Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 486 Something Big Has Happened

Chapter 486 Something Big Has Happened

Speaking of the White Mist Palace, the sisters all focused their attention on Jin Fengjiao.

Jin Meijiao: "Yesterday I heard that you rushed to father's inner study as soon as you came back, and stayed there for half the night. Although we were worried, we didn't have a chance to ask you."

Jin Fengjiao took a sip of her tea and sneered: "Don't say half-night, something big happened in the White Mist Palace!"

Jin Lanjiao sneered coldly: "They assassinated me a few days ago, what could happen?"

Jin Fengjiao frowned: "I said at the time that this was too obvious, and I was afraid it might be deceitful. This time I found out, the group who assassinated you were not from the White Mist Palace at all!"

"Ah?!" The three girls exclaimed almost at the same time.

Jin Fengjiao: "When I went to the White Mist Hall to investigate this matter, the people who happened to catch up with them also went back to report. The disciples of the White Mist Hall branch on Juyan Castle also heard about the assassination of the third sister by the White Mist Hall. "

After Jin Fengjiao finished speaking, she looked at Jin Lanjiao: "Third sister said earlier that Zhang Bi belongs to the right wing of Baiwu Hall and is a disciple of Songwu Pavilion under the third side hall. I happened to meet an elder Gang from the right wing when I rushed here. Exit. This elder is an old friend of my father. Hearing about this, he personally took me to Songwu Pavilion..."

Jin Lanjiao eagerly interrupted Jin Fengjiao's words: "That's right! It's Songwu Pavilion. When Zhang Bi came to look for me, the disciples of Baiwu Palace who beat him to serious injuries called them disciples of Songwu Pavilion. The second sister can find me Zhangbi?"

Since Jin Lanjiao left the Pot Middle Realm and separated from Zhang Bi, she has never received any news about Zhang Bi. Therefore, she does not know where Zhang Bi is now.

Jin Fengjiao sneered: "Hmph! Don't talk about Zhang Bi, even the people in the Songwu Pavilion are all fake! That elder dug out the list of Songwu Pavilion and searched for them one by one, even the inner and outer disciples of the third side hall. After searching over and over again, there is no such person as Zhang Bi!"

Jin Meijiao: "You just said that the people in Songwu Pavilion are all fake, what do you mean?"

Jin Fengjiao: "Originally, the owner of the Songwu Pavilion was the elder's disciple. He went there in person and immediately recognized that the owner of the Songwu Pavilion was a fake. He also used the special Wuwu Locking Alchemy made by the White Mist Palace to test many people in the pavilion. Disciple, only then did I realize that none of them belonged to the White Mist Palace. The entire Pine Mist Pavilion was actually taken over by everyone."

At this point, Jin Fengjiao couldn't help sighing: "This friend of my father was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and led a group of disciples from the White Mist Palace to seal the entire Songwu Pavilion. Now these people pretending to be from the White Mist Palace They are all locked up in one place, and this elder will come to Juyan Castle in person in the near future, intending to use Xianggong's Wuxia lesson to eliminate the inner ghost."

Wuxia Jian is the huge prototype white jade hanging on the city gate, all creatures walking under it can automatically distinguish between demons and humans.

Baiwudian wanted to borrow this treasure because he made up his mind to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Yan Yan: "So, Zhang Bi and the people who assassinated us that day have nothing to do with the White Mist Palace."

Jin Fengjiao: "Yes! It is basically confirmed now that this matter was definitely ordered by someone behind the scenes. It is now obvious that the other party started from His Highness Bai Wu earlier, and now he is using the established situation to kill our family, the Miao family and Bai Wu. The halls are all installed. It's just that as for who is behind the scenes, it needs further investigation..."

Yanyan: "So, Third Sister's marriage needs to be rejected as soon as possible!"

She suddenly brought up this matter again, and said it so firmly that Sanjiao looked at her in surprise.

Yanyan's eyes are clear, and there is a clarity in them that ordinary people can't match: "Now, the whole matter of the third sister's escape from marriage is getting more and more complicated. From the White Mist Palace itself, several other related forces cannot be ruled out."

"In order to be able to investigate this matter freely without hindrance, the third sister must first break off the marriage with the Miao family. We don't have any involvement with any party, so we can act without any scruples. We don't have to worry about being restrained by anyone! "

Yanyan's thoughts were exactly Jin Fengjiao's thoughts, she immediately slapped the table: "What Simei said makes sense, let's do it this way, this marriage must be rescinded! Retire immediately!"

It's frosty and cold, the wind is thin, and the rutted lights flicker.

It was Xu time when Yan Yan returned to the empty house.

She politely refused the Jin family sisters to stay overnight, but in fact Yanyan would go home every day no matter how late it was.

The main reason for her to go home is to enter Sumeru Realm.

The reason for entering Sumeru Realm is to write textbooks for the sages and teach them their homework.

In an aristocratic family like the Jin family, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no one who is capable of transforming into a god at night like Mo Fan. She is afraid that people in the Sumeru state will be discovered.

Although there is Deng Wenming in Xumi Realm, and there is no problem with the Chinese studies taught by Lao Ding, but the mathematics in the mountains and seas is too backward, and the mathematics textbooks used for enlightenment are obscure and not interesting at all.

Yanyan directly used the mathematics enlightenment from the earth.

In addition, there are physics and chemistry, these two courses are only taught by Yanyan herself.

Because apart from her, Deng Wenming and Lao Ding didn't understand at all, and expressed that they didn't want to learn.

It hurts to look at these.

Canghua can learn it, but this great god Yanyan can't please.

Yanyan is basically busy outside during the day, only at night when she has some free time, Yanyan will set aside an hour every night to teach the students their homework, organize courseware, or correct homework.

Back at the residence, Yanyan took a shower, changed her clothes, called Tonba out to guard, and entered the Xumi Realm.

Those who are studying science courses are already sitting quietly in the classroom waiting for Yan Yan.

Yanyan walked in with textbooks and simple homemade experimental equipment, and looked up to meet the excited red eyes of the monkeys.

In fact, just like human beings, there are some who are good at liberal arts, and some who are good at science, and there are also those who can't learn anything but are ingenious.

Because in this world, there are no exams, so Yanyan follows the education model of learning from each other's strengths.

In addition to the two simplest basic subjects of literacy and mathematics enlightenment, students can choose any other subjects.

After studying the basic subjects, Suhun who doesn't want to go to school can learn various crafts from Deng Wenming and Sisi.

This kind of teaching system makes every scorpion in the scorpion college seem extremely excited and full of vigor when they mention class.Because every monkey is doing what he likes and learning what he likes.

Interest from the heart is always the greatest boost to success.

In Susu Academy, apart from Susu who are thinking hard and arguing about homework, there are almost no students who are dealing with errands with frowning faces.

There is positive progress here every day.

Yanyan also liked the atmosphere in Xumi Realm more and more.

After teaching the prostitutes, when Yanyan was taking a break after class, she used to go to Canghua for a cup of tea.

As soon as she jumped onto the altar and sat down cross-legged, a cup of fragrant tea floated in front of her.

Yan Yan was giving a lecture with a dry mouth, she smiled and thanked her, she took a gulp after picking it up, and when she put down the teacup, she boldly wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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