Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 522 Chocolate Heart Is Too Soft

Chapter 522 Chocolate Heart Is Too Soft

Qi Wuji smiled meaningfully: "Sister really wants to know?"

Taking advantage of the gap between the two talking, Yan Yan quietly pulled the distance between each other, and said nonsense: "That's natural, but it depends on whether you want to say it or not."

Qi Wuji's smile deepened: "It's not difficult for my sister to know, but this is a big secret related to my Qi family. With my sister's current status, it is a bit inconvenient to know this secret. But today my sister helped Tianbei Island Retired my fiancée. If my sister is willing to make up for this vacancy, I will tell my sister the secret."

Yanyan chuckled: "After all, you want to seduce me to be your fiancee."

Qi Wuji stared at Yanyan's eyes instantly heated up a few degrees: "Sister, would you like it?"

When he asked, Qi Wuji's usually unruly black pupils showed a bit of sincerity.

Yanyan Yanyan smiled: "Don't tell me, it's your idea to keep me here, it's too nonsense."

Qi Wuji always looked serious: "Sister, don't you believe that I'm serious about my sister?"

Yan Yan turned her head, and was facing Shang Qi Wuji's eyes that were as lacquered as ink.

Those eyes were too clean, coupled with his serious expression at the moment... Yanyan suddenly felt his chest stagnate.

She didn't retort as usual.

Taking Yan Yan's reaction into his eyes, Qi Wuji quietly looked away.

Although the young lady has a bad temper, her soft-hearted temper is really cute!
he likes.


Qi Wuji coughed lightly, relieved Yanyan's embarrassing situation considerately, and said with a smile: "Actually, I don't mean anything else by keeping my sister, I just want to see with my own eyes how my sister makes those delicious candies of."

"Didn't my sister say that you made those candies yourself? I really like it so much that I want to have the opportunity to watch you make it with my own eyes."

Yanyan's face was filled with black lines.

Want to see her make a candy, can't you talk well?It has to be like talking about love.

Yanyan: "So, if I make candy for you, can I go back?"

Qi Wuji suddenly took two quick steps to stand in front of Yanyan.

Yanyan lowered her head and didn't pay attention, almost bumping into his arms.

As soon as he raised his head, he turned to Shang Qi Wuji's black pupil who was a little angry: "You hate me so much?"

Yan Yan gently shook her head: "I don't hate you."

"Then why do you always avoid me, like I'm a plague god! What did I do to make you unhappy?"

When he said these words, Qi Wuji's expression was very serious, and his whole body unconsciously exuded a very special power, which was daunting.

Even Yan Yan, who has always had a strong aura, subconsciously didn't want to touch Qi Wuji's edge when facing Qi Wuji in front of her.

Taking a step forward, Qi Wuji's tall figure almost enveloped Yanyan in his breath, leaned slightly, his handsome and helpless face pressed against Yanyan's face from above: "I remember, since I The first time I saw you until now, I have never done a thing that displeases you. Why can't you get along well with me?"

Yanyan looked up at him, not knowing how to answer this question.

For Qi Wuji, in fact, Yanyan's feelings towards him have always been contradictory.

Indeed, as Qi Wuji said, he never did anything that made Yanyan hate him. In fact, on the contrary, he helped her get out of the predicament several times, just like the last time I went to Miao's house with Jin Lanjiao to retire. If it wasn't for Qi Wuji, Maybe she won't be able to keep her tonba that time.

Although Yanyan knew in her heart that she was indeed grateful to Qi Wuji, but Yanyan herself didn't know why, and she always resisted getting too close to him deep in her heart.

Even though every time we get along, Qi Wuji is extremely gentle and considerate, as if he has endless patience with her.

His gentleness and consideration sometimes make Yanyan feel guilty, thinking that she might be thinking too much.

But after the guilt was over, when he approached next time, she couldn't help but want to put a distance between them.

The same feeling, Yanyan had never appeared on Canghua.

Although Canghua's coldness makes people not easy to get close to, but when she is beside Canghua, Yanyan will have a sense of security for no reason.That kind of feeling is completely opposite to the feeling towards Qi Wuji...

"elder sister?"

Seeing Yanyan bowed his head and remained silent, Qi Wuji felt inexplicably nervous, thinking that his tone of speech just now was too domineering, making Yanyan unhappy, so his tone automatically softened.

Yanyan raised her head and smiled slightly: "I'm fine, don't you want to see me making candy with my own hands? It's just fine now, I'll make candy for you!"

Yanyan has adjusted her mentality at this moment, her tone of speaking has returned to her usual calm and natural, and her eyes are crooked when she smiles.

Qi Wuji likes to look at her big and beautiful eyes the most. She is so smart and intelligent, but there is no trace of sophistication in her eyes.It still maintains such a clear and clear halo, just like a spring in a deep mountain.

Qi Wuji felt that he might never tire of looking at Yanyan's eyes for the rest of his life.

So, when Yanyan smiled, he couldn't help but also laughed.

"Okay! Let's make candy!"

The ingredients for Yanyan to make chocolate are all ready-made in the Naring. Anyway, it’s okay to stay, so she also took out the small oven that Boss Qiao made when she was in Eagle Rail City.

When teaching the prostitutes in the Sumeru Realm, Yanyan made some low-gluten flour when she had nothing to do, and now she also took it out, and she planned to make some desserts along the way.

Ever since she embarked on the road of searching for six stars, Yan Yan has been busy hitting the back of her head almost every day, even if she cooks a lot in Luwu City, it is to get close to Haomai.

It's been a long time since she washed her hands and made soup for her own preferences like she did on Earth.

Unexpectedly, by accident, Qi Wuji gave her this chance.

Yanyan likes to cook, and when she was on Earth, she opened an internet celebrity restaurant with her pocket money, which is quite famous in the private cooking circle.

Although she was forced to leave it for Qi Wuji to make dessert at the moment, when she touched the pastry tools, joy from the bottom of Yanyan's heart burst out immediately, and her beautiful big eyes were filled with joy from the bottom of her heart.

It was the first time for Qi Wuji, who was sitting beside her to watch her make dim sum, see Yanyan's eyes like this, he just stared at her in a daze, and even forgot to come back to his senses for a while.

Yanyan's concentrated appearance and the joy in her eyes are seen in Qi Wuji's eyes.

For another moment, Qi Wuji felt that there might no longer be such a beautiful girl in this world.

Because she accidentally encountered cocoa seeds on the road, the dark chocolate used by Yanyan for the cake is very pure.

The dark chocolate was only half melted, and two heads poked through the door.

The upper one is an axe, and the lower one is a dangerous scorpion.

Although the two of them knew that it was too risky to do things like peek at Miss Yan making dim sum in front of Qi Wuji, and they might spend the rest of their lives unable to take care of themselves.

But, I can't bear it!
This's so fragrant!

 Writing cakes tonight, Xiaoyu is handicapped. . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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