it can almost be ignored.

This girl, however, forcibly used her own power of consciousness to suppress and tame his majestic spiritual roots in the divine realm.

This made Canghua quite surprised, but at the same time had some doubts.

 After writing this chapter, Yu Xiao's heart tightened.

  Yanyan finally has spiritual roots.

  Ask for comfort, ask for votes, ask for interaction, ask for likes...

  As a derivative work of this chapter, Yuxiao has prepared a particularly touching picture.Interested friends can go to the work page, find Yanyan's character pictures, and click "Derivation" to see it.

  Welcome friends to upload beautiful pictures.

(End of this chapter)

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