Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 447 Unloved 2 Brothers

Chapter 447 The Unloved Second Brother

The sedan chair stopped suddenly, and the clear cup of tea in the hands of the old lady sitting upright inside the sedan chair also shook slightly. The old lady raised her head and frowned slightly: "Why did Chen'er stop suddenly?"

Next to Xiudun, a little girl in a blue and white jacket with a wind-blown wool stood up, and bowed gracefully: "I'll ask my second brother!" After finishing speaking, the little girl lifted the car curtain Just drilled out.

The old lady was a little helpless: "Just ask in the car, don't go out!"

"Hey!" The little girl's crisp answer came from outside, followed by the voice of a maid supporting the wooden window pane of the car.

The sedan chair only stopped for a moment, and when the little girl put her chubby face in front of the wooden grid, the sedan chair started to move forward again.

The little girl looked around the street with a pair of curious almond eyes, and felt that everything was new, but she asked: "Second brother, grandma asked why you stopped suddenly just now?"

The man riding on the monster's back didn't turn his head, and replied in a calm tone: "I seem to see an acquaintance."

The little girl's eyes widened suddenly: "Who is it?"

The man has no expression on his face: "I'm wrong."

The little girl bared her teeth and smiled: "Did the second brother take a fancy to someone's beautiful young lady?"

The man didn't turn his head, and ordered in a deep voice: "Qinghe, put down the window pane, be careful if grandma catches cold."

The maid who opened the window pane for the little girl hurriedly bowed to answer: "Yes", and after she finished speaking, she quickly took off the support rod and closed the pane tightly.

The little girl who was excited just now immediately rolled her big eyes towards the sky, and before the window pane was completely lowered, she stuck her tongue out at the man's back viciously, muttering: "No wonder no young lady likes second brother, only second brother Such a stinky temper, I will never expect a young lady to like it in my life!"

Qing He pursed his lips and smiled, put his fingers on his lips: "Shhh, Second Lord can hear you!"

As soon as the little girl heard this, she put a fork on Xiaoman's waist, which was grasped by Yingying, and shouted out of the window: "I'm not afraid that the second brother will hear it. No young lady likes the second brother in the first place!"

As soon as the little girl finished shouting, she heard the old lady call out in a deep voice from inside the Xianglian: "Qi'er, don't be rude, come back quickly!"

Qinghe quickly grabbed the little girl's hand and dragged her into the room: "Go in quickly, if you offend the second son, he will ignore you for a few days at most, but don't annoy the old lady anymore, you really have to be punished!"

The little girl pursed her mouth in disbelief, and was dragged by Qing Helian into the Xianglian.

outside the car.

The man riding on the back of the beast naturally heard the words that the little girl yelled just now, but the man also kept his thin lips slightly pursed, with a calm and relaxed expression, without a trace of ripples.


Yan Yan frowned: "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Pursing her lips tightly, Jin Lanjiao's face was very ugly, her downcast eyes were fixed on the half cup of cold tea on the table in front of her.

After a while, Youyou said, "The beast that passed by just now belongs to... the Miao family."

Yanyan opened her mouth in surprise, and then suddenly realized: "So, the man who walked in the front just now is... your fiancé?"

Jin Lanjiao pursed her lips and nodded slightly.

Yan Yan rested her elbows on the coffee table, propped her chin with one hand, and said with emotion: "I met him as soon as I came back, it seems that you and the second child of the Miao family are very destined!"

Jin Lanjiao shook her head: "It's impossible for me and Miao Jingchen."

Yanyan glanced at Jin Lanjiao and asked, "Actually, you two don't know each other well, do you?"

Jin Lanjiao nodded: "Although he and I are fiancée, I don't even know Miao Jingchen. He has been staying in the old Miao family's house on the other side of Yuxue and rarely comes to Juyan Castle. He and I are only in the When we got engaged, we met in a hurry."

After Jin Lanjiao finished speaking, she was silent for a moment, and said slowly: "He came to Juyan Castle this time, most likely to participate in this auction."

Yanyan blinked, seeing Jin Lanjiao's uncomfortable appearance, she couldn't bear to say it.

In fact, she really wanted to say: It may also be because of you.

The two were chatting when the car stopped again.

The inn has arrived.

Juyan Fort is divided into inner city and inner city.

There are special city walls to block, and the inner city gates are also guarded by special city guards like the outer city gates, and the entry and exit management is stricter than that of the outer city.

Because it was already You time to enter the city, and the inner city was closed at the beginning of You time, so the caravan could only temporarily stay in the outer city tonight.

The hotel where the caravan settled was recommended by Niu Nenggan. The house was very spacious and the interior furnishings were very tidy.

Because the caravan only had two women, Yanyan and Jin Lanjiao, for safety reasons, they booked a double suite for them.

The hotel service in Juyan Castle is very thoughtful. In addition to the rich hot water for meals, there is also hot water for bathing at any time.

Yanyan and Jin Lanjiao had just finished packing when someone knocked on the door: "Guest officer, bring clean water."

Jin Lanjiao hurried over to open the door, Yanyan turned her head to look over, and saw a short, fat middle-aged man with a white face and beardless walking in, followed by a chubby, chubby monster that was about his size.

The body shape of the monster is a bit like an elephant, with the same big ears, but without a long nose, and a thin layer of armor on its back, which is not raised like a turtle's back, but flat, holding two steaming Big wooden barrel.

The monster followed behind the fat man, taking a slow but steady step, sending hot water into the bathroom.

After putting away the clean water, the man came out of the bathroom with the monster, and bowed respectfully to Yanyan and Jin Lanjiao: "If you want anything, you two, just pull the copper bell in front of the door, my little one." Immediately come to serve." After speaking, he went out respectfully and closed the door behind him.

Seeing the door closed, Jin Lanjiao turned her head and smiled at Yan Yan and asked, "Did you see what that was just now?"

Yanyan thought she was asking about the little monster that looked like an elephant, and honestly shook her head: "Turtle or turtle, elephant or not, I've never seen it before."

Jin Lanjiao smiled and said: "The one carrying water is an armored beast. I also have one at home. It is a bit clumsy and walks very slowly but honestly. It also has great strength. It is specially bred to carry things. That's not what I asked, it was just now The one that led the armored beast in."

Yanyan looked confused: "Isn't that a person?"

Jin Lanjiao smiled angrily: "Of course not. If he is human, why would I ask you? Didn't you see that he is wearing a transformation form on his chest? It means that he is only a demon in human form."

Yan Yan's eyes widened: "Is that a monster? I didn't see it at all!"

Yan Yan didn't feel the demonic aura on the short and fat man at all.

Jin Lanjiao nodded: "This is the function of the ultimatum. Wearing the ultimatum can not only prove the legal status of these monsters, but also restrain their actions, preventing them from changing their original form at any time to hurt people or damage the city."

Monsters are ever-changing, some are as invisible as ants, and some are so huge that they can almost fill up the entire street. If one of them turns into a real body at every turn, how can the city be messed up?

Jin Lanjiao smiled and said, "Every monster's transformation form has their respective identities written on it. The one that came in just now is a chipmunk demon."

 The volume in the pot is over, and the little friends who are hoarding the text can be slaughtered
(End of this chapter)

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