Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 419 What a Big Melon

Chapter 419 What a Big Melon
Yan Yan smiled.

Suddenly, I felt that this girl was really innocent and cute, no wonder she was abducted so easily.

There is no need to lie, you will reveal the whole truth yourself.

Yanyan: "I come from Eagle Rail City, so I have nothing to do with your father, but has anyone ever told you that you and your Zhang Lang, at a glance, seem to have run away without permission."

Hearing Yanyan say no, Lanmei immediately breathed a sigh of relief, her shoulders slumped heavily: "So you have already seen it. Heh, it's so embarrassing."

The woman let out a deep breath, and her gentle and beautiful face suddenly showed fatigue, but more of it was the happiness and sweetness immersed in love.

"We have met several times, you and I are destined. You are not only beautiful, but also smart and capable. I fell in love with you when I saw you last night. To be honest, you are very similar to my second sister." When the woman spoke , there was a bit of dependence and warmth in the eyes looking at Yanyan.

It seems that this woman should be loved and loved at home, and with such attachment in her eyes, it is obvious that she is actually missing her relatives in her heart.

Yanyan added a cup of hot tea and handed it over. The woman immediately took it with both hands, saluted lightly, and sat back on the bed again. The elegant demeanor of your mansion.

The more Yan Yan looked at this girl, the more she liked her.

"To be honest, my surname is Jin, and my family lives in the inner city of Juyan Castle. I already had a marriage contract at home, but I met Zhang Lang by accident. I fell in love at first sight and couldn't bear to let go, so I had to go this way. "

"Zhang Lang is also the eldest disciple of the sect's great clan. In order to stay with me, he also defected from the sect and gave up a lot. Now he is being searched by all the monks in his sect."

"Although the two of us have worked hard all the way, it is easy to find priceless treasures, but it is rare to have a lover. As long as we think of being able to stay together forever in the future, all the hardships now are worth it."

After silently listening to Miss Jin's words, Yan Yan slowly turned the teacup in her hand, and asked: "You just said that you are a member of Juyan Castle, the Jin family, one of the shareholders of Juyan Castle Hanxiang Palace, and Ms. What's the relationship?"

Miss Jin's expression froze, and her face suddenly turned from red to white again.

Yanyan hurriedly explained: "Don't get me wrong, the Jin family of Juyanbao is very famous. You just said that your surname is Jin, and you have such a dignified body, don't let me not think of the Jin family of Juyanbao."

After listening to Yanyan's explanation, Miss Jin smiled relievedly: "You are indeed as shrewd and sharp as my second sister. You are right, I am the daughter of the Jin family. Jin Lanjiao."

Yanyan had never heard of the reputation of the three daughters of the Jin family in Juyan Castle, so she was not too surprised to hear that Jin Lanjiao declared her boudoir name.

But Yanyan's thoughts are not as simple as Jin Lanjiao's.

A powerful family like the Jin family has very complicated interests involved with many forces. To kidnap the daughter of the Jin family, this Zhang Lang is definitely not an ordinary person.

Maybe Jin Lanjiao really likes Zhang Lang.But Zhang Lang's feelings for Jin Lanjiao... Yanyan's intuition is not that simple.

"Where is Mr. Zhang from?" Yan Yan asked smoothly.

Jin Lanjiao didn't shy away from it, and said bluntly: "In fact, Zhang Lang's background is not bad. His real name is Zhang Bi, and he is an inner disciple of Baiwu Palace. Qian Cheng. His fellow disciples are also looking for him everywhere."

Yanyan was surprised: "White Mist Palace? Isn't that also one of the shareholders of Hanxiang Palace?"

Jin Lanjiao nodded: "Well, among the five major shareholders of Hanxiang Palace, Baiwu Palace is indeed one of the shareholders, and its share is equivalent to that of my family."

The disciples of the White Mist Hall abducted the third lady of the Jin family, and said that there was nothing tricky about this place, and they wouldn't believe it if they killed Yan Yan!

However, Yan Yan knew that when a girl was at such a critical moment, her IQ was basically negligible. If there was no solid evidence, it would be useless to remind her.

Especially Yanyan and this girl only met once at most.

Although the reminder was useless, Yanyan couldn't help but asked: "He is an inner disciple of the White Mist Palace, and you are the young lady of the Jin family. You two are rightly related. Since you intend to marry, I think the White Mist Palace should be happy to see you." You two got married, why did you elope?"

When it came to elopement, Jin Lanjiao's cheeks blushed, a little embarrassed: "As I said before, my family has already arranged a marriage for me."

Yanyan raised her eyebrows, waiting for the next sentence.

Jin Lanjiao glanced at her and asked, "You must have heard of Yuxue Miao's family, right?"

Yan Yan widened her eyes again in surprise.

Yuxue Miao's family is also one of the shareholders of Hanxiang Palace!

Not paying attention to Yanyan's shocked expression, Jin Lanjiao continued: "My fiancé-in-law is Miao Jingchen, the second son of the Miao family. Two years ago, my family made a marriage contract with the Miao family, and it will be completed when I turn eighteen. Great gift."

"My birthday is still three months away, but I happened to meet Zhang Lang two months ago. Miss Yan, do you think this is fate?"

At this moment, Yan Yan was completely shocked by the horror in her heart.

She didn't know if it was due to fate, but she was sure that the whole thing was definitely caused by conspiracy!
The disciples of the White Mist Palace abducted the third lady of the Jin family. In fact, it was the fiancée of the Yuxue Miao family who abducted... There are only five major shareholders in Hanxiang Palace, and three of them were involved in this matter.

And with such a big matter, Yanyan privately felt that the other two families had nothing to do with each other on the surface, so it might not be true.

Yan Yan seemed to have seen the gunpowder smoke that was about to rise inside Hanxiang Palace.

There are definitely melons here, and they are not small!

However, Yanyan never expected that the thread that triggered the earthquake inside Hanxiang Palace fell into her own hands by accident.

While the two were talking, the caravan had already turned back more than half of the distance. It was almost the end of the hour, and the weather gradually became gloomy, and the wind became stronger and stronger.

The wind blew the grass, the dead trees swayed, and the wilderness became more barren.

Facing the cold wind, the caravan returned to the big locust tree.From a distance, Niu Nenggan and his brothers in the caravan were still stranded under the big locust tree.

Shen Yuyun originally ordered the caravan to move forward without stopping.

But Xiao Liu suddenly rode his horse and galloped up to Shen Yuyun, hugging the Apocalypse Lingshi and roaring anxiously: "Brother, yes, there is Blizzard!"

Shen Yuyun's brows tightened: "What? Didn't you say that the weather is fine today? Why is there another blizzard?"

Although Xiao Liu usually has a bit of a tongue, but since he followed the caravan to take charge of Nebula's variables, he has never made any mistakes, and this is the first time this happened today.

Xiao Liu was about to cry: "I don't know. I watched the Xingchenyun case in the morning, and I really didn't find anything different. But I checked it again just now, and suddenly found that there was a blizzard warning."

At this time, Shen Yuyun had no other choice but to go to Yanyan to discuss.

Yanyan sneered: "It's none of Xiaoliu's business, since we've entered other people's territory, we are naturally at the mercy of others. The safety of everyone in the caravan is the most important thing, pass down the order, and we will spend the night here at Big Yushu tonight!"

 Happy weekend, (3[▓▓] good night
(End of this chapter)

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