Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 538...Marriage Proposal?

Chapter 538...Marriage Proposal?
Because of her good relationship with the Kong family, Yanyan was specially allowed to have a close look at the little fish demon.

After getting along these days, Kong Nantian knew that Yanyan liked small animals, so he made an exception and gave her a small piece of jerky to let her enjoy the addiction of feeding them.

Yanyan was extremely excited to see the legendary little mermaid up close.

I broke off a small piece of jerky, put it in my palm, and carefully stretched it over the water tank.

As soon as she stretched out her hand, the big colorful tail of the fish swept over and slapped the small piece of dried meat in her hand into the water.

As soon as the jerky fell on the surface of the water, the little guy lurking in the water quickly stretched out three thin fingers, nimbly twisted the jerky and stuffed it into his mouth.

Then it flipped over, flicked its big tail, and disappeared.

Yanyan didn't expect the little guy to be so clever, and immediately became more interested, but she smelled the dried meat in her hand a bit not so fresh.

The Shanhaijie people did not master the skill of drying meat jerky. Although they also have the means of drying meat to preserve the quality of the meat, the jerky is usually spoiled by the time it is dried.

When Yanyan was on Earth, she had seen Mongolian air-dried meat with her own eyes.

Unlike the bacon in the south, Mongolian air-dried meat basically does not use seasoning, but the meat is also of good quality and can be preserved for a long time.This is mainly related to the special climate in the north.

When traveling on the road, the bodyguards of the caravan beat several fat bison at a time, the meat was extremely delicious, so Yanyan changed the climate of a warehouse in Xumijing, and did something according to the Mongolian method. Dried bison strips.

Yan Yan took out a small piece of dried meat from the storage ring, and prepared to feed it to the little fish demon.

It is much better in taste and quality than the fish fed by Kong Nantian.

As soon as her air-dried meat was taken out, a small head the size of half an apple popped out of the water.

A pair of round eyes stared straight at the air-dried beef in Yanyan's hand.

Yanyan smiled and praised: "You're quite smart!" She cut off a small piece of air-dried beef with a knife and handed it to the little fish demon.

The little fish demon cautiously stretched out her small hand, which was only bigger than a one-yuan coin, and took the air-dried meat from Yanyan's hand and put it into her mouth.

After chewing for a few times, the little fish demon suddenly widened his eyes, turned over and sank into the water and disappeared.

Yanyan was startled, and quickly lay down on the wall of the water tank to look into the water.

What about the fish?

Why did it suddenly sink?

Could it be that she was killed by her jerky?

She didn't ask if this little thing is allergic to beef...

Only now did Yanyan feel that her behavior just now was too hasty!
But she identified it just now, the piece of jerky that Kong Nantian gave her was clearly an ordinary piece of pork jerky.

And the quality is definitely not as good as her own beef jerky.

Is it okay to eat pork, but is it allergic to beef?

But Yan Yan felt that the digestive ability of animals is usually much stronger than that of human skin.

This guy won't be so picky, will he?
The scorpion fish did sink into the water, and there was no further movement.

Yan Yan felt extremely regretful.

If this little fish demon is killed, Kong Nantian won't be able to play with her?

She had heard all about it just now, in order to get this little fish demon, Kong Nantian almost spent all the capital that Kong Mansion could use now.

The Kongfu can all hope to make a fortune with this little thing.

If this little fish demon makes a mistake, she won't be able to compensate for it.

"What's wrong?" Kong Nantian's voice suddenly came from beside him.

Yanyan trembled in fright, subconsciously shook her head: "Huh?, it's okay."

Kong Nantian smiled and said: "You are so focused, it seems that I scare you. But this little guy is really rare. If it is not so expensive, I would like to keep it for myself."

Yanyan nodded quickly: "Mmm! It's really cute!"

Seeing that Yanyan likes to watch the fish of the scorpion, Kong Nantian didn't bother her any more, and turned around to make a living in the auction house.

Just as Kong Nantian left, Yan Yan was planning to continue to observe the situation of Xiao Yan Zhiyu, when a Cang Hua voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "No!"

Yanyan's face was bewildered...

What's the matter?
The mind went blank for a few seconds before Yanyan realized that Canghua's "no" meant that the stone bunny was not found in the expensive goods warehouse just now.

Yanyan slapped her forehead.

She patronized the fish just now, but she even forgot the main purpose of going to the expensive storehouse.

It's time to fight!
But immediately Yanyan was shocked by the meaning of Canghua's words: "No? There is no stone bunny in the expensive goods warehouse, so the things are not here?"

Canghua: "I feel that the star in the warehouse is very strong just now, it must be here! It's just that it may have hidden its whereabouts."

Yanyan suddenly remembered that the stone rabbit had not lost her star power.

Although the little stone rabbit is in a deep sleep state, he is still a star after all.If it feels that there are unfavorable factors around it, it is very possible to hide or transfer, and it is a breeze.

And as far as Canghua said, the stone rabbit has retained a full grid of star power.

With such powerful divine power, the monkey squatting on the door of Guipin warehouse couldn't stand it at all.

Yanyan: "It will be difficult if it runs around, where can I find it?"

Canghua: "Wait for a while, I really can't..."

Canghua had just finished speaking halfway, when the water tank in front of Yanyan suddenly made a sound of "哗啦!"

Yan Yan was taken aback, and when she looked up, she saw a shadow leaping two meters high from the water tank, making a beautiful 360-degree turn on the spot in the air.

The water droplets on the colorful tail shook Yan Yan's face, and then plunged into the water again.

The fish is all right!
Yan Yan hurriedly lay down on the edge of the tank and looked into the water.

As soon as she put her face closer, she stared at the little white-haired head that popped out of the water.

The round eyes meet Yan Yan face to face.

Just as Yanyan was about to speak, the little guy suddenly stretched out his small hand, took something out of the water, and handed it carefully to Yanyan.

The thing was not big, so it was pinched between two fingers by the little guy.

But the moment this little thing came out of the water, a multicolored glow suddenly rose into the sky, and the entire huge auction hall was dazzled by the multicolored brilliance.

That kind of brilliance is very similar to the fire of diamonds released in the sun, brilliant and dazzling.

The entire hall was shocked by the sudden release of Huaguang.

Many guests from the nearby booths flocked here to watch the fun.

Even everyone in the Kong family, including Kong Nantian, looked back at the water tank in surprise.

Qi Wuji, who was standing in front of the door, turned his head curiously...

Yanyan didn't expect that the little guy would bring out such a shiny thing when he emerged from the water, he stared at the little fish demon in horror, not knowing what to say for a moment.

At this moment, in front of Kongjia's auction booth, it was instantly crowded with guests who came to watch the excitement.

Because there were too many people, in order to protect the safety of Yan Zhiyu, all the monks of the Kong Family blocked the door, and even opened the barrier of the God Transformation Realm at home.

Everyone who was blocked in front of the door stretched their necks curiously and looked inside.

Then everyone saw the whole upper body of Xiao Yu Zhiyu sticking out of the water, stretching out his small arms, twisting a brilliant ring between his three fingers, and eagerly handing it to the girl standing beside the water tank

Yanyan standing by the water tank widened her eyes in surprise, looking at the shiny ring that Yan Zhiyu handed to her in front of her...

This... proposal?
(End of this chapter)

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