Chapter 421

The two caravans quickly finished their dinner and rested separately.

Niu Nenggan's big black cow didn't go to the stable, but guarded him in the big tent lying here.

Niu Nenggan spread a thick mattress on the plastic sheet and rested on the belly of the big black cow.

This black cow is also different from ordinary black cows. It seems to be very clever. It stays in the same tent with people, doesn't bark, and doesn't even shit and pee at will. The fur is shiny by the firelight, the big black eyes are gentle and beautiful, and it is warm and warm where it lies.

Yanyan has never been able to resist this kind of particularly well-behaved creature, so she couldn't help but touch the big black cow's buttocks. The big black cow flicked its tail and turned its big head to look at her.

It was only then that Yanyan discovered that besides the two big curved horns, there was also a very short horn in the center of the forehead, which was not easy to spot without looking carefully.

Yan Yan was curious: "What breed is your cow?"

Niu Nenggan followed the bulging belly of the big black cow, and said with a smile: "My stupid is not an ordinary cow. It is a hybrid beast, born of a cow and a cow. My stupid is not only It has the stamina of a cow, and the agility of a si beast, and is quite smart. You see, it knows that you and I are friends now, and it won’t kick you. If it doesn’t recognize you, you can touch it. Custody kicks you into the air, even this plastic film can’t cover you.” [兕 (pronounced ‘four’ sound)]

Si: "Shan Hai Jing" Si is in the east of Shun's funeral and south of Xiangshui.Its shape is like a cow, pale and black, with one horn.

Jin Lan asked Yan Yan with a charming smile: "Have you never seen a Hehe beast before? This kind of beast is extremely strong, it can carry things several times heavier than itself, and it walks steadily. Although it is not as fast as your Shu Shu beast, But they are much better than ordinary horses, especially for pulling carriages and sedan chairs. My family has many of them.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhang Bi beside her coughed softly.Jin Lanjiao suddenly realized that she had accidentally leaked her parentage again, so she quickly shut up.

She carefully glanced around, and suddenly found that the eyes of Taoist Qiu, who had not spoken, were on her.

Jin Lanjiao felt that the old man's eyes were sharp and unkind, so she quickly lowered her eyes and stopped talking.

Shen Yuyun shared tea with everyone, and asked Niu Nenggan, "When you stayed in that temple that night, did you encounter any strange things?"

Niu Nenggan shook his head: "No, there's nothing else except the heavy wind and snow."

Zhang Bi, who hadn't opened his mouth all this time, suddenly interjected: "Have you met a monk who can't check his cultivation level?"

When he asked this, Yan Yan and everyone else looked at Niu Nenggan.

But Niu Nenggan shook his head: "No, I was the only caravan that stayed in the Poshen Temple that night, and I even met Taoist Qiu two days after I came in."

After he finished speaking, he asked curiously, "What? Did you meet someone else?"

Yan Yan nodded: "There was a monk who stayed with us that night in the ruined temple. I couldn't detect his cultivation level, but the next morning, when our caravan was about to leave, we didn't see him come out."

As soon as the news about Yanyan was thrown out, not only Zhang Bi and Jin Lanjiao were surprised, but even Daoist Qiu cast his gaze and asked in a deep voice, "How would you describe the person you just mentioned?"

Yan Yan was about to describe the old monk's appearance, when someone outside the tent suddenly asked loudly: "The snowy night is very windy, can you borrow an expensive place to stay overnight?"

Several people stopped talking and all turned their eyes to the tent door.

A few guys near the door hurried over and moved the black iron pillow that was holding down the curtain of the tent. The fierce gust of wind brought large groups of snowflakes and blew in from outside the tent. Old Xiu with a white beard.

Then Yanyan, Shen Yuyun and others were all stunned.

Yan Yan pointed at the old monk who came in: "...the person you asked just now is him."

The old monk who just came in at this moment just swept off the snow on his body, his hair and beard were shaved to messy, and he looked up at everyone in embarrassment.

When he saw Yanyan and the others clearly, the old monk was also taken aback.

Then, before everyone could react, a gust of wind suddenly swept over them, and the tall and strong Niu Nenggan jumped over with a pair of sledgehammers, yelling, "Sure enough, you can't feel your cultivation, you scumbag old monster!" , I told you Grandpa Niu to wait these few days so hard, see if Grandpa Niu doesn't smash your head today, wow..."

Niu Nenggan swung the sledgehammer round and smashed it down at the old monk Tianling Gaier.

Before the hammer fell, Taoist Qiu sneered coldly: "A mere monk in the Qi refining stage, even took a pill to hide his cultivation, hum, playing tricks!"

After Qiu Dao had finished speaking, seeing that Niu Nenggan's sledgehammer was about to hit the old monk's head, Yanyan Quzhi stretched out a whirlpool of energy and smashed it on Niu Nenggan's sledgehammer.

Niu Nenggan's sledgehammer deflected to the side, and hit the black iron pillow pressing the door curtain. There was a loud and piercing sound of steel impacting, and sparks flew more than half a meter away.

Niu Nenggan directly chiseled the heavy black iron pillow in half.

The old monk was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he slumped on the ground.

Everyone was amazed by Niu Nenggan's natural supernatural power, but Niu Nenggan himself seemed to be fine, scratching his head and laughing: "Oh my god, it's fortunate that you took the shot just now, otherwise I really couldn't hold back this hammer!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his big hand like a cattail fan and patted the old monk sitting on the ground on the shoulder: "I'm sorry, I took you as a monster again. But you are too useless, you are still a monk just like you , I was so scared by my hammer that my ass pissed. You see, brother Shen, he has no cultivation, and he can poke me down with a sword, old man, you can't!"

The old monk's unsteady spirit hadn't recovered yet, and then he was hit by this blow again, and the old man felt extremely wronged.

Is it his fault that his cultivation base is not high?
Can he compare people with others?
Where did this stupid guy come from?

It's so annoying!

Seeing the old monk paralyzed on the ground in shock and unable to move, Niu Nenggan grabbed his back collar with his big hand, lifted him up from the ground, put his hand under the old man's arm, and walked towards Yanyan's campfire.

When the old monk was almost relieved, Yanyan asked: "Why did you come here at this hour? Where did you go during the day?"

The old monk looked up at Yanyan, met those beautiful eyes that were as clear as stars, and quickly looked away: "Well, I feel a little unwell today, so I walked a bit slower, and I didn't expect to meet you again. "

Yan Yan teased him with a glance and smiled.Raising Bai Baiyu's hand, there was actually a vajra sledgehammer exactly like Niu Nenggan's in his hand.

She bared her small white teeth that were as neat as braided shells, and her Yan Yan smiled with a bit of wickedness: "Hee hee, if you don't tell the truth, I'll knock your head like a wooden fish!"

Niu Nenggan's big eyes sparkled: "Hehe, I didn't see that, girls also use hammers? Why is your hammer exactly the same as mine?"

Seeing the bright sledgehammer in Yanyan's hand, the old monk suddenly had a bitter expression on his face: "I said, can't I tell the truth? I really didn't leave at that time, but it was actually..."

 (3[▓▓] Good night, happy weekend

(End of this chapter)

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