Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 55 Deng Jiazhuang

Chapter 55 Deng Jiazhuang

Mrs. Deng Xiang's family combed her temples with an embroidery needle, and asked cautiously: "I have heard what you said just now. Are you going to hire a cook?"

Mu Juaner nodded: "Exactly."

Mrs. Deng Xiang's family hesitated and continued: "Your Deng Xiangbo's two nephews are cooks, but they are all rural cooks. They have never seen the big world in the city. They have some skills, but I don't know if they can be admitted to Ah Cheng. Eye."

Yan Yan hurriedly said: "It doesn't matter if you are a local cook, as long as you are a skilled cook!"

Although the cooks in the country are not as knowledgeable as the cooks in the city, they still have the basic skills on the stove, which is much better than that of novices.

The aunt of Deng Xiang's family nodded immediately: "It's a familiar hand, and it's all handed down from the family. Your brother Deng Xiangbo was born in this line of work."

Yan Yan immediately made a decision.

The aunt of Deng Xiang's family hurried back to talk to Deng Xiangbo about the matter.

Deng Xiangbo's family is honest, they got Yanyan's help earlier and were thinking of repaying it, now they heard that they are short of kitchen helpers, so they immediately led Yanyan and Bi Cheng to Dengjiazhuang outside the city.

Dengjiazhuang is just on the edge of Luwu City, only a dozen li away from the city, Bi Cheng personally drove Yanyan and Deng Xiangbo into the village just after noon.

Dengjiazhuang is located on the hillside at the northern foot of Luwu Mountain. Almost all of the Zhuangzi are surnamed Deng, and their ancestors all come from the same ancestral hall.

Deng Xiangbo brought Yanyan and Bi Chengyi into Zhuangzi, and almost all the people he met were relatives of Deng Xiangbo, who were very friendly and friendly.

It has been half a year since Yanyan came to the mountain and sea world, and she has never been to a village in this world, it feels quite fresh.

As soon as the carriage entered Dengjiazhuang, she got out of the carriage and stood at the entrance of Zhuangzi to look at the small village in front of her.

It's early winter, and compared to the city, Zhuangzi looks extraordinarily peaceful and serene.

Wooden and stone houses are laid out in random order, separated into squares by rustic fence walls. Along the dirt road, among the high and low chimneys, persimmon trees that have lost their leaves look like burning persimmons with small lanterns, just like on a simple gown. The embroidered red velvet buttons add a bit of vitality to the bleak season, revealing a vivid human touch.

Not far away, a turbulent silver belt is embedded under the mountains.

Bi Cheng and Deng Xiangbo, who had settled the car and sedan chair, came out from Zhuangzi to look for her.

Yanyan pointed to the river and asked: "Is that river famous?"

Deng Xiangbo smiled and said: "Miss Tang just came here not long ago, and that river is the famous Ze Gengshui!"

Yan Yan had already turned around, but stopped when she heard this.

Turning around and looking over to the river, she said in a low voice, "That's Ze Geng's water."

Definitely forgot about the river for a moment, Yanyan looked away, followed Deng Xiangbo to the village, and asked casually: "Your ancestors lived here, have you heard of Gu carvings?"

Bi Cheng glanced at his master indiscriminately.

His master is trying to scare people again?
Deng Xiangbo said with a smile: "Gu carvings, I often hear about it. Women talk about this thing every day, and use it to bluff bad children. All the children in Dengjiazhuang are called this thing to bluff, hahaha..."

Yan Yan didn't smile, and then asked: "Has anyone really seen it in the ancestors?"

Deng Xiangbo smiled and shook his head: "That's not true."

"I heard from the old people that this thing was born in the water, it is a great monster, and it will cause great disasters in this world. But my Deng family's ancestors have lived in this place, and I haven't heard of anyone who has seen it with their own eyes."

"Hehe, it's probably just a rumor, to frighten children who love to play in the river."

Yanyan asked again: "Then, have you heard that something happened to the hunters who went hunting at night in the mountains recently?"

Bi Cheng, who had been silent all this time, took another look at Yan Yan.

Master, she still remembers the mutant lake.

Deng Xiangbo nodded: "I've heard about this, it's really strange that the city spread the story."

Seeing Yanyan's serious expression, Deng Xiangbo thought she was afraid that she rarely went out of the city, so he comforted him with a smile: "Miss Tang, don't be afraid, what you're talking about is about the east of the city, I heard that there are wild weeds growing in the mountains over there."

"This kind of grass is unlucky. It is said that it is transformed by wronged souls. If the beasts in the mountains eat it, they will go mad. We are here at the northern foot of the mountain. I have never heard of any beasts hurting people."

Waste grass?
This thing Yanyan sounded familiar, as if he had found it in some book.

The three chatted while walking, and Deng Xiangbo led the two of them into the yard of a farm house.

As soon as he entered the door, four or five people came out of the house to welcome him.

The one who walked in front was about the same age as Deng Xiangbo.Deng Xiangbo introduced to Yan Yan and Bi Cheng: "This is my second elder brother. He was a country cook before he got married, and now his two sons are all country cooks just like him. My wife told you about mine. The two nephews are the children of my second brother's family."

After Deng Xiangbo finished speaking, two more than 20-year-old men standing behind came forward to greet Yan and Yan.

One of the two juniors is named Deng Jiang and the other is named Deng Hai. The two brothers seem to be about the same age as Bi Cheng.

The father and son had honest smiles on their faces, and they seemed to have the same down-to-earth temperament as Deng Xiangbo.

The second uncle of the Deng family took two steps forward, bowed to Bi Cheng and his apprentice, with a grateful expression on his face: "I have heard about the affairs of the third brother's family, and the nobleman has saved my brother's family from a catastrophe, for this kindness, my family should be very grateful. "

"I heard that the nobleman wants to hire a cook, as long as the nobleman doesn't dislike it, the three of us, and the seven or eight apprentices under his command, the nobleman will send you whatever you want, and we will have nothing to say!"

As soon as the second uncle of Deng's family finished speaking, the door of the main room opened, and a capable woman in coarse clothes came out, smiling angrily: "The distinguished guests come from all the way, so please don't go in and talk, the older you are, the less sensible you are, Hehehe~"

Before people arrive, laugh first and hear it.

Yan Yan glanced sideways, the middle-aged woman had already walked up to her, with a happy smile on her round face, she was a typical rural woman.

The woman habitually stepped forward to hold Yanyan's arm, but when she saw Yanyan's appearance clearly, the outstretched hand retracted in embarrassment.

He smiled and smoothed things over: "Ah, this girl, this is made of Baiyu, right? Our little hands are not willing to touch her, so sit inside!"

Deng Xiangbo smiled and introduced: "This is my second sister-in-law, the most temperamental woman in Zhuangzi. You can joke with her."

Everyone else laughed, and they entered the main room surrounded by Bi Cheng and Yan Yan.

The main room was dimly lit, so the second aunt of the Deng family moved a large square table to the window, placed a high-backed wooden chair beside the table, and temporarily found a piece of starched and washed floral cloth to cushion the seat.

After finishing all this, the second aunt of the Deng family raised her head and greeted Yan Yan: "Come here, girl, sit here. The girl looks like a naturally delicate person. With the girl's overall style, our place has become a pig's nest. , girl, don’t think so.”

Yanyan thanked the second aunt of Deng's family, without any embarrassment, and sat down graciously.

Deng's second aunt moved the charcoal basin to Yanyan's feet.

Several men, including Bi Cheng, consciously sat away from Yan Yan, and began to discuss the serious business of helping the cook.

The second aunt of the Deng family poured hot tea for everyone and went out.

But after a while, when he came back again, he held a large bean blue coarse porcelain bowl in his hands, steaming from the bowl, and he held it to Yanyan.

"There's nothing good at home, it's cold outside, girl, drink a bowl of this while it's hot, to get rid of the cold."

Yan Yan looked down at the contents of the bowl, and was startled suddenly.

 Babies, guess what Yanyan saw?

  It's cold, dear friends, keep warm
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(End of this chapter)

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