Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 572 Concubine!out!Female!

Chapter 572 Concubine!out!Female!
Suddenly, there was a voice in the room, and the three of them jumped at the same time.

Quickly look in the direction of the tea table...

Only then did I realize that at some time, Miao Hanyan, the eldest daughter of the Miao family, had already sat at the coffee table.

At this moment, hot tea has been filled in the cup in Miao Hanyan's hand.

Apparently people have been in for a while.

In the Miao Mansion, Miao Jingchen's image has always been modest and low-key, with a slightly cool elegance.

Thinking of Miao Hanyan listening to the words flattered by the boys just now, Miao Jingchen felt a little unhappy.

Asked in a cold tone: "When did Hanyan come? Why didn't you say hello?"

Miao Hanyan took a sip of tea and smiled coldly: "I am the eldest daughter of the Miao family. Although you are my second elder brother, you are still the second son, and your status is still below mine. I'm here, so it's fine if you don't greet me , why should I greet you?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as the eldest lady entered the door, there was a hint of contempt for Miao Jingchen in her words.

The two servants are used to serving in rich and noble families, when they encountered such a situation, their faces changed in shock, they dared not stay to serve, they hurriedly left.

Even though he was a sensible servant, Miao Jingchen couldn't hold back his face, and when he pressed his brows, a bit of sternness appeared in his eyes.

But the words that come out of his mouth are still calm and kind: "Since Hanyan doesn't like my second brother, knowing that I am ordered by the family to guard this precious auction warehouse, why do you come here?"

Miao Hanyan twisted the teacup and sneered: "Hehe, you think I'm here to see you? Don't be ridiculous, I really can't stand it I thought it was too embarrassing to stay with her, so I went out for a walk to relax."

After finishing speaking, Miao Hanyan looked sideways at Miao Jingchen, and smiled contemptuously: "Second brother has always been pretentious and thinks he is smarter and wiser than elder brother, so you won't be helping that idiot Miao Qiyan secretly, right?"

Miao Jingchen's expression froze.

Suddenly being told... Miao Jingchen was extremely embarrassed.

What Miao Hanyan said was right, he was just helping Miao Qiyan that... idiot.

He can't talk about this!

Seeing that Miao Jingchen was silent, Miao Hanyan smiled lightly, stretched out an arm, and slowly raised the gauze-covered cuff, revealing a small section of slender wrist.

Turning his eyes to Miao Jingchen, Miao Hanyan smiled and asked, "Second brother, do you think my skin is fair enough?"

Miao Jingchen only glanced lightly, and was suddenly surprised.

Miao Hanyan's exposed skin is like a cloud wrapped in a gauze sleeve, fine and smooth, white and luminous.

Not to mention Miao Qiyan, even Ba Yiniang's fox-turned goblin doesn't have such rare beautiful skin...

The main reason for Miao Jingchen's shock was that he knew the inside story.

Miao Hanyan, the eldest daughter of the Miao family, was born with a black skin.

When she was three or four years old, Miao Jingchen still clearly remembered that Miao Hanyan was playing in the garden with a group of little maids, and when she smiled, her dark little face could whiten her teeth.

For such a dark girl, if her face is fairer, it is reasonable to say that she has a delicate makeup to cover it up.

But even his body is so white and delicate, which is unbelievable.

Even if Miao Hanyan is a monk and can expel dirt from his body during cultivation, he cannot completely change his natural skin color.

Not all monks are all over the country.

Become a monk and reach the Foundation Establishment Stage to practice the beauty-retaining technique.

Many young monks have cultivated to the foundation establishment stage early, and they have stopped their appearance in their twenties.

In the future, no matter how long the life span is, as long as the qi sea in the dantian is not damaged, it will be able to maintain the appearance of youth.

The Zhuyan technique is not completely young and not old, it just ages very slowly.

If you cultivate to the top of the golden core, the speed of aging will be almost negligible.

But this is only limited to beauty, and one needs to cultivate to the Nascent Soul Realm if one wants to become completely beautiful.

At the Nascent Soul Realm, one can practice the shape-changing technique, which can completely change the body, hair, skin, and appearance into another appearance.

However, changing the shape of the Nascent Soul requires the consumption of spiritual energy, and because it is a change in the technique, not the appearance of the body, it cannot be maintained for a long time like the Zhuyan technique.

If he really reached the Nascent Soul cultivator, it would not be a problem to change the color of his skin.

But Miao Hanyan in front of him is obviously not!
Just when Miao Jingchen was in a daze, Miao Hanyan had slowly lowered his sleeves to cover his arms.

Twirling the teacup again, Miao Hanyan looked at Miao Jingchen with an obviously surprised expression, and smiled triumphantly: "I was dark skinned when I was young, which is well known in the clan, but now, I have completely changed my skin Muscles and bones, this credit should be attributed to the seven-colored treasure that was once placed in my room."

At this point, Miao Hanyan couldn't help laughing: "Of course, I can get the colorful treasure, all thanks to my status as the eldest daughter of the Miao family. However, this matter should also be attributed to my elder brother. It was my elder brother who found this treasure for me. A colorful Baoshan plant."

Hearing Miao Hanyan mention Miao Jinghua, Miao Jingchen's eyes darkened and his face was a little ugly.

Miao Hanyan on the opposite side didn't seem to notice the change in Miao Jingchen's expression at all, and still talked on his own.

"Now, the colorful treasure mountain that originally belonged to me, I transferred it to Miao Qiyan. Everyone in the Miao family knows that the colorful treasure mountain is very important to me, but I gave it to the concubine who snatched my fiancé. Therefore, the entire Miao family now praises me with the phrase 'know the general situation and take care of the overall situation'"

"But actually..."

Miao Hanyan stopped talking, and looked sideways at Miao Jingchen: "My skin has been completely renewed, and that thing has little effect on me now. What's more, I have used it for more than ten years. It is considered a treasure. Every day I have absorbed the essence of it, and it is almost used up."

"So, Miao Qiyan will always be Miao Qiyan. She will always be Miao Qiyan. Even if she is really pregnant with Qi Wuji's child, I have been raised by Qicai Baoshan for more than ten years. Speaking of pregnancy, I'm afraid it's much easier than her!"

"Elder Brother is clumsy, but Eldest Brother is exceptionally good, dutiful, and loyal. In the future, I will be the young mistress of the Qi Mansion, and I will inevitably help him."

"And I am the official fiancée of the Qi Mansion. When it's my turn to marry into the Qi Mansion someday, she Miao Qiyan will be what she was before, and she will remain the same in the future. She will always be a concubine, Come out, girl!"

The tone of Miao Hanyan's last three words was deliberately heavy.

These three words were like a heavy hammer, which struck Miao Jingchen's heart three times.

Miao Jingchen suddenly remembered what his father had told him in private back then.

"You are the second son, don't ever think about your elder brother's position as the head of the family. It is absolutely impossible in my Miao family to pass on the second but not the elder!"

"But I'm obviously smarter than elder brother, why can't I fight for it with my ability!"

"No matter how capable you are, it's absolutely impossible! You are the second son, and you are destined not to be the head of the Miao family!"

(End of this chapter)

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