Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 50 Sister's waist, the killing knife

Chapter 50 Sister's waist, the killing knife
Just as he was thinking beautifully in his heart, Zhang Dafu didn't notice that Yanyan opposite him was silent for a while.

It wasn't until his feet were sore that he realized that he was about to speak when a black shadow with the wind in his face straightened up and greeted him.

Zhang Dafu is fat, but his eyes are very good. When the black shadow approached, he could see clearly that there were three words on it: Mao Liansheng
Eh?Isn't Mao Liansheng a shoe and hat business?
why are you here...


With a scream like killing a pig, there was a footprint of 36 yards on the fat face.

Yanyan directly stepped on Zhang Dafu's face.

This kick was a bit solid, even the "Mao Liansheng" trademark on the sole of her shoe was clearly printed on Zhang Dafu's chubby face.

Zhang Dafu was kicked and fell to the ground on his back. He didn't even have time to retract the raised foot, and it was still standing high in the air.

A pair of fat hands tightly held his mouth and nose, and the blood couldn't stop gushing out from the fat fingers.

When the people who watched the excitement saw blood, they were afraid of causing trouble to themselves, so they dispersed in a swarm.

Seeing that Zhang Dafu's mouth and nose were bleeding from the beating, several attendants rolled up their sleeves and came up to fight Yanyan desperately.

"Girl, you go, go!"

Deng Xiangbo was terrified when he saw the situation turned out like this, and regretted it, he kept pushing Yanyan to drive her away.

If he had known that the incident was such a big mess, he would have paid Zhang Dafu for the cart of beans.

It's good now, this matter can't be closed at all, and a kind girl has been involved for no reason.

But Yanyan took off the cloak conveniently, stuffed it into Deng Xiangbo's hand, and said with a smile, "Please help me look at the clothes, wearing this will get in the way of fighting."

After saying a jump, the civet cat seemed to leap into the middle of the evil slaves.

Deng Xiangbo looked at the luxurious clothes in his hand, and at Yan Yan surrounded by a group of vicious slaves.

The old man murmured a little in his heart: Did this girl come here on purpose to pick a fight?

Why do you look at her so excited?

He hasn't seen any girl who likes to fight and play.

What did you eat and raise this?
Deng Xiangbo's eyes were right, Yanyan did it on purpose!

It's not that she likes to fight. Just now, when she passed by outside the crowd and saw this fat cat, her hands were itchy.

In the past, Bi Cheng worked in Haoyuan Building, because of his upright temper, he didn't give Zhang Dafu any favors, so he was run over by this fat cat everywhere.

Zhang Dafu is also very vicious, he specially buys common side dishes, and the master secretly mixes moldy and rotten vegetable roots into Bi Cheng's side dishes.

Because of this, Bi Cheng was sued by the guest officer, and even made a fuss in front of the chief steward, almost losing his livelihood.

Although the person stayed afterwards, he lost three months' wages for nothing.

Yan Yan is a person who protects his weaknesses.

Bi Cheng is her apprentice, she can bully herself, if others want to bully, they have to ask if she is willing to be her master.

It doesn't work if you have been bullied before!

A group of boys looked at the ones who were showing their teeth and claws, but they were actually paper tigers.

Although Yanyan is a scumbag among the monks, she is good at Taiji Jujitsu, but she has a solid foundation of more than ten years.To deal with these stupid boys, it's like playing with a cat and a mouse.

She nimbly shuttled among the few people, and she didn't see how to make a move. The mouths, noses, and eyes of the followers were all painted with heavy colors in an instant.

Yan Yan concentrated on dealing with the few rogues in front of her, but she didn't pay attention to the man squatting behind the soybean cart.

This person is not Zhang Dafu's follower, but he has been sitting behind the soybean cart, staring at Yanyan without blinking.

Nothing else, the man is just envious of that enchanting body.

Just now this body was still wrapped in the cloak, and the man was jealous. Now that the cloak was taken off, the small waist was shockingly thin, not as wide as a man's palm, and as soft as willow silk.

When dealing with a few followers, he still swayed back and forth, which made the man feel hot all over, and his palms were sweating.

When he was watching it vigorously, the man noticed that Yan Yan kicked a boy away, turned around suddenly, and looked straight at him with beautiful peach eyes.

The man was a little nervous, he couldn't bear to be stared at by those star-like almond eyes, he slowly came out from the back of the soybean cart, his eyes were still dishonestly aiming at Yan Yan's slender waist.

Several follower boys have been cleaned up and dragged all over the floor.

what?Find each tooth in a pile of soybeans.

Yan Yan smiled and looked at the man: "Have you seen enough?"

"...No..." The man was quite honest.

But he didn't realize it until the words came out, as if it was wrong to say so.

Then he stood there blushing, but his eyes were still glued to that waist.

Yan Yan bent her lips and tapped her toes, a bean flew out quickly, impartially, and hit the bridge of the man's nose, causing nosebleeds to spurt out immediately.

The man screamed, and immediately covered his nose with both hands, and finally moved away from that annoying gaze.

Yan Yan took the cloak from Deng Xiangbo, put it on her shoulders, looked down at the man squatting on the ground with his nose in his arms, and sneered: "My sister's waist is not a waist, it's Saburo's scimitar, you can't just look at it for nothing! "

After finishing speaking, I was too lazy to talk to these scumbags, and told Deng Xiangbo: "Don't sell this cart of beans at the market, just push it to Bi Cheng's house, let him take it all, and give you cash according to the price."

"Don't go out of the stall these few days. Send all the vegetables in hand to Bi's house, and he will accept them. Avoid the limelight first, lest these people trouble you."

Deng Xiangbo thanked him repeatedly, and by the way, took back the carts of vegetables that Yanyan had bought back to Bi Cheng's house.

Yan Yan left here, and the helpers in a panic dragged Zhang Dafu, who was covered in plaster, out of the soybean pile.

With the "Mao Liansheng" on his face, Zhang Dafu cursed and asked the vendors in the vegetable market about the origin of Yanyan.

She changed her appearance and went back out, but no one recognized her.

Just when Zhang Dafu was annoyed by the fruitlessness of the inquiry, a voice beside him asked obediently: "I know, tell you that there is a reward?"

The one who spoke was the man who peeped just now and was kicked by Yanyan with a bean and hurt his nose.

As soon as the man finished speaking, an ingot was thrown at his feet: "Say it quickly!"

The man quickly grabbed the silver in his hand: "I just heard that girl say that the old man who bought soybeans should send the cart of beans to Tiaofeng Lane."

"Tiaofeng Lane... Wait for me, I will never end with that little girl!"

Zhang Dafu spat hard, and left with a group of evil slaves with bruised noses and swollen faces.

Not long after he walked out, he heard a hysterical howl behind him.

Looking back, Zhang Dafu saw the man who had revealed Yanyan's address to him just now, rolling all over the floor with his head in his arms.

There was obviously nothing around him, but the man was screaming and begging for mercy.

Zhang Dafu was stunned.

Nima, is this a fool?

The man who was crying all over the ground inexplicably, in the eyes of others, really seemed to have lost his mind.

That's because other people can't see the thing beside him.

Only men can see it for themselves!

It looked like a cat, but it had long ears like a rabbit. It was about the size of a half-sized dog, and its blue eyes were very bright...

 Is our Yanyan handsome?Beat gongs and drums for votes!Ask for interaction!

  Babies, Yuxiao really likes to read your messages

(End of this chapter)

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