Chapter 43
Liu Xing has not woken up, at least it shows that he has not returned to the Eastern God.

If she can awaken the consciousness of the stars in the sub-star in front of her, it is very possible to find Canghua through this sub-star.

After all, it was she who awakened the Sumeru Realm, and he was able to see the world again.

Without her, Canghua would still be trapped in it.

What's more, she still has Xumi Realm in her hand.

Didn't Canghua cherish this treasure left by an old friend?
If, if Canghua is willing to send her back to Earth, as long as she can go back, as long as she can go back and see her mother again, and settle down with her family, even if Canghua wants to ask for her life to take away the Sumeru Realm, she can exchange her life!
She must find Canghua!

If the mountain does not come, I will go to the mountain!
Thinking this way in my heart, the Yanyan people have already left the Sumeru Realm.

The room was dark, she came out too fast, and her eyes were still a little uncomfortable.

The lantern under the eaves of the courtyard was on, and Bi Cheng and his wife had been guarding her outside the door.

"Bi Cheng" Yan Yan called out.

Almost immediately, the sound of rustling footsteps was heard in the yard, followed by Mu Juan'er's voice.

She spoke in a low voice, a little anxious, and cautiously afraid of disturbing her: "A Cheng, hurry up, I'm calling you!"

It turned out that during the time when she entered Xumi Realm, Mu Juan'er had been guarding outside the door without leaving her footsteps.

It's early winter, and in such a cold day, this sincere little lady...

Yan Yan's gloomy mood was warmed up by Mu Juan'er's voice.

"Dong dong dong..." Bi Cheng's eager footsteps came from the kitchen in the backyard, and when he opened the door and came in, he was still holding a shovel in his hand.

"Master, are you calling me?" Bi Cheng asked cautiously, with unconcealable concern and tension in his eyes.

The young couple has accepted the change in her appearance, and now they are only worried about her.

Yan Yan's mood has recovered, and she asked in a low voice: "Is there any movement in the Hao Mansion these few days?"

Bi Cheng quickly nodded: "During the few days you were recovering from illness, the Hao Mansion sent someone to come, and the date of entering the mansion has been set."

The banquet in the Hao Mansion still needs to be held, which means that the deputy star has probably not been awakened yet.

Yanyan quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to ask: "When will you enter the mansion?"

"About half a month later, someone will be sent over there to pick him up." When Bi Cheng answered, he lit up the candlesticks in the room by the way.

The warm orange light instantly filled the room, and Yan Yan sat down at the table: "You and Juan'er have worked hard these days, in the next few days, I will practice behind closed doors, and you have to deal with the outside affairs alone."

Bi Cheng stared wide-eyed in surprise: "Master, what do you mean by cultivating?"

Didn't all the cooking skills come out of practice?
Why do you still have to practice?

Yanyan's expression was calm: "literally."

"Master, you are...a monk?" Bi Cheng couldn't believe it.

Yan Yan closed her eyes, and silently recited the Qi Yin Jue, immediately there were strands of light around her body, as thin as a cow's hair, wrapped around her.

The moment those brilliance touched her, they immediately got into her body.

At the same time, Yanyan's whole body exuded a gentle light golden halo, enveloping her in circles...

Bi Cheng held the kitchen shovel in his hand, trembling with excitement.

Witnessing Yanyan's penetration into his body with his own eyes, he couldn't calm down at all...

If Yan Yan is a skilled chef, Bi Cheng felt that he was lucky to accept him as an apprentice.

Now he knows, his master, she is actually a monk!
That is a high-ranking immortal, mortals can only rely on, and have no right to approach, let alone apprentice...

Bi Cheng felt that smoke must be rising from his ancestral grave.

Tomorrow he will buy a cart full of paper money and burn it on the ancestral grave...

No, one car is not enough, two cars are needed!
Mu Juan'er's ancestral grave must also be burned.

Yanyan didn't know that Bi Cheng's thoughts had already gone to his ancestral grave, so she raised her hand and put a small white cloth bag on the table: "This is flour ground with Jiusui millet, you can use it to steam steamed buns, and each meal costs only Just steam enough for the three of us to eat for a meal, and there should be no leftovers."

Bi Cheng quickly took it with his hands, and held the noodle bag in his arms as if he had found a treasure.

Yan Yan continued to explain: "Jiu Sui Ji is a spiritual plant, only the spiritual fields of the Xiuxian Sect can grow it, and it is rare among the people. These are privately brought out from the Xiuxian Sect. They must not be revealed, so as not to cause trouble."

The food made by Jiusuiji is not only beneficial to the initial practitioners, but also nourishes the essence for ordinary mortals.

Especially for those who are weak like Mu Juan'er, eating ginseng is more effective than ginseng.

But Canghua said that Jiusuiji has a special taste and is full of aura, so it is easy to be noticed by immortal cultivators, and it is easy to cause trouble.

In fact, Yanyan can hide in the Sumeru Realm and eat alone, so that she will never be discovered.

But Yanyan wouldn't do that. She had a good family education and a sense of teamwork as an executive since she was a child. She had already developed the habit of advancing and retreating with the team.

Although there are only her, Bi Cheng and Mu Juan'er, this is still a small team.

Especially since she is still Bi Cheng's master, it is even more impossible for her to only focus on her own cultivation, regardless of Bi Cheng and Mu Juan'er.

What's more, this young couple treats her very well.

Planting a spiritual root is a very important matter for her, and because of Mu Juan'er and Bi Cheng's meticulous care, she was able to pass through these days in a coma safely and smoothly.

Even if she has to leave Luwu City one day, even if she has to part with them sooner or later, she will pave the way for them in the future.

She would not let Bi Chengbai call this master.

Holding the snow-white cotton gauze bag in his hand, Bi Cheng immediately smelled the strange fragrance emanating from it.

As soon as he smelled it, he immediately felt full of energy.

Such a precious thing, she easily took out the master and gave it to him and Mu Juan'er, Bi Cheng's heart was warming up and down.

Master, her old man is so kind, he will respect Master like he respects his own mother in the future!

Excited, Bi Cheng thought of Yanyan's thoughts again.

Such a good master, he must make her happy!

Since Master has fallen in love with Boss Hao, even if he knocks out the sack, he will still snatch the future Master back to Master!

Yanyan was thinking about her next steps when she suddenly sneezed trickily.

Who is this talking about her?
Soon, the big white steamed buns steamed with Jiusuiji were brought into Yanyan's house.

Sure enough, it was Lingzhi, although it still smelled like white flour, but Yanyan was sensitive to ingredients, she sniffed and knew that this flour was definitely different from the earth's wheat flour.

It is fragrant and fragrant, and she can eat any dish without it.

Yanyan reached out to pick up a steamed bun, put it to her mouth, took a bite, and saw a floating...

shadow? !
That group of shadows stopped next to the tray of steamed buns.

After a few breaths, the shadow moved and began to change.

From the initial illusory and fuzzy mass, it gradually condenses into substance.

Yanyan was holding the steamed bun in her hand, her eyes were fixed on the shadow monster.

This shadow is different from the visual sense of Cang Hua turning into smoke.

This thing seems to have been staying in that place, and when the steamed buns are served, it will appear.

It actually... appeared!

Yanyan was surprised that the steamed bun fell to the ground.

The shadow completely turned into a physical monster.

This thing is like a beast, the size of an adult Maine Coon cat, with four paws on the ground, and its body shape is also like a cat, especially the classic quarter-smoked hair tips and white cotton-like hair roots...

It is exactly the same color as the British short silver gradient coat.

There is also a big meaty face plate, and beautiful blue eyes like moonstones...

If it weren't for the pair of particularly flamboyant, long rabbit-like ears, Yan Yan would have thought it was a big cat.

This breed, maybe...

Rabbit-eared cat?

 The thief finally showed up!Did you guess right?
  Continue to ask for votes, investment, and claws...

  (`) Compare the heart
  (3[▓▓]Good night
(End of this chapter)

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