Chapter 515

Yanyan also hopes to use this sacred tree for a good price.

According to the information provided by Kong Nantian, the price of the stone rabbit must not be lower, and Yanyan also hopes to exchange this sacred tree for some spirit stones to shoot the stone rabbit.

Therefore, now that the Shenmu has appeared, even Yanyan herself will not allow anyone to question the origin of the Shenmu.

Facing the questioning or curious gazes cast by everyone present, Yanyan Yanyan smiled: "Oh, everyone is curious about the origin of this sacred tree and wants to know where I got it, right?"

Everyone subconsciously followed her words and nodded in unison.

Yanyan bared her teeth and smiled, a beautiful little canine tooth was exposed at the corner of her left lip: "This god tree, it must have been sawed in the woods!"

Saw in the woods!
As soon as Yan Yan's words came out, the audience fell silent.

Even Qi Wuji couldn't help laughing.

His little sister is too cute.

Except for Qi Wuji and Jin Fengjiao who knew Yanyan's personality, most of the others, including the several craftsmen in charge of appraising treasures, had complicated expressions.

Saw in the woods...

Why don't you say you picked it up on the side of the road!
You think Langgan wood is weeping willow, it is everywhere!
Only Yanyan looked at everyone with a sincere face: "It's really a saw, I have evidence here!"

While speaking, Yanyan touched the red treasure ring with her fingers, and a large lump of sticks and lumps was thrown on the ground.

When everyone took a closer look, it turned out to be a large piece of tree root.

Yanyan ordered Bi Cheng and the others in the caravan to bring the cross-section of the sawed tree trunk over to face the crowd.

Patting the soil on his hands, Yan Yan said: "You see, this is the root of this Langgan tree left in the soil when it was sawed."

"I also dug out the roots. This time I can always prove that I saw this thing myself? Or I still have a pile of chopped tree crowns and fallen branches and leaves here, why don't you also take a look at it?" ?”

The expressions of all the people present at this moment are almost full of pain, wishing to beat Yanyan up.

Who is this silly girl?Isn't this short-sighted?
It’s not easy to grow such a big, still alive Langgan wood, you can just cut off the trunk on it, why do you want to dig up the roots!

You let the Shenmu grow a few more saplings in the same place, wouldn't it be fragrant?
This prodigal bitch!

So annoying too!
Want to beat up!

Just dare not!

This time, even the craftsmen of the Miao family and the Reincarnation Hall couldn't say anything.

The roots of the tree have been dug up, so what are you talking about?

This is definitely the silly girl who dug it herself.

Or someone who sells wood also sells the roots by the way?
What's more, this is the root of the Langgan tree, and someone who is a little shrewd will never dig out the root, and only this stupid girl who knows nothing and has never seen the world dares to do such a stupid thing.

Of course Yanyan could see the anger and ridicule in everyone's eyes, but she didn't care about these.

The key is to be able to sneak into the auction house to occupy a good position, and later her Langgan wood can be sold for a good price.

As for whether others laugh at her for being stupid or not, it doesn't matter to Yanyan at all.

With Canghua here, how much Langgan wood does she want?It's just that I can't bear to work too hard for Canghua.

Besides, if this old root is dug out, it cannot survive in other places, and it will be thrown back to the Sumeru Realm to grow casually, no different from weeping willows.

After successfully getting the first-class booth, Yanyan smiled blindly, and ordered all the caravan guys to enter the venue to set up.

Jin Fengjiao also led the members of the Jin family to set up the booth.

Several craftsmen in charge of appraising treasures were still surrounded by the huge railing, reluctant to leave.

The craftsman of the Kongfu sighed: "I didn't expect to have the opportunity to see such a huge Langgan wood in this auction. It's really rare!"

The rest of the craftsmen also agreed, and the craftsman of Baiwu Palace said: "If you talk about the value of this treasure, it is actually qualified to enter the valuable auction library."

Yanyan's ears perked up immediately when she heard that she could enter the auction warehouse of valuable items.

I heard that the stone rabbit is in the expensive goods warehouse
The craftsman of the Miao family nodded: "It is indeed enough. It's a pity that this whole piece of sacred wood is too large, and it is really inconvenient to move it into the expensive warehouse."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and looked into the crowd, and seeing Qi Wuji still not far away, he walked over, cupped his hands and said respectfully: "Young Master Qi, this Langgan wood should have been put into the valuable storehouse, but it's a pity that it's too big. It’s too big, so it’s inconvenient to move in and out. But if it’s placed here, such a valuable lot may be damaged by others, you see..."

Now that it has passed the appraisal and is allowed to enter, the lot is equivalent to a lot recognized by Hanxiang Palace and will be protected by Hanxiang Palace.

Especially valuable auction items will receive special protection.

This also reflects the strong auction strength and perfect management system of Hanxiang Palace from another aspect.

Qi Wuji raised his head to look at the giant tree in front of him, and said slowly: "Since it can't be put in, there's nothing I can do. I'll send people from Qi Mansion to guard it here personally."

"Thank you for the young master's shirt!" The Miao family's craftsman finished his salute and turned to leave.

With the young master of the Qi Mansion as a guarantee, even if something happened, no one else could be blamed, so this matter was perfectly resolved.

After listening to the conversation of the few people just now, Yan Yan felt a pang of regret in her heart.

It would be great if I could get into the expensive warehouse.She had heard from Jin Fengjiao that valuable items would be stored separately in a special warehouse, and each auction would be guarded by a special person.

If there are valuable items deposited in it, a special permission token will be issued to the owner of the lot, and the owner of the lot can enter the valuables library with the token to check the status of his own lot.

If I can enter the expensive goods warehouse, maybe I can take a look at the little stone rabbit by the way, what a pity...

Wrong billion!

Just as Yanyan was pondering these things in her mind and was busy ordering everyone to set up booths, Qi Wuji quietly walked beside her.

Attached to his lower body, Qi Wuji pressed his lips to Yanyan's ear, and said in a low voice: "My sister is still so alien to me, she would rather take out her own treasure than accept my kindness, sister It’s so sad to deliberately distance yourself from me.”

Yanyan turned her head away from Qi Wuji's body that was deliberately leaning over, and said with a smile, "It's not easy for you not to be sad? As long as you open your mouth, there will be groups of women who will take the initiative to accompany you for entertainment. Yi, there is no shortage of me."

Qi Wuji smiled softly: "How can those vulgar fans compare with my sister? There are three thousand weak waters in the world..."

Before he finished speaking, the figure with a flaming face had already walked away.

Looking at the Yanyan who mixed into the caravan and chatted happily with the fellows, Qi Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly: "Are you running away? Hehe, this will only make me more interested."

Seeing that Qi Wuji didn't talk to Yanyan anymore, Ax and Wei Chi came over.

Qi Wuji asked in a deep voice: "When she took out the Langgan wood just now, did you two feel anything strange?"

Wei Wei hurriedly lowered his head and replied: "Returning to the young master, there is no spatial fluctuation, Miss Yan may just... just have a ring with a lot of storage space."

Qi Wuji's eyes once again showed the previous relief, nodded and said: "We still have to pay more attention to that place, and be careful not to be noticed."

(End of this chapter)

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