Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 532 Subway Formation?

Chapter 532 Subway Formation?

While the runes drawn by the black-robed old man were slowly printed on the circular pattern on the ground, a dazzling red light immediately appeared around the pattern.

The entire circular pattern began to slowly rotate with the red light.

Qi Wuji took Yanyan's hand, stepped onto the slowly rotating pattern, and explained to her at the same time: "Did sister use formations before? The one in front of me is a formation specially used for teleportation. With this formation, we can directly It’s much easier to go to the valuable auction warehouse than to take a ride.”

It was Yanyan's first time seeing a live teleportation formation, and she stared curiously at the formation diagram constantly shining brightly under her feet.

She had heard from Canghua that there were monks who practiced formations.Many sects also set up special mountain guard formations.

But it was the first time for her to see and use it in reality.

Yan Yan and Qi Wuji stepped into the teleportation formation, and Wei Qi and Ax followed suit.

When all four of them stood inside the formation, the old man in black robe who was responsible for activating the formation next to him took another spiritual energy pill, raised his hands high above his head, and uttered a series of spells that Yan Yan could not understand at all.

The area around the formation under the four people's feet suddenly became red, and it started to rotate and move down directly towards the ground.

Yan Yan confused!
This... a subway formation?
After entering the ground, Yan Yan looked around in surprise, only to find that the ground was completely empty, no wonder this formation can sneak directly into the ground.

Looking down, there is a large expanse of dazzling white.

That piece of snow-white light is impressively the big auction house of Hanxiang Palace.

It turns out that this large auction house is actually connected to the interior of the Qi family.

In other words, the auction house itself is part of the Qi family.

The formation slowly descended, and the fifth floor of the auction house was an empty space that had not been decorated.

The surrounding stone walls are all repaired by Yan Yan in the Qi house, the kind of rough stone bricks cut out of the original big stone, which looks dark, simple and empty.

The teleportation formation that Yanyan and the others were riding was very stable, carrying the four of them down slowly.

When descending to a certain place, Yanyan suddenly felt something move in her hair.

Yanyan raised her hand subconsciously to stroke the hairpin on her temples.

Qi Wuji looked down: "What's wrong?"

Yan Yan: "I went out in a hurry in the morning, my hair was not combed, and the hairpin was loose."

While speaking, Yan Yan pulled out the wooden hairpin from her head, opened her temples and tied her hair again.

Twisting up her hair, she tied the wooden hairpin back into her hair, Yanyan raised her head and smiled at Qi Wuji as if nothing had happened.

Qi Wuji glanced at Yanyan's hairpin, and frowned: "My sister is so beautiful, it's really wronged me to use only such a simple wooden hairpin for decoration, if there is an accessory you like in this auction, I bought a few for my sister."

Yanyan smiled nonchalantly: "Hi! I'm a businessman, and I'm not a young lady who stays in a boudoir all day long. Wearing those things is not enough to cause trouble for myself! "

Yanyan: "Just this wooden hairpin is pretty good. It's durable and won't be missed by others!" After finishing speaking, Yanyan smiled playfully: "Haven't you heard of it? Don't reveal your wealth!"

Qi Wuji laughed loudly: "I just like my sister's straightforward temperament! Well, as long as you are happy."

Yanyan lowered her eyes and smiled, and raised her hand to touch the wooden hairpin between her temples.

What she used to tie her hair at the temples was the space key that she just bought from an auction house a while ago.

When the teleportation array descended just now, she clearly felt something vibrate between her hair.

The space key has been modified by Canghua. When the current space key senses a space crack, it no longer emits the original dazzling light, but changes to a tremor reminder.

In this way, even when encountering a place with spatial fluctuations, the spatial key will only vibrate slightly, which is not easy to attract the attention of others, only Yanyan knows it well.

The hairpin trembled in her hair just now, which meant that there were spatial fluctuations or spatial cracks in the place they passed just now.

Somewhere in this stone room, there is a spatial crack?

When the hairpin vibrated just now, Yanyan didn't know whether the hairpin disappeared because it was worn on her hair, so she couldn't determine whether it was a space crack or a space fluctuation.

But in the auction hall of Hanxiang Palace, there must be spatial fluctuations or cracks!
The last time I encountered a space rift at the entrance of the auction house where the space key was auctioned, this time I encountered it again.

How many space cracks are there in this giant swallow castle?
Why are there so many space rifts in this place?
Yan Yan felt that there seemed to be some secret hidden in Juyan Castle?
And what she didn't know was.

Just when her hairpin issued a reminder, in another dark room separated by a stone wall.

The boy in the giant crystal egg, at the same time as the space key issued a reminder, his body moved violently as if in response, but he quickly returned to a peaceful and deep sleep state.

While Yanyan was pondering about the crack in space, the teleportation array had already brought four people to the platform on the fifth floor of the auction hall of Hanxiang Palace.

Now the auction feast has begun, and all the auction houses that have settled down have begun to display their treasures and enthusiastically attract customers.

The auction hall of Hanxiang Palace is also open to everyone at the same time. You only need to pay [-] low-grade spirit stones to buy a special badge for this auction feast of Hanxiang Palace.

The special badge for the entrance of Hanxiang Palace is polished with a kind of blue jade, and a special charm made by the craftsman is added to it. When entering the door, it can react with the flawless sword hanging above the door, so as to confirm the identity of the badge holder.

With the badge, you can enter and exit the auction house unlimited times, which is much more cost-effective than paying ten low-grade spirit stones for a single entry.

Yanyan also got a badge yesterday, which was given by Qi Wuji.

Different from ordinary white jade badges, the one Qi Wuji gave her was orange-yellow and transparent, with a drop-shaped red amber core in the middle.

This orange badge is the exclusive badge of the owner of the Qi Mansion, and a drop of Qi Wuji's blood is sealed inside. This badge not only has no limit on the number of times, but also has no limit on the schedule.

A sapphire badge with an ordinary fifty spirit stones will automatically lose its effect of entering the door after the auction is over.

But the orange badge that Qi Wuji gave to Yan Yan has no such limitation.

As long as Hanxiang Palace holds an auction, no matter how many realms, Yanyan can enter and exit freely as long as she has this badge.

Such a privilege badge is exclusive to the Qi family, not even the Jin family, Kong family and other five major shareholder families.

That is to say, Yanyan will never again encounter the embarrassing situation of being blocked outside the door when she opened the door on the first day.

When Yan Yan first got the badge, she only said to borrow it for a few days and return it to Qi Wuji after the auction.

After all, she doesn't plan to return to Juyan Castle in the future, so keeping this badge is useless.

But Qi Wuji said at the time that he didn't need this thing, and let Yanyan keep it for fun.

Now Yanyan understood.

Qi Wuji really doesn't need this thing

People go directly to the portal, not even the gate.

(End of this chapter)

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