Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 508 You can't afford to mess with her

Chapter 508 You can't afford to mess with her

The jade sword pierced Qin Yu's powerful Qi Ling attack, and as the Qi Ling gradually disappeared in the air, the jade sword also became invisible and disappeared without a trace.

It turned out that what he fought just now was not a real jade sword, but like Qin Yu's Qi Ling, it was a tyrannical sword energy transformed from breath.

The opponent's Qiling has been able to transform into a shape, which is obviously stronger than Qin Yu's original Qiling, and it has transformed into such a lifelike jade sword, the opponent is obviously a master of swordsmanship.

Qin Yu was also very surprised to see that the qi ling thrown by himself was instantly scattered by the opponent's qi breath, almost without any blockage.

Obviously, the strength of the sword cultivator who made the move just now is definitely above his own!

Qin Yu held his breath and looked at the other party's crowd, but he didn't sense the aura of the divine realm.And the master who confronted him just now never showed up.

It seems that the other party is not alone, but has been spying on the situation just now.

Qin Yu's heart skipped a beat.

At this moment, he also felt a little scared, regretting that he was too reckless just now.

The main reason is that he was too surprised when he saw the glutton just now.

Taotie, a ferocious beast born in nature, is born with incomparable might and ferocity, capable of devouring all things, and is the scourge of all living beings in the world.

However, although Taotie is a natural ferocious beast born from heaven and earth, it is indeed a monster, and it can indeed sign a blood contract with humans.

But the probability of this happening is extremely low.

Only one of the four fierce beasts will be produced every thousand years. As for whether it is Taotie, Qiongqi, Wuwu or Chaos, it depends on the fate of heaven.

The four big beasts grow up in 500 years, and those below 500 years belong to the cub stage. The evil spirits in their bodies have not yet been activated, and they are no different from ordinary monsters. Impossible, and it is even rarer to appear among the human race.

Therefore, although ferocious beasts can sign blood contracts with human beings like ordinary monsters, it is too difficult to find gluttonous cubs that were first born in the human race, let alone successfully sign a blood contract.

However, once the blood contract is signed, it will be a great help.

If after adulthood, one can help the beast to suppress the evil spirits in its body so that it will not be fallen into a demon, it is very possible to have such a beast to become the overlord of a party.

At least in the big world, if you don't meet those hidden god-level powers, you can almost run amok.

The little glutton in front of him, according to Qin Yu's eyes, is only two or three hundred years old, and it is still in its infancy, so it is relatively easy to kill it.

If it grows up in the future, and the owner of this glutton has such a relationship with the Jin family, then the Jin family will have another bargaining chip invisibly...

This was the main reason why Qin Yu wanted to kill Tonba today.

But he didn't expect that someone in the opponent's party would easily break his offensive.

Sure enough, it was the Jin family, so they couldn't be provoked easily.

Qin Yu thought it was a monk raised by the Jin family, but Yanyan knew in her heart that the sword just now was the jade sword Qi shape created by Ah Gui using spiritual power to save Tonba.

In a moment of urgency just now, Yan Yan forgot that Shen Yuyun and Bi Cheng came together today, and Shen Yuyun brought Yu Xinzhu, Yue Ya and A Gui along the way.

Yu Xinzhu didn't want to share the car with Jin Fengjiao and Yan Yan, and took Shen Yuyun's car.

In her own team, there are two bosses in the God Transformation Realm, and she was confused just now.

Seeing that her own people broke through the opponent's attack, Jin Fengjiao suddenly gained confidence, raised her eyebrows and looked at Qin Yu above: "Qin Huashen has figured it out, and he will definitely make trouble with my Jin family?"

Qin Yu frowned, not knowing how to reply Jin Fengjiao.

According to his own thinking, he was naturally unwilling to offend the Jin family, but he couldn't help himself at the moment.

The disciples of the Reincarnation Hall who were in charge of checking the identity tokens below saw Qin Huashen's reluctance, so he didn't dare to let him go easily.

Seeing Jin Fengjiao's posture, it was obvious that she was really going to be annoyed, Qin Yu was really embarrassed, so she had to quietly send a voice transmission to the people inside: "Second Young Master, how do you think this should be handled?"

Just as Qin Yu passed the message, a man in a moon-white brocade robe stepped out from the other side of the second floor. It was Miao Jingchen, the second son of the Miao family.

Miao Jingchen walked up to the steps on the second floor, looked down, and saw Jin Fengjiao and her party, with a gentle smile on his elegant face: "I was dealing with business inside just now, and I heard noises outside. It turned out to be Miss Jin Er. Lost and welcome."

Jin Fengjiao twitched her red lips lightly: "Yuanying doesn't dare to act like that, Mr. Miao can come out and take a look. For this alone, my Jin family has to accept the favor of Mr. Second!"

Hearing that Jin Fengjiao was flattering and secretly criticizing, Miao Jingchen only smiled lightly and didn't care.He leaned forward and said gently to the disciple of the Reincarnation Hall downstairs who was in charge of checking the identity badge: "Hurry up and let Second Miss Jin pass by, even if your ancestor is here today, he would not stop Miss Second, did you have more guts? ?”

When the two reincarnation hall disciples heard this, they quickly backed away respectfully.

Jin Fengjiao didn't say thanks, and led Yanyan and the others in without looking back.

Yan Yan followed Jin Fengjiao and walked inward, turning her head to look at Miao Jingchen standing on the railing on the second floor behind her.

Miao Jingchen also looked down at the members of the Jin family, meeting Yan Yan's eyes.

Miao Jingchen's eyes were gentle, and he froze for a moment, then he and Yanyan nodded lightly as a greeting.

Yanyan withdrew her gaze, thought for a while, and asked Jin Fengjiao beside her: "Second sister, do you think this Miao Jingchen will be with the old man who just shot to kill Tonba?"

Jin Fengjiao frowned and shook her head: "It's hard to say. Today is the day when the auction houses enter the venue to arrange their own booths. Whether it is the Samsara Hall or the Miao Family, they will definitely send people over. This is not a coincidence."

"Furthermore, your beast pet was recognized as a glutton by this old thing. Now that you are sworn sisters with me, it will naturally arouse their jealousy. It is only natural for them to worry that our family will become the only one in the future."

After finishing speaking, Jin Fengjiao also patted the back of Yanyan's hand with lingering fear: "It's fortunate that you have the God Transformation Realm in your people today, otherwise, Tonba's life would be really hard to save today."

Yanyan also felt emotional and nodded heavily.

Jin Fengjiao squeezed her wrist: "Tongba almost died today because he stood up for my Xiaohou. This adult is so kind to me. Go back and ask your Huashen Venerable if he likes babies or spirits." Shi, I will personally come to the door to thank you another day."

Yan Yan smiled: "I can't afford to support this venerable, if the second sister really wants to repay this favor, it's better to owe the other party a favor, our mortal spirit stones probably won't be in the eyes of others. "

Jin Fengjiao raised her eyebrows, and suddenly became interested: "It seems that this person has some background, who is it?"

Yanyan was about to speak, when she heard another dispute in front of her.

The two of them looked over and saw that Shen Yuyun and Bi Cheng, who had just walked in front of them, had already arrived in front of Yanyan's booth.

The two were planning to set up a booth when they were stopped.

 Be safe, be healthy, come on!
(End of this chapter)

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